What I learned on vacation....

Jun 14, 2010

I'm at the beach with my parents, two sisters, our 3 husbands, and 8 kids from 2-11. I'm about 10 weeks post op and I've definitely learned a few lessons in just a few short days.

#1 you have to put yourself first. If I don't stay on top of vitamins, I get behind, so I have to constantly be on top of when I take what.

#2 stay hydrated. I definitely get dehydrated more than I used to, so I have to keep gatorade with me at all times.

#3 keep meals simple. Meals just don't seem as important or as big a deal as they used to. I fix a simple lunch like a turkey/cheese rollup or a piece of fish for dinner. I focus on taking care of the kids and cleaning up. I've stayed on the beach more than I used to.

#4 I'm really lovin' my new body. I know its probably not the end of my losing but I'm so happy with what has happened so far. I feel good in my new bathing suit and don't mind walking around in it in front of my family, even people on the beach. lol.

#5 I'm more energetic. I go out with the kids in the morning and stay a few hours, come home, fix lunch and ready to go back out there with the kids. I'm tired at bedtime, but its so rewarding to know I'm spending quality time with my kids and they are going to remember a mom that played with them and that interacted with them, instead of sitting on the couch at the beach house.

I really hope I lose a few pounds. Being away from the scale for the week is hard but I am definitely paying closer attention to my clothes and how I feel. Maybe its not a big deal that I'm away from it!

Holy Moly! Size 18!

May 30, 2010

I honestly can't believe it. Now, granted, Cato's jeans have some stretch and these are tight, but a size 18?!?  That's absolutely crazy. I didn't even think I could really wear them, there were no 20s on the clearance rack and I refuse to pay full price right now. So for sh*ts and giggles, I grabbed the 18s. Belt, zipper, buttons all fit.

I dropped 4 lbs from Saturday to today. I added a protein drink, even though, its not the greatest protein drink, probably about half of what it should have in it, and I began exercising, so not sure what part helped or both, but it happened. Very good weekend, I'd say!

FINALLY worked out

May 28, 2010

I'm doing great lately. It seems over the last couple weeks I would take bites of carb food and it would disagree with my belly. Of course, I kept with the bites. This week has been great. I haven't eaten a starchy carb the entire week and I can't say that for too many weeks in my entire life!!  I don't actually feel like I'm on a diet, its AMAZING. I just think about the consequences of the carbs and usually avoid them.

I have to say I'm getting a little weary of SOME of the attention. A couple of ladies at work are just enthralled with what I did, which I can't blame them, but every single time I see them they ask what I ate for lunch/dinner, etc. I tell them but I am just amazed at what people think is their business. Love the compliments but it does get old to say how much weight I've lost every day. But it is usually good feedback so I try to remember that I won't always get the compliments.

The one thing I definitely KNOW I don't like is when people are judging what I eat. I usually have an order of scrambled eggs and a side of sausage from McDonalds. Totally great for me protein wise, but of course, I'm walking into work with a Mickey D's bag. A lady who usually talks to me about weightloss, we've done WW together, said "YOU are eating McDonalds?" with a snark. I said "Every morning" right back. I wanted to say "BEYOTCH back off!" But that would not have been professional!! lol.

Yesterday, for the FIRST time I actually worked out. I did 21 minutes on the elliptical and I totally feel it in the outer thighs. But really glad I did it. The most surprising thing about my weightloss is the skin!! I've only lost 40 lbs (well, see next notes) and I have bad skin on my thighs. I am surprised bc I didn't even have dimples in my legs before surgery. I thought I could get away with a tummy tuck, but a lower body lift is DEFINITELY in my future.

Okay. FABULOUS news. I just realized today, that I weight 120 POUNDS less than when I gave birth to my twins 5.5 years ago. That is crazy. Of course, that is a major reason why my skin is looking so bad.

Not to go on and on, but I also reconnected with an old friend, she also had wls and I hope to meet her for dinner this summer. I'm excited bc I don't know many people with wls. Well, wls that is WORKING.

So everything is going great. I hope I can keep it up and I'm excited for the future!

Drama, Drama, Drama

May 20, 2010

Welp, on the positive side, I broke my stall by losing two pounds. I'm down 39 lbs in 8 weeks. I'm pretty happy about that since this is the first time in my life I don't feel like I'm on a diet. Really , really happy with my decision. If I could just get in more fluids and find a shake, I'd be sittin' pretty.

Drama, Drama, Drama. I'm having some serious drama going on with my best friend at work. I honestly think she just can't be happy for me and that sucks because she was one of my best friends and we even doubled dated often. She says its "fine" that I'm being considered for my dream job. Its just really annoying that she can't be happy for me. She said we have different discipline styles and wouldn't work well together. I'm sorry, if I had a chance to work with my best friend, I would be estatic. I am just at a loss. Really feel like I've lost my best friend. Makes me feel really lonely. So I'm working on those feelings.
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Good Party Experience

May 18, 2010

I've completely avoided all parties since surgery. We have a lot of baby showers and retirement parties this time of year. (Though I love eating out) Tonight I really felt like I should go to a retirement restaurant party. I asked beforehand if a friend would split a meal with me and made it clear I didn't want anything fried. We also got a seafood bake app and I just ate it straight w no bread. I cut the fish in two pieces, giving her the larger piece and ate my green beans. I even passed her the hush puppies so I wouldn't eat them. I politely said no to the cake and focused on taking pictures and handing out forks and plates. So first party not too bad. Have a house warming tomorrow and 3 baby showers on Thursday. Think I'll avoid the showers for a little longer but feel really good so far. Hope everyone else if learning to adapt to our new lifestyles. I'm finding my way little by little. :)

The Sun is Shining!

May 14, 2010

Summer is here!  School may not be out for 4 more weeks but its summer out side. We hit the pool 3 times this week after school and I was lovin' it. Kids slept so well at night and I love getting sun. Actually have a tan going.

I feel like the bad news gets shared on the oh forum more than the good. So I'm going to try to focus my posts on the positives that come with my experience, especially since I've had such a great one so far.

LOVIN' my new bright blue tank top in size 18-20.  Yes, I said 18. I haven't been in an 18 in ten years. Had to keep myself from buying more clothes than the two shirts but think I will be back in the summer to get more shorts. I only have one pair and they are getting loose.

Was kickin' in my jeans with my shirt TUCKED in and a BELT. Everyone said how skinny I looked. Now I KNOW I'm not skinny but I know they've never seen me in that form fitting an outfit.

Taking more of my vites. Up to about 3/4 the vitalady's schedule.

I fit in the tanning bed and could CLOSE the lid. I'm not sure if that's ever happened.

I hugged C and my arms went further around his neck, its was so weird.

I think I'm handling stress better. With all of C's medical stuff, I can't even believe I'm able to function with worrying about him, dealing with the kids all afternoon and weekends, working, extra school stuff. etc. I'm just really happy right now. I'm sure summer has a lot to do with it but I'm hanging in there.

Hope everyone is well.

Whining Post

May 04, 2010

Oh my.  I'm in a bad place. I think I just need to whine and get this all out!!! I'm afraid if I actually talk and whine to someone I'll just cry.

I'm not feeling good today. I guess I've been overdoing it with running to Craig's doc appt in Jville, working, and getting the kids schedule of coming and going and doc appt. Brooke had the flu all last week and missed school all five days, I took her to the doc twice, Cody once, and me once. Taylor came down with the flu on Sunday and Craig took her to the doc on Monday while Craig and I met in jville to go to his doc appt. Today he was suppose to have a doc appt but didn't realize until he got there but the appt wasn't until TOMORROW. I was already past an exit to turn around and had to drive 20 more miles before I was turned around. Ugh. No wonder I feel like someone punched me in the stomach.

That's another thing. I think I may be getting a hernia from lifting C all the time. I hurt on my incision when it hasn't hurt since the first day. Not sure what is going on. I'm sure its nothing that a little rest wouldn't cure, it would be great if that could happen. lol. I've been going to bed around 8 and feel good during the day but by the time 3 rolls around, I'm exhausted and that's usually when I have the kids so makes for a cranky momma.

Craig's situation is also causing stress. His tests came back that he has an immflamatory disease, low blood count, and sinus cysts. He is going to a regular doctor tomorrow to see what tests to run next. I can't go bc I'm at a work shop out of town for the day. Oh well. I guess he is a big boy and can handle it himself but he is such a bad communicator. I'll never hear exactly what the doc actually said.

I'm so glad I had my surgery before a few people on the ds board. There's a rash of complications of leaks and aneth. reactions and docs nicking livers etc. I think I would have freaked and cancelled had I heard all this before hand. I'm just glad I did as well as I did.

There's my pity party.

4 weeks!! woohoo

May 02, 2010

Monday will be 4 weeks out. I'm very excited though it means real food, I'm a little nervous about trying new dry foods. I've gotten sick off chicken twice and taco meat twice. I hear you should try a few weeks later but don't know how long it will take for me to forget!!

I'm doing great. Back to laundry and dishes though I get really tired around 3 o'clock. Like I could take a nap but since I have such a horrible time sleeping at night I don't want to do it.

I really thought I needed an IV on Wednesday. I got Craig to pick up the kids for three days and I just went home early, got my pjs on, and gulped Gatorade.  I feel a little better so gonna try to keep on top of the liquids a little more. Craig wants me to go to the pcp to see if I need an IV but I don't want to spend the copays. We spent 100 this week and no telling what Craig's will be next week.

If I didn't mention it, Craig's right eye went blurry the day after I got back from Mexico. He went to the eye doctor who immediately sent him to a specialist. They found out that for some reason there is swelling around his optic nerve. They sent him for lab work for every auto immune disease and cancer and an MRI.  We get the results tomorrow. I've been trying to drive him as much as I can, but its hard with both of us driving and all the kids.

A few wow's.  I am wearing the too small 22s (from tight 28s in 2008 and a 24 at surgery) and I can button and zip all the 20s but they are too tight to wear out to public. Though I did wear one pair yesterday and C actually complimented my butt, which is huge for how much C compliments (NONE). I have one bag of clothes from my sil that had lapband. These are the clothes that I hoped to get in next and never did on my own. I basically only have jeans right now but refuse to buy work clothes with 1 month left before summer. So hope I don't get in trouble at work but I'm soooo happy!!

Getting tons of compliments at work.

Waking up really early and very energized. Waking up used to be sooo hard when I was eating carbs.

Was able to move my seat up a little in the van.

Fit better in a movie seat though not great yet.

So feeling great and looking forward to this journey. I feel like I've made some wls friends and trying to keep the negativity to a minimum. Lovin' my DS!!

Really Tired

Apr 26, 2010

Well, I think the last three weeks are catching up with me. I'm super tired and just want to veg. The kids are making that super hard. B and C have run fevers. I took them to the doctor and B has the coup and C just a viral bug. But C is being H O R R I B L E. I had to carry him everywhere and it made my stomach hurt. Cr was really sweet and took T to gymnastics but I sooooo should have went and just watched instead of run around with C in the yard and fight with them when they were arguing over play doh. I REALLY hope tomorrow is better.

I'm sooo exhausted and tired but don't want to go to bed. I think I need to up my vites and exercise.

On the plus side, the scale FINALLY started to move in the right direction and my BMI is under 40!! I don't remember when the last time that was. I'm down a size to a loose 22. The jeans I bought a size down are now too loose. I've only had bad experiences with red meat and a biscuit which was a stupid, stupid, stupid idea.
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First Day Back at Work

Apr 16, 2010

Since I broke my IPhone, Craig SUGGESTED I go back to work a day early to pay for it.  We luckily found a repair shop that replaced the LED screen and the glass for $130. I was so happy because that is WAY better than the 399 AT&T wanted for a new phone.

So I got the sub a new job and went in. I was really happy to see my peeps. I got a scrambled egg and grits from the Grill and had morning duty. ate about half the eat and a few bites of the grits, put it all in the fridge for later.

The day went well. It was the 7th grade field trip so not many came, not sure how that affects 8th graders, but apparently does. I decided to play 'catch up' day for the kids to read and go to the library. All the kids were good about it, of course, asking away why I was out. The rumor mill decided I went on a cruise, so I just laughed and said it was personal.

Lunch was hard to focus on chewing and taking a break. I got some pains in my chest and just walked to the bathroom and took a few breaths.  I think walking really helps but its hard to explain getting up in the middle of a mill and walking around the building. I may just take it A LOT slower when eating with people.

I came home and rested. It wasn't too bad, just tired. I'm glad I have two days before I go back. My incision is looking fantastic. I'm only a little sore and even wore jeans today. (Low cut, of course). I'm so happy, my 22s are loose. I couldn't even get my butt in them 3 weeks ago and they are loose!! Holy moly.

Only problem is people/kids are getting the HELL on my nerves. I don't know if its not eating or what. But I'm a cranky little girl!! lol

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2008
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