Almost Five Weeks Post-Op! I Feel Like Celebrating!!!

Dec 19, 2012


I am one day ahead, but I want to write while I’ve got things on my mind….so in no particular order – especially any order that might make sense – here I go!

Vitamins…I have a love/hate relationship with vitamins.  I ordered some Celebrate Iron Supplements over the internet that are 60 mg, that I’ve been taking for a couple days.  I figure they came just in time because my period started earlier this week and I have been bleeding pretty heavily, so I figure it’s only a matter of time before a full-fledged deficiency comes about.  Either way, I was told these tasted good – they’re berry flavored and they do not taste good.  They are tart and they have that same “vomit explosion” that the Flinstone vitamins had.  Ugh.  I’m pretty much sucking it up at this point though…it’s only one chew once a day, and Lord knows I need the iron.  I also stopped taking it with my thyroid pill because I noticed when I got that refilled that you’re not supposed to take it with iron or any other vitamins.  Hopefully that will get both pills to work better.
Here’s the website for where I found the vitamins:  They sell a lot of bariatric surgery products.


For calcium, which I do not take with iron, I found some chews that are pretty good and can be purchased at Walmart.  They are pretty tasty and aren’t difficult to digest at all.  So I’m thinking I shouldn’t have any problem there.

B12…ah, the elusive vitamin…to satisfy my need for this one I bought some drops from Amazon and I had read somewhere that if you have a 5000 mcg dosage, you only need to take it once a week.  Well, I have a 2500 mcg dosage, so I assumed I should take it twice a week…I have actually changed my stance on this and started taking B12 every day because thankfully, it’s not one of those vitamins you can have too much of and it really does help with my energy and I believe with my bowel habits, but I’ll get back to those later.


Other than that, I’m getting in all my protein and over half of my water intake.  I will probably fall over in a state of shock and float off in 64 oz of water from my own body if I ever actually achieve that amount.  I used to try to get to that goal when I was pre-op and I could never achieve it.  In fact, I didn’t want to.  Every time I did I found myself peeing every five minutes.  But either way, that’s the goal, so I will try to achieve it.


As far as my food intake goes, I have been eating pretty much anything.  Yesterday I had a hamburger patty, which I ate half of.  Today I had chicken nuggets, of which I ate five.  Yesterday we went to Applebee’s and had half a serving of Lemon Parmesan Shrimp, which was sooo good.  There was rice with it, but I didn’t eat much of that.  I am trying to cut back on my calories because I only lost a pound last week and I can’t figure out why.  I’m getting in plenty of water, I’m exercising, I’m getting in my protein.  The only thing I can figure is that I’m eating too much…or not enough.  One of those…definitely.  Either way, it’s frustrating me.  I had heard that a lot of people have a stall around this time, but it doesn’t make it less frustrating.  Hopefully it is just a stall and I will start losing again next week or this week…either one.  I did my measurements and lost about an inch around my waist, so I’m not even losing inches. 


My step-mom isn’t losing either, btw.  Ugh! 


So, how am I pooping you ask?  Just fine, thank you.  I’m not sure if it was my period or the B12, but I have actually been able to poop without the assistance of a laxative for the last three or four days.  Of course, I haven’t pooped yet today, so my streak might be over.  L


As for my mood, I’ve been a little moody lately.  I might attribute this to my period, but I have gone from being elated to being extremely depressed.  Yesterday was a happy day, but it also may have been because I tried a 5-Hour Energy – did you know those are basically full of B12 & B6 along with a little caffeine?  I had no idea…but I was in an exceptional mood yesterday.  Today, not so much.  I’m a little moody, but I’m sure that will change eventually.  Give it a second…it’s like a train.

I have been thinking about getting back on my Welbutrin, but I know I’m going to need to get a new prescription for a non-time-release version of it, which I’m not sure is generic.  I have the “SR” version which is normally “Sustained Release” but I have to take it twice a day.  I don’t know if it will work or not.  Sounds like a job for my doctor to figure out.

Well, that’s pretty much it!  Hope everyone else is doing well and holding their loved ones close this year!  Happy Holidays!


