Slowly Learning to cook

Aug 15, 2007

08/16/07 - Thursday

The eating thing is going pretty good. Mom came over Saturday and showed me how to cook some chicken breasts. I can cook some, but I never get the seasoning right and I couldn't make gravy. All my chicken comes out tasting the same. So I made quite a few chicken breasts, browned in Olive Oil and then in the crockpot with gravy. Since I"m still on pureed foods,l I needed something really tasty that I could puree'. I ended up making a regular dinner for Sean and the kids (chicken, mashed potatoes, cream style corn). I split the chicken breasts in half and bagged each individually and for four days I had chicken-mashed potatoes and corn (all pureed of course) for lunch and dinner. Yumm

Last night and today I made egg salad (even I can boil an egg) for dinner and lunch. No idea what I'll eat for dinner.

I go for a 'fill' next Wednesday and they will tighten my band.
Then Thursday I eat clear liquids - Friday full liquids and Saturday, Sunday, Monday back to pureed (that is if my stomach allows it). If all goes o.k. I go on 'soft' foods Tuesday the 28th

On soft foods, I can have fish, lean beef or pork, tuna, egg, creamy peanut butter, low fat cheeses, low fat yogurt, refried beans, soy products, cooked (peeled) vegetables, potatoes, rice and pasta (maybe-some white flower products don't sit well with lap band), toasted breads, pancakes, cooked cereal, applesauce, bananas, canned fruit (no pineapple), and low fat soups.

Hey I wonder if I mix it all together what it would taste like? LOL. I guess I'm just going to have to learn to cook - I'm just so bad at it. I've been looking for simple, tasty non-spicy recipes, but I don't even know what half the seasonings they call for are ! And I'll be damned if I'm going to a cooking class at 51 years old ! Thank G*d for the internet! I'm looking for a good pea soup and ham recipe and different ways to cook chicken and pork.

I've lost 41 pounds and started my exercise bike yesterday

Pureed Foods Coming Up

Aug 05, 2007

8/6/07 - Monday

'm an accountant and I can't count! I don't have to wait till Saturday for pureed food - hip hip hooray !!! I get pureed foods on Wednesday ! Yum Yum. Tuna for lunch and refried beans for dinner !!

8/3/07 - Back to Work

Aug 02, 2007

I'm tired. I went back to work today - came home, played with the kids and watched "so you think you can dance" and then started working on Angel Bear. [yawn]

I'm on full liquids for the next week and half so I'm looking for good liquid stuff to eat, even if I can only have 4 oz at a time.

Lisa and I went to Babies R US yesterday - after my doctor appt - and bought a bunch of stuff for Allison. I came up with the idea of doing a "Bath and Butt Box". We bought all the stuff on her registry for the bath plus some stuff she didn't register for and then we bought the diaper Genie and two refills. For some reason I got a kick out of doing a bath and butt box : ) Mom - Lisa and I are giving her that and then Ashley, Alyssa and Annalise have seperate presents (they picked out themselves).

I'm doing very well according to my surgeon. The bariatric coordinator was so pleased with my progress - I'm doing so well physically, I'm psyched emotionally, I'm very happy with my decision and very focused and motivated - that she asked me to be a speaker at one (or more) Bariatric Seminars. I think it would be fun!

I've lost 22 pounds since surgery plus 10 before for a total of 32. Today my stomach has been growling alot but I really don't want to eat. I've been out to a restaurant twice now and its been really easy to just have 1/2 cup of soup (I'm still on liquids).

Normally I would have to wait 5 weeks for a 'fill' but my doc said I can have one in 3 weeks. I don't really feel much restriction (I just stop eating at 4 oz) so there must not be much stomach swelling. So on 8/22/07, I will go in for my first 'fill' which will tighten the band. I'll have to eat clear liquids one day, full liquids one day, pureed food one day then soft food one day before going back on the original eating plan. I'll only be in my fourth week post op so I'll still be on pureed foods.

5 Days Post Op

Jul 29, 2007

Recovery is going good but slow. Some days better than others. Most days I can only get down about 10 oz of liquid although Saturday I got down 15 oz. I'm failing miserably at getting the protein in though - protein powder in 2-4 oz of liquid is yucky and I can only have 4 oz of liquid at a meal.

Saturday I started the full liquid portion of the diet and I got to eat sugar free pudding - whoo hooo!

Pain gets better everyday although today (Sunday) I didn't take any pain meds and by the end of the day (including lifting Annalise) I was hurtin. Today was kinda a yucky day for me. My stomach is upset and icky feeling (I have a runny nose so maybe that is doing it).

I honestly haven't been hungry at all. That's what the doctor said would happen....I hope it continues.

I lost 15 pounds since the surgery and a total of 25 pounds since the doctor gave me my surgery date (he made me lose 10 pounds before surgery). Mostly water I'm sure, although eating only 10 oz of food (liquid) a day must be causing the body to eat some fat for energy. After all how much energy could possibly be in 4 oz of Jello ???? LOL Either way, water or fat, I'm 25 pounds lighter and feeling it. Of course that's like throwing a deck chair off the Queen Mary (who's gonna notice?) - with so much more to go it is just a drop in the bucket.

I don't regret the surgery for a minute....but contemplating the long road ahead of me (including plastic surgery), I do regret not keeping my weight under control after having my babies. Hindsight is 20/20 and if it was easy...I would have done it.

So now with the Lap Band...I just gotta do it.

Testing Done-Waiting for Surgery

Jul 20, 2007

July 2007

The testing is done and waiting has begun.  Today is the 20th of July.  In four days I have the lap band done and I gotta say:

I'm very scared!

I just read a post where a lap band patient died of a blood clot!  Is this an omen?

July has been a busy month.

July 6, 2007

I had my upper GI and chest x-ray - yuck-yuck-yuck!  Drank a bicarbonate - then barium - stood on a platform while they took tummy pictures - the platform laid back and I had to turn over 2 times.  Boy was that a site. A 300 lb woman in a hospital gown turning over two times on a skinny table LOL.
Then I had to lay on my stomach and drink more barium (yuck) but I got to watch the computer monitor which was cool.  I could see the barium enter my tummy.  Cool!      Met a woman from our support group (Joan) who was there for her pre-op testing too.

July 9th thru 16th we were in Orlando Florida (hot and humid!) for a children with diabetes conference.  Not my best experience.  I was  fat and uncomfortable, my back hurt I couldn't walk, I felt fat and useless and depressed.  My daughter and I got into an argument the night before my B-day (7/11) so I spent my b-day in the room while everyone else had a good time.  I was miserable.  

July 14th - I did manage to go to Magic Kingdom with my daughter Lisa her husband Sean and my three grandgirls; Ashley-Alyssa and Annalise.  I took LOTS of pain meds, and sat often but I still walked miles!  OUCH!  That is something I never want to do again.  I want to be thinner so I can do these things more comfortably.

July 18, 2007

Had my pain management appointment with an advanced practice nurse.  She is prescribing IV deloudid for pain in the hospital then Norco (a stronger Vicadin/Tylenol mix) for at home.  She was so nice I couldn't believe it!

July 20, 2007

Last day at work (Friday).  Monday will be the cleaner outer day and then Tuesday surgery!

Sent PCP an email telling him how scared I am. He is a pretty good Doc.

July 22, 2007

Will be seeing my aunt Donna whom I haven't seen in 15 years.  Her and her husband Greg will be coming to my house to meet the 'girls'.  I'm looking forward to it.

Ate the 'last supper' with Donna, Gregg, Lisa, Mom and my grandgirls.   I had Steak and BBQ ribs from Applebees and it was yummy!

Tomorrow I start the 'cleaning out' phase.  Gotta love magnesium!

July 23, 2007

Monday morning got up and psyched myself to drink the magnesium nitrate to 'clean out my insides'.  Just the thought of it make me nauseous.

I set up a TV tray and lap top in my first floor powder room, sat on the pot and drank the magnesium in three separate tries. I chewed gum in between cause I couldn't stand the taste and feel (it was carbonated).  I kept telling myself - you can do it - you can do it - its almost over.  (the surgery was easier than this!).  Then I sat on the pot for awhile.  Nothing happened.  Got up to do some work around the house and BLAM my bowels started gurgling and that was the start of MANY trips to the bathroom (boy was I clean!)  Everytime I went to the bathroom I'd sit for awhile afterward surfing the internet (what a picture that must have been!)  

By the time I was finished my butt hole was sooooo sore I yelled everytime I went.  Like I said, surgery was easier that this..

My mom came out to sleep overnight so she could go to the hospital with me very early in the morning.  It is a 40 mile drive to the hospital.  I stayed up till 2am then got up at 4am to go to the hospital.  Who needs anesthesia?  I could have just fallen asleep (only kidding!)

July 24, 2007


Testing-Testing-Testing Month THREE

Jun 28, 2007

When will all this testing and education end?   I've taken more time off work for testing thatn I will for the surgery?!

                                June 6, 2007

YEAH  I'm APPROVED!    Surgery schedule for July 24, 2007

After hearing that I was approved I was able to make my last appointment - the dietician.  My doctors office wanted me to see a before and after dietician.  Lose some weight to shrink the liver and then of course the post surgery eating seminar.  Made both appointments for June 27th (the absolutely only appointment they had open!.)

                                 June 18, 2007

Had my "post approval" appointment with Dr. Wallace.  I gained twelve pounds and he was not happy.  

I had a 3-page list of typed questions that I wanted to be sure I understood.  Some of the questions I knew the answers to but just wanted the Doctor's confirmation.  Most were very simple questions.  Most I got off the OH website.

When I gave it to Dr. Wallace he looked a little irritated and said "after everything you still have questions?"  Then he proceeded to tell me where I can get answers to my questions; like the support groups (which I go to) and websites etc.  I was rather shocked at his answer.   Maybe he was having a bad day.  He speed read the questions outloud with answers which made me feel rushed and unimportant.  I hope I didn't make a bad surgeon selection.  I would love to hear from anyone else who had Dr. Wallace.  

Anyway, after he chastised me for gaining weight, and answered all my questions, he seemed in a little better mood.  I just said "I have a lot of answers to all those questions from other sources but I wanted confirmation from a medical professional"  After that he 'loosened' up and made the comment that it was good I was so well informed.

Personally, I think he likes the 'cookie cutter' patients who just do what they are told and don't waste too much of his time.  I'm glad he has LOTS of experience and has done this a million times, but I also think that makes him a little impatient with anything out of the ordinary and that makes me nervous.

Or maybe I'm just nervous and little things bother me.  Maybe I mistinterpreted his attitude.    Time will tell.................

                            June 27, 2007


Met with the 'before' dietician at Kane's office building.  She was nice but really didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.  I just pretended I didn't know so she wouldn't feel bad.  We just talked about how I needed to lose 10 pounds.  Well no sh$$t, why do you think I'm having surgery?   When I first saw her she thought I was there for a six month supervised diet to satisfy my insurance.  She was surprised when I told her I already had my surgery date.  Seems like Kane's office isn't very good at figuring out who needs what ?!?!?!  Perhaps they need a checklist for themselves and us patients?


I met mom for breakfast and then headed over to Alexian Brothers hospital for the post surgery eating seminar.  IT WAS GREAT!  There were only six of us in the class and we asked lots of questions!  Going into this class I was really worried about post surgery eating but afterward I felt lots better and much more 'educated'  She gave us lots of ideas and I really feel good about my 'plan' of action.  Its funny because she kept saying.  Plan-plan-plan.

Plan your meals ahead of time
Plan your water intake 
Plan your grocery needs and get them before surgery
Plan to eat SLOW and CHEW well

She was very realistic in what we needed to do and I'm very glad I went.  The class ran over by 45 minutes.  I had a pain management appointment in Schaumburg that I missed so I had to reschedule it for Monday July 2nd.   No wonder it takes 4-6 months to get to a surgery date!  And that is without the 6-months supervised diet!

June 28-29, 2007

Well I'm practicing my "mouse bites" and eating slowly.  It feels kinda weird but I have to say that when you don't gobble you fill up faster.  Last night for the first time in MONTHS - I didn't want a snack.  My daughter had brought me Rocky Road Ice cream (my favorite) and I didn't really want it - but I ate it out of habit (actually had to kinda talk myself into it).  Anyway I normally eat a pint a night, but I only had a cup full and didn't go back for more !!!!!!  Could it be possible that this will work?  Dare I hope?

My first post

Jun 08, 2007

I just joined OH and am looking forward learning LOTS!  

I just got my approval and will have Lap Band Surgery in July 2007.

I'm Scared!  I'm Scared that:

Lap Band won't help me lose weight
I won't be able to tolerate eating less and taking longer to do it
The port inside my body will hurt
The surgery will be open rather than laproscopically (as it is suppose to be)
There will be lots of pain after surgery
I'll be miserable without my "stuff my face with the foods I love" entertainment
I won't be dedicated enough to make it work

I have sooooo many fears..........Help!


Testing - Testing - Month TWO

May 10, 2007

                                May 11, 2007                                          

Appointment with Pulmonologist - Dr. Hart - he wanted all the test results from the heart doctor and said he wouldn't approve my request untill all the cardiac tests were in.

I had a breathing test (after having contracting a cold a few days before - boy was that hard to do without coughing !) and all was normal.  

It does not appear as if I have any sleep apnea, but they gave me an overnight oxygen test (the litle thing that goes on your finger) to use and return - it measures my breathing overnight to see if I might need a sleep study test.  Gosh I hope NOT.   I did the overnight breathing test Sunday night and returned in Monday May 14, 2007 when I went in for the cardiac test.

                                      May 14 - 15, 2007

Yeah!  I don't need a sleep study - I do not have sleep apnea!.

Two day treadmill test with the radioactive isotope and a cat scan machine.  All perfectly normal.

Since my mom has a histery of blood clots I suggested they order a venogram of my leg which they did.  I went right over to the hospital and the venogram came back normal.

So far so good.....

Took the overnight breathing test the 14th and returned the machine the 15th.  I never hear anything so I guess it is all o.k.   The office staff said they would call if anything were wrong.  Sure enough they called.  Apparently it fell off my finger in the middle of the night so I had to repeat the test on May 24, 2007.  All came back normal.

Final paperwork fax from PCP found and submitted and Insurance approved!

Testing - Testing - Testing - Month ONE

Apr 18, 2007

                                                 April 19, 2007

Took a  600 question Psych test and met with Dr. Adam Krane, a Physchologist - his job is to make sure we have a realistic understanding of what bariatic surgery is all about and that we posess what it takes to make lifestyle changes that will make the surgery (which is just a weight loss tool) work for us.

Oh yeah and he needs to make sure we are not NUTS - ha ha - I passed !

                                                April 30, 2007

My first round of physical tests was with my Cardiologist (I'm ashamed to admit I hadn't had a cardiac physical in 3 years !)

Dr. Venoodar Reddy (cardiologist) thought I was making the right decision.  He did an EKG (normal) and scheduled a 2-day cardiolite (thallium) stress test.  The radioactive dye they use had to be administered over a two day period to get good pictures of my heart which is hidden behind my massive breasts.  

Dr. Reddy also did some thyroid blood tests.


The Road to Insurance Approval

Mar 14, 2007

Even though I had met every criteria my insurance company wanted, I got caught up in the pile of files that the surgeon's office bariatric insurance approval admin person, Maggie, had to process and added a month to my processing time.

My insurance company wanted a BMI of greater than 40 (mine was 59) - a TSH blood test (I had just had a complete physical) - documented six months of physician assisted weight loss ( I had 4 years) and an EKG.

I'm a great researcher so I knew what doctor's I would be required to see.  I had to see my cardiologist (I have heart disease plus a rare heart disorder called Printz Metal Disease where the cardiac blood vessels constrict and cause reduced blood flow to the heart).  I found out from the Maggie I would need to have a pyschiatric evaluation - a visit to the pulmonologist and possibly a sleep study depending on what the pulmonoglogist said.

Let me stop here and say to all of you on this road - DO NOT LEAVE IT UP TO YOUR SURGEON'S OFFICE TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.  Take control - find out what you need and then pursue it.  Call your surgeon's admin staff often and ask for updates.  Keep your case on their minds.  

My mistake was just letting Maggie take charge of my file.  She never realized that I had been through the process with this office years ago but couldn't get insurance approval so I had a chart started and knew what to do.

My primary care physician faxed over my complete file (and physical information) as well as a letter regarding my weight loss journey with him and a request for whatever else they might need.  My file sat in a pile waiting for the TSH and physical information and no-one realized it was already in the file!  And....I needed a behavior modification form as well as documented diets with weights and my primary care physician signature.   But no-one told my PCP ! 

So in the meantime I started the testing I knew I would need.  My surgeon's office didn't want me to start the testing till after insurance approval (just in case) but I knew I would be approved and if not approved I knew I would finance the surgery.  I needed to do something !  My quality of life was at an all time LOW!

In the end, after much hounding on my part and many mistakes on Maggies part in June 2007 they submitted my request to the insurance company.  Even though I was extremely prepared,  it still took 3-months for the Surgeon's office to submit my request to the insurance company.  It took the insuranc company less than 48 hours to come back with a DENIAL !!!!!

It was a short lived scare.  All we needed was 6-months of documented weight loss and beahvorial modification efforts which was provided by my PCP.  Unfortunately, the fax got lost at the surgeons office (really they are a great office - just some admin gliches) and it took 2 more weeks to resubmit to the insurance company.  It took the insurance company 48 hours to announce they APPROVED my request !  Hip Hip Hooray!

About Me
Romeoville, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 34
Where has all the time gone?
RESTRICTION after 2nd fill - will it last?
2ND Fill
