Aug 15, 2010 I have slacked off so much

Aug 15, 2010

So here I am . Checking in almost a year to the day later. I spend way too much time on facebook and no time on here at all.
I need a kick in the pants. I have gained back some weight , like around 30 lbs. I'm not surprised. I have been on unemployment for over a year...I get no exercise and my eating habits are not good., I am going to join a support group and make some new friends and get on the ball.  Compared to last summer, I am a slug.I should however comment that I am still right now 83 lbs down.

Thank God I can get on this website and start getting inspired again before I really have a big issue.
I could say that I quit smoking on January 4th, which it WONDERFUL and I am happy bout that. I thank God for the perserverance. ..( and okay I will give myself some credit for keeping smoke free ). I won't blame the weight gain on that though. ..well, okay , I'll cut myself some slack. That could be a reason to have gained some weight. I want to live in the solutions though....I don't have to analyze this.

So here I go. Today is my day. Today I am connecting with some good people and breaking out of my isolation.


Summer has been great this year

Aug 18, 2009

Wow it's been so long since I've been on here , about 10 months. My weight loss has been terrific. I lost a total of 120 lbs and have only gained back about 7 lbs. ..that's because I never exercise and I eat what I want. Sometimes I eat ice cream, and sweet things and salty snacks. My little pouch can't hold alot of food or anything else, so I am never very hungry, ever. I take my vitamins and supplements most of the time and I still try to eat my protien first. I still can't tolerate pasta very well, but no biggie.

To wear and feel good and look nice in a bathing suit, oh man. I guess you know that wonderful feeling. The surgery has been life changing in so many great ways.

My labs are good and I am due for new ones soon. I have become a new creation since the surgery. I am so energetic and agile, it's wonderful. I don't go to support groups or stay connected with any other people who've had WLS but I will always be grateful I was able to have the surgury and my Insurance paid every penny.

I would like to have cosmetic surgery to rid the bat wings and a breast lift and tummy tuck but I can't afford it financially at this time. I am living with it....and it's not all that bad. Oh and the gooseneck , it's there but not very pronounced .

So once I can figure out how to shrink my pictures I will retry to upload them toput up an avatar at the least.


October 26th, 08

Oct 25, 2008

Jumping on for a minute. I am too busy to update with photos, but I am going to try and spend some time on my own page here and update for real. ...just not right now. But I am reporting (to myself, I suppose) that I am now 125 lbs down. I can't take the credit because I am still a screw up. ( My life is a little unmanagable) I am healthy though, for all intents and purposes. My blood levels have gotten better and better. Just had blood labs and a check up and thank the Lord, all is good.

September 24, 2008

Sep 24, 2008

I think it's about time I logged in. I am so busy and never on my computer at all!
I am now in one-der-land. I have lost a total of 122 lbs. I am still not good at nutrition. I don't eat healthy, and I don't eat enough. I certainly don't eat enough protien. I have to get back on track. My little stomach is always so tight . Regular food hurts my stomach up until night time. I still can't tolerate pasta or certain foods at all, but I don't mind.

I have to  update this page with new photos too. I will be back as soon as I have the time.


Jul 13, 2008

I am loving my life. I have lost 110 lbs. I have so much energy all the time...well most of the time. I am so much healthier. I am happier by far and loving nature, and having fun.


March 31-08

Mar 31, 2008

Here I am...finally. Well I have not been on this site in quite a while. I am 103 lbs down, feel great and look so much better. I am much healthier than I was before my surgery. I am off of my both blood pressure meds, and off of insulin. I am still on pills for my blood sugar, but I hope that I can eventually go off that too when I loose more weight. I am really neglectful of my discipline. I never eat enough protien or good foods. My habits haven't changed very much. I still skip meals, I still love my chocolate and I am still unstructured. I don't go to support groups or associate with anyone with the same goals in common. Actually, I need to get back to basics in some areas of my life. The surgery enabled me to lose over a hundred pounds . Okay so I guess I helped it along by doing things right for the first few months, but I admit it, I don't ever exercise, I don't even take a walk.

On the up side of this, I have schrunk...alot. My shoe size, ring size , braclet size, clothing size and in every way I am much smaller. It is a wonderful thing. I have lots more energy and more self esteem than I've had in years. I am so very grateful that WLS was invented.

I am glad to be here right now and I simply must get back on track. I want to lose another 40 lbs, which I can do if I do things right, like I should.

I left my job, I resigned from it in December, I was so burnt out. Now I am looking around for another one. I would love to get out of nursing, but I can't just yet. I need a plan.

I posted some new photos , finally, but I can't get the new avitar on here . I have to shrink the photo first, which I don't have time to do.

Well, I hope I am back on here communicating with all the nice people on this site. I need to get back on track if I want to continue getting healthier.

101 lbs down

Jan 09, 2008 took me long enough, but here I am. I have not lost much weight in the past few months. Nevertheless, I am 11 months out and down over a hundred , thank God.

I love my new look. I love how people are shocked and delighted when they see me after so long.

My holidays were beautiful. I had my siblings and their families over for the day. well as my own children and grandchildren.

I have to update my profile. I will post my latest photo from before Christmas. I'm sitting , but you can see my dramatic weight loss pretty well.

90 lbs down !

Sep 28, 2007

Oh happy day! I only have ten more lbs till I am a hundred down ....woo hoo !!

Busy as can be....enjoying my life a little more. Still getting settled in the new house. The Fall weather is so nice and the leaves are changing colors.

I have to get some photos taken and put on here. I'm sure I look much different than I did before.

Thanking God , as always for everything.

Labor Day 2007

Sep 03, 2007

I have to update my photos. I am over 80 lbs down and look so much different now. I am loosing my pants and shorts all the time. LOL, they just fall down.

I love my new self. I feel so good. I am so tired, because I am so busy and working so physically hard. the house is coming along, and we are still cleaning painting, unpacking and getting organised. The former owners were total slobs. This house was filthy, and I mean really filthy. So we had to do alot of extra scrubbing. But it's all good.

I went to a family party yesterday, and my Auntie had me dancing with her. We danced the "Lindy", which is a dance from the 50's. It's quite the dance, and I kept up with her all the way through. I could not have done that for the longest time, till now. All these milestones make me so happy. I am so grateful I was priveledged to have the Gastric Sleeve surgery. And my insurance company paid every penny of my Drs and hospital bills.

I am so agile now, I can cross my legs, and just do so much more than before. I am so glad I got this surgery. I truly wish I had done it sooner, but the main thing is its done, and it works.

I have to get in more protien, but my appetite is so small. I will just continue to do the best I can.

Monday Aug 20 80 lbs down !

Aug 19, 2007

Happy and grateful, am I .  I hit the 80 lbs off mark as of this morning. I have to post some new photos as soon as I can.

My house is coming out beautiful . The painting is almost finished  and the hardwood floors are redone. Everything looks beautiful !  We are moving in on Sat. Aug 25th. I still have much to pack and do here at the condo. But it's almost over. The new neighbors are very friendly and nice. The neighborhood is so quite and serene. I am so grateful, but I still can't even believe it's my own new home. It will take a while after living there, I guess to let it all sink in. It's been such a long anticipated event and so it's kind of surreal.

I love the house, and the previous owners left it so dirty, it took quite a while to clean the oven, fridge, and so on. But it will be up to my specifications shortly. And not to mention all the elbow grease I have put into it, has helped me burn fat, and my weight loss is ongoing. (It's all good).

About Me
Jackson, NJ
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 111

Latest Blog 105
October 26th, 08
September 24, 2008
March 31-08
101 lbs down
90 lbs down !
Labor Day 2007
Monday Aug 20 80 lbs down !
