Added New Pictures

Nov 01, 2006

I added some new pictures to the "my family" album. They are of my Joseph and Savannah on Halloween. Enjoy!


Nov 01, 2006

I had the nutritionist consult and the educational class yesterday at the hospital. Everything went fine. I started the liquid diet today. That's fine. I don't mind the shakes much. I'm using the Glucose Control Boost Protein Shakes. I also got a bunch of sugar free junk to help me to quit sugar. It's going to be hard, but I'm glad that this is really happening. All I have left to do is the Upper GI Endo and the GB ultrasound next week, so I'm happy about that. 
I'm feeling a lot better today. I think that the flu yuckies are finally going away. I still had a sore throat this morning, but I think it's from the cold weather we are starting to have here. I started taking my supplements today, so I expect to start feeling a lot better soon. I was really happy to hear that I don't have to take any extra Iron since I had the hysterectomy. I hate taking iron pills. I think that's where my aversion to supplements comes from. Iron makes me have an icky tummy. But the rest of it is fine. I started taking an extra B Vitamin too, in hopes that it will help my hair to stop falling out. The nurse said that it's probably falling out because of the hysterectomy, but taking a B vit and eating extra protein won't hurt. I'd love to have one day that I don't have clumps falling out, and now that I'm having this surgery, I know that it will only get worse. I'll just have to do all that I can, after that, it's out of my hands.
I'll write again next Friday or Saturday after the appointments.


Oct 29, 2006

I am not feeling well today. I have been kinda sick for the last week or so, off and on. We have all been passing it around here at the house. I hope it all goes away in the next week, so that my surgery is not postponed. 
I am really nervous about the endoscopy. I have a really strong gag reflex, and I hate when things are over my mouth. I feel like I will suffocate. That's why I hate the Cpap thingy.
My friend Kim is looking forward to being able to crunch things. I know how that is. Since I quit smoking, I have been eating and snacking a lot more. I think that will be really hard to deal with after the surgery. I have to find more things to do with my hands. When I can finally start working out, it will be nice. I think that it will be a lot easier to go through the pain of exercise when I will KNOW that I will be losing weight. 
I have been painting a lot more lately. It really helps at night when I have a lot on my mind. I don't really care if people think they are any good, but the actual act of painting is so soothing. My kids really like the paintings, so that makes it worth it.
That's all for now. I have a class scheduled at Gateway Bariatrics on Wednesday, so I'll write again after that.
Have a great Halloween!


Oct 25, 2006

Hello all,

I just got back from the doctor's office. It went well. It seems silly, though, to have to wait for 3 months to see the doctor for less than 5 minutes. I felt a little violated.

Anyway, it went fine, and the nurse set me up for my last two appointments, both to be done on the 10th of November. I'll be getting the GI Endoscopy and the Gall bladder ultrasound. I have the dietician's number to call tomorrow and make an appointment. I don't expect that the wait for her will be that long.

So, I am thinking that the surgery should be scheduled before Thanksgiving, but we'll see. I'll write again when I know more.


Oct 24, 2006

I am realy nervous today. Tomorrow is my appointment with Dr. Steely. I am excited because this thing is really going to start moving, finally! It's been such a long time since I started this journey. There have been so many ups and downs and disappointments, and I know that there are many more to come, but at least the ball is rolling.

I have been really feeling sick lately, and I hope that it doesn't push everything back for me. My legs have been so sore. I can barely walk up and down the stairs anymore. I spent all day yesterday and the day before in bed because the pain was so bad. But tomorrow is also my husband's birthday, so I popped a few Advils and I need to start cleaning the house and getting everything ready for him. 

We have a four day weekend, but we can't do anything because we have no money. Our friend said she would watch the kids for us, but it looks like there will be no where to go. It's a bummer. But someday we'll be better off, and at least right now we have each other and our bills are getting paid.

I weighed in today at home. It says that I have gained another 10 pounds, so I'm up to 275 pounds. That really sucks, but it puts me over the BMI standards for the surgery. 

I'll write again tomorrow after I get home from the exam.

Good Luck Kim Doll!

Oct 16, 2006

My good friend Kim is having her surgery tomorrow!!!! I am so excited for her. I can't wait until it's me. 
Congrats, Kim, on your new life and your new body! I am so thrilled to be a part of your journey, and to have you as a part of mine!

New Profile...

Oct 15, 2006

Ok, so I guess we all get these spiffy new, I have put all the entries of my old profile down below in the "My Story" section, and from now on, I'll update up here on the "blog" section. Happy Reading!

About Me
Fort Campbell, KY
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
My before heaviest ever.

Friends 30

Latest Blog 77
