Life And Other Nastiness Almost Three Weeks Post-Op

Dec 05, 2012




Almost three weeks post-op now!  Cue the streamers!  Yeah, I would do that if I had any energy.  It’s my third day back to work and I am zapped.  I’ve been getting my protein in (by some miracle with the help of a protein shake in the morning and a protein bar for a snack), I have been taking one multi-vitamin with iron (maybe I need two?), B12, and calcium (not at the same time as the iron).  I think I have all my bases covered…what else could it be?  Am I missing something?   I only get about half of the suggested 8 cups of water in a day, but could that interfere with my ability to stay awake during the day?
I get especially tired right after eating something.  It’s like my stomach says, “No, we need all the energy you have to digest this, nighty night!”  And off I go.  I literally just took a thirty-minute nap in my office from eating a protein bar.  How is that right?  Ugh.


In other news, I am officially down to 342.  I weighed this morning…and I know I shouldn’t weigh every day, but I can’t help it sometimes.  I felt really fat this morning (hel-lo, you are still fat!) and I think it had something to do with eating everything on my plate last night for dinner.  Kay made this awesome crab casserole and spaghetti squash (if you are noodle lover and you haven’t been eating spaghetti squash, you are missing out!), and I actually ate everything on my plate for the first time since my surgery.  It took me about an hour and a half, but I still did it.  It probably had something to do with my inner hungry monster tasting that casserole and screaming in my head, “THIS IS AWESOME!  EAT MORE!  EAT MORE!”  That monster has been quiet lately, and thankfully it didn’t make me overeat, which is what it used to do, but it made me eat my whole plate.  And I didn’t get sick!  Weee!  I’m pretty excited about that too.


I have had experiences puking, but I don’t think it was dumping.  The first time it happened when I was eating a scrambled egg and had one bite too much – basically spit up this thick mucus-like stuff, but then an hour or so later I thought everything was fine and tried a protein shake, which I threw up along with pieces of egg.  YUCK!

My second experience was with spaghetti.  My uncle told me forever ago that he can’t stomach spaghetti at all, and Kay made some with ground turkey and I think the problem was that I wasn’t chewing it enough.  I pretty much have to chew to a very smooth, lump-free consistency before I swallow anything.  Then I made the mistake of drinking some milk later and that came up too!  Ahhh!

The third (and final?  yeah, I wish!) experience was with a chicken sausage I heated up for breakfast.  I cut it into little pieces and stopped when I thought I was full, but apparently I didn’t stop early enough because the last bite came up.


I learned three things from these experiences:

1)      Don’t eat again for AWHILE after puking.  It’s not a good idea.

2)      If you feel sick and can’t swallow, just go throw up, you’ll feel better.

3)      Take the time to eat!  If you have to be doing something else while you eat because you get bored like me, than do that!  Talk to someone, play a game on your phone, watch TV, whatever…just EAT SLOWLY!  For the love of not puking!  EEEP! 


So yeah, so far since I have remembered these three things, I haven’t puked anymore.  Yay!!!


Even though I think I was born to be independently wealthy and not work, I enjoy being back on a routine.  I have been remembering my vitamins, I set a timer on my phone to go off every five minutes to remind me to sip some water (which has been very helpful), I have been walking during the day, so I feel like I’m slowly getting back to normal.


Actually, I am also pooping, which I am pretty excited about because after my post-surgery diarrhea, I was backed up for a bit.  I never let it get so bad that I felt it before taking a laxative, but I have had a bowel movement every day for the past two days!  It feels weird being excited about that, but I have always had issues with chronic constipation (like since birth) and that is one thing I was worrying about.


Let’s see…what else…my clothes are feeling a lot looser on me.  I am still not down any sizes, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be out of size 28 pants until I’m under 300.  I carry most of my weight in my caboose, and the last time I got to 300, I was still in 28s and 26s were still tight.  I can wear anything from a 1X to a 4X top.  My boobs are versatile that way…and of course, they shrink first.  How is that fair? 


Oh well, I guess that’s how it works…but that’s pretty much all that’s been going on with me up to now!  Stay tuned!

