November 2-06

Nov 02, 2006

I just found out that I have to stop smoking 6 weeks before my surgery date. My surgeon, Dr Washington told me.

Ok that's for the best. So now, I know what I am doing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will enjoy all the holidays, and plan for January. I will work on getting healthy starting today . No more junk like ice cream or sweets. I have to start getting my head more ready. I should be back on my three protien shakes a day. Ok , I'm great on my vitamins, supplements and meds.

My skin cancer surgery is over. My stitches came out two days ago. My wound looks very good. It's healing nicely and the bad skin is GONE.!! PRAISE GOD thank you Jesus.

I am using vit e gel and Maderma skin medicine to heal the scar. It was good I am a nurse b/c I took good care of my stitches. I put on anti-biotic ointment every day and a new band-aid.

So I will continue on. ...and take one step at a time.
I am looking forward to the holidays. And I am looking forward to moving to North Carolina next June 2007 God willing.

Is this a gift from God? This surgery?

Oct 31, 2006

This is what I am wondering about.
Surely it must be.


Oct 30, 2006

Two weeks of Medifast liquid protein drinks. I will probably loose at least 10-14 lbs, knowing  myself. Thats what I need to do to shrink my liver.
And quit smoking two weeks ahead of surgery too.
Back off on caffiine too. All the fun stuff has to go. Some of my vises. I am getting mentally ready .. ....This is the hardest part of this journey so far. Not looking forward to giving up my cigarettes. Nicotene addict that I am.

Plans to ponder

Oct 30, 2006

I am taking a few days to pray and read encouraging words from my new friends on this site. I have an extrememly important decision to make regarding my WLS.
Is it lapband or is it RNY? Only time will tell.

I presently have these following health problems because of my morbid obesity:

Diabetes type 2
- neuropathy (nerve pain)
-frequent urination

I require an insulin shot every night
I require 3 oral diabetic meds

High blood pressure:
- can cause heart attack or stroke or death
- it dameages the blood vessesls

High Cholesterol:
-it causes occlusion of the blood vessels
-blood nutrients cannot eventually be carried through the blood as efficiently.
-Can cause a hearth attack, stroke or death


I have degernerative osteo arthritits from carrying so much weight for so long. It  made an old injury worse (severe sprain) to my left ankle , where it left a weakness, and a tendancy for that site to be susseptible to a chronic injury.

Besides having to pour all these pills once a week into a medication box, I am tired of taking pills and shots.

I know without a doubt that RNY would cure my diabetes itself, very quickly. And greatly lessen or alliviate all the other conditions too. So what could be bad about that?

(notice I am talking myself into doing this)

There are a great many reasons to do it. I have no doubt about that. It's just the leaking , infection, and possible blood loss that concerns me.

 So please, whoever reads this, keep me in your prayers that I have encouragment in making my decision according to all the ones who went before me, by the thousands, and have done very well. Please write to me if you have any kind words. I will be so very grateful.

Thank you for your kindness in advance,


Bible Verse

Oct 30, 2006

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future. JEREMIAH 29:11


Oct 30, 2006

1. I Love JESUS !
2. I love trees
3. I love flowers
4. I am a Hippie at heart, of a Bohemian nature
5. I love baby animals
6. I adore newborn babies
7. I love Christmas!!
8. I am a great cook
9. I volunteered my nursing skills during the 911 terorrist attacks
10. I want to move to North Carolina
11. I am very Patriotic
12. I miss my Mom since she passed away
13. I am very creative
14. I am very spiritual
15. I am very talented
16. I am open minded but I can be stubborn
17. I love ice cream
18. I had to change this page
19. I love Wildflowers
20. I almost drowned in the Atlantic Ocean when I was 13
21. I love the mountains
22. I love Nature
23. I've seen 7 autopsies
24. I've seen 7 babies born besides my own
25. I've seen 1 abortion
26. I want to marry James Taylor
 but he is already married
27. I love to paint
29. I am richly blessed


Is this a gift from God? This surgery?

Oct 29, 2006

Many people do consider this a gift from God. If it is then it's all going to go along without any side effects. You will heal well and in His time. All things according to Him are for your own good if you Love Him.

" All things are working for the good to those you love the Lord, and are called according to His Purpose. Romans 8:28.

Surgical Consultation Yesterday October 27, 2006

Oct 27, 2006

Well, I met with my Doctor yesterday. He talked to me about RNY and Lapband. I knew it would be his opinion I should get the RNY , due to all of my co-morbidities. I agree, as scared as I feel. He told me he has done 160 procedures, and one lady died. He told me the statistics. One in 200 die having this opposed to one in 2,000 with LapBand. He told me my diabetes would be gone very quickly with the RNY. As well as the other problems, high b/p, high cholesterol, painful arthirits, and those types of things. All major things I realise, of course. He told me the decision is ultimatley mine, but he votes for the RNY.  He told me he will do either one, and it is my own decision. So I am back to square one. I have to decide. I am not gonna lie, I am terrified of this surgery. The pain is not the issue, it's the risks.
I have seen so many, many before and after photos on here. I have read so many stories. I have been on this site for literally the past three months just about every single day....researching. I have gone to alot of other web sites reading, and researching those too. I have been to lite and hope, read Carnie Wilsons story. ...and I have watched videos of both procedures. As a nurse myself, that does not bother me. Surgery itself facinates me. The human body and what's it's all made up of is a most miraculous achievment. (Only God could have done all this ). And that brings up another point. It concerns me that a Surgeon would be rearranging my God given anatomy. But on the other hand, there is a Cardiac Bypass procedure that is done all the time, and that also rearranges one's God given anatomy. My own dear mother had that one, and she had many more years of life because of it. I know that God works through people, and Doctors are His healing hands. ( I have to remember I said that). So it's a matter of faith and trust I suppose. Maybe that's my problem too. I have a problem with trust and control I don't know. I think I would trust this Surgeon. He is very well spoken of, and a fine Surgeon. I know he comes highly recommended. I also believe that God has numbered our days. The Bible says so. So I guess if it's not my date to leave Planet Earth, I would be okay.
 I know that everyone says they would do it again in a heartbeat. So many have said the only regret they have is not having done it sooner.
I am just going to have to keep praying about it. I am afraid to die this young, and leave my four children devastated. That's the risk I'm worried about. I am not afraid to die. I know I am saved. I am a Christian, and I would be with the Lord, instantly. I just worry I would leave my children and grandchildren without me. I am only 55 years old right now. My Doc told me to go to some support group meetings and meet his other patients that have had this surgery already. The problem is there isn't one till next month in about three more weeks, and I can not wait that long. I have to get this over with. The holidays are coming up quickly and I have to get back to work soon. I don't have any extra money to fall back on. I broke up with my husband last week, and so that even hurts me financially all the more.
Another thing I should remember is that this has all fallen right into place. I have passed every single prerequisite. Pulmonary, no sleep Apnea. Cardiac, no problems, Psych, no problems. And I do believe when you meet resistance, it's not Gods will. When things fall right into place, it is God's will . So I should remember, if God has brought me to this conclusion, He will bring me through the rest of the way.
 So anyone reading this, please pray for me, and even write to me if you have any encouraging words. That would help me alot.
Thanking you all in advance.   Cissy

Tomorrow is my surgical Dr.s appointment

Oct 26, 2006

I am so excited ! I will see my surgeon again after only a brief meeting, I had with him almost three months ago. I am hoping to get my surgery date. And I am going to have the surgery that he recommends, either RNY or Lapband. I really would prefer he makes the decision for me. I know that the one time I went there and had a consultation with his PA, he told me it's my decision. I am such a scardy cat to have the RNY, although it is probably what I should do. After reading so many, many people's journey's on here, and seeing before and after photos, it's a no brainer. I admire all of you who have, I admire your courage. And I sincerely pray for continued good health and happiness for all of you.

Woooo Hoooo! I had my skin cancer surgery yesterday, and Dr got it all.
They checked out the surrounding tissue under a microscope and no more cancer cells were found. Praise God! The procedure was not too painful at all. She said I might wake up with a black eye today, and possibly a swollen eyelid. Nothing! The Good Lord was with me the whole time, I felt very peaceful, and not nervous at all. Last night I felt a little like I got hit in the head with a hammer, once the numbing medicine wore off, but I took some Motrin, and that helped. Also I took a sleeping pill, and slept like a baby. I have 8 little stitches and will have a slim scar, and it's above my right eyebrow, but I don't care. As long as the cancer is gone. God is so good to me.

Keep courageous with God's help

Oct 24, 2006

Your Birth Month is February

Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life.
Your warmth and consideration touches many.

Your soul reflects: Purity, modesty, and faithfulness

Your gemstone: Amethyst

Your flower: Iris

Your colors: Purple, yellow, and light blue

About Me
Jackson, NJ
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 111

Latest Blog 105
October 26th, 08
September 24, 2008
March 31-08
101 lbs down
90 lbs down !
Labor Day 2007
Monday Aug 20 80 lbs down !
