Hello World!

Jul 17, 2012

I'm not sure who I want to see this, but if for no one else but myself, here it goes. I am fat. I ahve had issues with being over weight for almost as long as I have memories. When I was only in fourth grade, I remember running around in the summer months with no shirt and having my friends make fun of my belly. In Jr. High, I remember going to a birthday party and being shoved into the pool with my clothes on because I was the fat kid and it was okay to pick on us. Finally, during the summer of my Junior year in High School I discovered bicylcing and salads. I started the summer at 281 pounds (I am 5' 10"). By the end of that summer, I was down to 170. I had an awesome Senior year with my class of '83. Then off to college. My dad died suddenly when he was away traveling for work. The unlce I was closest to died from lung cancer two years later. I began a series of periods of regaining and then losing the weight.

Fast forward to now. I'm 47, with a 12 year old son and 10 year old daughter. I have a desk job and between work and shuttling kids, I find it challenging to carve time to exercise. But boy do I enjoy cooking and eating. If I had to choose a new occupation, I would love to open a diner or cafe. When we get together with friends, I love to cook elaborate meals. And of course an interesting cocktail or good wine must be paired with it. I'm at 271 pounds. I'm pre-diabetic. I've had high blood pressure (controlled with meds) for at least 4 years now. Low HDL is hereditary and I have that. Together, this creates the trifecta of health, metabolic syndrome.

Two years ago, at my annual physical, my doc asked me if I've ever considered bariatric surgery. I asked for a referral. And didn't return the requisite questionaire to begin the consult process. Over the last two years, I requested two other referrals to the program. I'm not sure what changed this year, but for the fourth time, this June, I requested the consult. I returned the questionaire and quickly was scheduled for my consult. I was screened by a surgical intern at UC Davis Med Center and he suggested I was a candidate for a vertical sleeve based on my lifestyle. Then, later that day, I met with Dr. Ali, head of the Bariatric program at UCD. He looked me in the eye and told me he didn't get to say this to everyone, but I was an ideal candidate for RNY.

I've been in shock since then, coming to grips with how overweight I've become, as well as the extreme measures I'm considering to overcome this. Can I adhere to the program to insure my success? I want to be here for my kids, my wife, simply to enjoy my life. I've gone through some of the testing required with some still to go. I'm not sure which procedure I will have. As each day passes though, I become more certain that I must succeed.  


About Me
Colfax, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 04, 2012
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