My Big, Long Mexican Experience

Apr 11, 2010

Okay, I'm finally feeling good and have a little time in my schedule, so here is my big long Mexican experience. I don't expect everyone to read this, I mainly wanted to get it down for those interested in Mexico surgery.

Day 1 Sunday- flights were really not bad at all. I was worried about the four hour lay over in Phoenix but just watched movies on my laptop while mom read and it was over before you know it. My greatest fear was my luggage wouldn't make it the three legs but they all did! Yay!

No problems getting through Customs at the teeny, tiny Hermosillo airport. A nice sky cap grabbed all four of our suitcases on put them on a dolly and followed us out to the parking lot. i wasn't sure what Luz looked like, but I guess she can pick out a fat, white American!! lol. I didn't say that to her. :)

Luz took us to the hotel, the driving is CRAZY here. No lines ont he roads, everyone just sort of guesstimates their lanes. lol

Day 2-Monday- Surgery day. Pretty uneventful morning. Luz helped get us admitted. Met Ungson before and he answered all my questions. My stomach will be 3 oz and my cc will be 100. He always takes out the gallbladder because its almost guaranteed you'll have stones with losing weight that fast and I could get my appendix taken out if I wanted. Mom agreed I should so he did!   The dang hospital gown wouldn't fit me and showed my butt cheeks, just affirmation that I need this surgery!!  I went back at 11 and Ungson talked to mom at 1:30. He said she could see me in five minutes but only for a short bit.  An hour later, she decided to find me and walked right back into recovery and stayed with me the whole time. I guess security is light. lol

This is my only problem with my experience: pain management.  DeSoto tried to do a high epidural in the operating room and it just wouldn't fit between my vertabaes. So they just went with the knock me out stuff and morphine when I got up. I spoke to Ungson later and he said they just tried the epi bc I didn't look that big and thought they could get it inbetween my disks but it didn't work.

I woke up with a ton of pain. Just kept repeating 'pain' in Spanish and they just kept saying morphine is in the bag. I was in and out and yelling and heavy breathing like lamaze to deal with the pain. My poor mom just hated seeing me that way and actually cried a little, thinking we had made a mistake. 

After the morphine kicked in, everything got better. I was moved to a room and was in and out.  Its a balance between too much morphine and feeling nausea. So I'd get pain meds, then nausea meds, etc. 

I couldn't have anything to eat or drink for 48 hours so just rinsed my cotton mouth with water and spit it out. I heard people sucked on lollipops but I don't think the nutritionist would have gone for that.

Day-3 Tuesday- same but surprisingly got to shower every day. I didn't expect that, but I guess they want you moving. The nurse would come every afternoon to walk me, give me shots and massage me. All four docs came either in the morning or the afternoon. I can't believe the 'dream team' I got when I signed up with Ungson.

Found out the hospital is private so not a lot of traffic. We walked circles around the maternity and baby area. I only saw two babies while I was there. But I still feel close to God when I see a newborn baby! :)

Most of the nurses spoke a little English so nothing was every a problem. Of course, it helped having my amazing mom there. She ate in the cafeteria by herself every meal and even still woke up with me in the nights to help me get comfortable. I slept in the recliner and she slept in the hospital bed. They also have a full length leather couch for company.

Day 4 Wednesday- started feeling really nauseous and had to do the barium leak test. Was feeling icky the whole wheelchair ride down and then started dry heaving when I got there. The poor guy just hated telling me to drink the barium after all that. I did it though and I stood on an X ray machine while they moved the x ray part around. Everything went great, mom had to interpret "hold your breath", "exhale", etc. Everything was perfect, but I was confident it would be since Ungson does a leak test before he closes you up in surgery.

Day 5 Thursday- pretty much the same. The doc said I was doing so good that really I could go to the hotel but I paid for four nights in the hospital so I could just stay. Personally, I would have stayed anyway just in case anything happend and to be hooked up to IVs. I'm really having trouble drinking. My stomach fills up so fast.

Day 6- Friday- Nurse took my IV out and Romaro said good bye. Luz picked us up and took up to the hotel. Luz and mom then went to Walmart for supplies. Luz had a sonogram so mom tried to hurry. I was at the hotel and decided to take a pain pill. My first thing getting STUCK. It really was awful. I just kept dry heaving until it dislounged. I didn't take a pain pill until Sunday because of the experience! lol. But got BROTH, glorious broth. So yummy. The hotel has great broth and jello. sooooo much better than the hospital. The nutritionalist even came by and asked by I wasn't eating in the hospital. lol

Day 7-Saturday- just waited on Lourdes the nurse to come. You can see my blog about my adventurous walk to the movies. :)

Day 8 Sunday- just lounged around. In the mornings, we've been reading by the pool , then lunch and mom reads while I play on the computer. We wait on Lourdes to come in the afternoons and then we might get a cab to go to walmart to look for shirts to bring home to my kids. We'll see.

Now for the next couple of days of my trip:
Day 9 Monday- We have an appt at the clinic to see Ungson and get the stitches taken out, packing ! Yay

Day 10 Tuesday- FLY HOME. Sooooo happy. I'm desperate to see my kids and to snuggle up with my hubby in our big, comfy bed. So very homesick.

So, really great experience. I'm soo happy with Ungson. He basically stays busy with surgeries and is called in on fixing a lot of complications from other surgeons. He trained with the surgeon in Spain which I heard about but really didn't want to travel that far. If you are considering a Mexican surgeon, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. Don't settle on the cheapest or anybody who gets bad reviews. I can't imagine doing this and being unsure about my surgeon.

Exciting Night

Apr 11, 2010

Mom and had had nothing really do to on Saturday and Sunday except the private nurse coming to visit. So we decided to get a little exercise and walk to the nearby mall to see a movie and I wanted to look for t shirts for my kiddos.

The mall is about .25 mile away and we went into the new Sears. It was quite the store, had everything from baby stuff to motorcycles in the walkway of the second floor. About half the stores weren't open yet but we walked through. The funny thing is a lot of the shirts were in English like "California" and "Hannah Montana".

We went to this new movie theater. It is quite the experience. The nurse, Lourdes, told us to go to the VIP section because they have recliners and waiters. We had a little mix up with the starting time so arrived an hour before but had fun talking in our comfy seats. A little problem ordering, accidentally got mom a SMALL diet coke and me a BIG water, when it should have been the other way around.

The movie was fairly good, we picked a movie that Dad nor Craig would EVER go see with us, it was a musical. We started to leave and I realized I lost my phone, we ran (well, as much walking fast as I can do with a 10 inch incision, lol) back. I was in a panic and just kept saying 'phono', 'phono' and walked right past the ticket guy. He was on his headset and I thought we was seeing what he should do but really he radio'd the cleaning crew in our theater and they were already looking for it. Mom finally stuck her small hand down in the recliner and retrieved the phone, only for the screen to be completely smashed. I was at least happy we found it. It would have driven me crazy to not know where it was.

The walk back was uneventful and we had a late supper in the cafeteria. Still chicken broth for me, but it is so yummy compared to the thick jello (geltina) and nasty sweet apple juice from the five days in the hospital. The poor nutrition dept even came and asked why I wasn't eating it. lol.

Mom is my food police. She keeps me straight. Tomorrow I start soft foods (for three weeks), so very excited. I've only had jello and broth for twelve days. I'm already getting recipes for when I get home. I heard ricotta fluff is good.

Today we may get adventurous and get a cab to take us to Walmart to get those tshirts I couldn't get at the mall for my kids. We are still waiting on the nurse to visit, but she, like everyone else, is on Mexico time. It is very funny for everyone to be in such a slow pace. Meals take hours and forget about doing anything during siesta.


I'm closer to home!

Apr 09, 2010

I'm out of the hospital and back at the hotel. We are staying here for 3 days and then can fly home. I wasn't really homesick until today. I really miss my kids and hubby. :(  Hubby tells me that Cody tells the computer 'hi mommy' because he thinks I'm in there since we use Skype to talk.

I've gone between feeling nausea and pain because of the pain meds. After they took out the IV, I got one injection of pain meds and decided that was that. I got some pain pills and found out what it means to get something 'stuck'. Not fun at ALL. I dry heaved until I guess I knocked it loose. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad. Luckily, mom wasn't hear to see or hear it.  Now I'm scared to take that pill again. I may avoid it if I can.

I'm glad to be at the hotel where they have broth and jello that I like. So far, haven't missed food that much but also haven't been exposed to it that much. Surprisingly, there are a tenth of the food commercials in Mexico than at home. It is quite weird, I haven't seen any restaurant or food advertisements. Its very strange how difference our cultures are. Mom has gone to the cafeteria to eat and brings me back some 'soupa' or 'geltina'.

We are getting along pretty well with the language barrier. Everyone has tried very hard to help us and been very kind.


Day 3-Much better

Apr 07, 2010

Pain was unbearable on Monday, Tuesday still had constant pain, got something to help me sleep last night and awoke this morning with no pain!! woo hoo.  I didn't even have to go to the bathroom every two hours like I was doing. Slept the whole night through. Really can feel a difference.

The scars don't look too bad. I have no idea how the assisstant closed my stitches from the inside, but it looks like a work of art. Mom and I joke that he lined up my stretch marks! lol

Was hoping that I didn't have to do the nasty tasting leak test, but Ungson came by last night and I will have to do that today. The only thing keeping me half way happy to do it is then I would get ice chips.  I'm so glad I did the pre op diet. It really gets you in the mind set for not eating and drinking post op. I heard ice chips today and MAYBE broth by Sunday. That sounds like heaven for me right now.

Haven't heard from Channel since yesterday and want to hear from Larissa about her ds surgery today.

The funny thing is my mom updated my fb status, thinking she was emailing my sis. So now everyone on fb knows I'm in surgery but I haven't said anything else. Oh well, people were going to find out anyways. It was just hilarious seeing her on fb.  Gotta love her!

It's done and over with! Woohoo

Apr 06, 2010

Here I sit, in a recliner at the hospital. Yesterday, I was TOTALLY and completely out of it. The pain was pretty much unbearable, but I got through it. They tried to do an eipidural to help with the pain and for some reason, he couldn't do it. He tried four times.  So I just got morphine through my IV and I guess they didn't put it in until I woke up bc it was horrible pain for until the morhpine kicked in.  I pretty much stayed on top of how often I could have it bc it hurt so bad.  I felt really bad for mom for having to see me through that and there's is nothing she could do.

I feel better today. I still can't drink anything; just swish it around and spit it out.  The drains aren't nearly as bad as I thought they would be, so that is good. The doctor always takes out the gallbladder and said he would take the appendix too. Mom said it was a good idea because if I ever have stomach pain, they won't waste time testing for gallbladder or appendix, they will know right away its something my actual stomach. So I had them removed. I wonder if that isn't one reason I'm having such bad pain.

They have a nice hospital recliner for me to lay in.  I've had to use the bathroom pretty much ever two hours bc of all the iv fluid. I really thought I would be moving around more bc I was with my c sections. But this is definitely worse than a c section. I keep reminding myself that this will soon be a memory and I'll be healthy, happy, momma!

Thanks for all the prayers,I can't wait to hear about the other April 2010 people.

Wow!! I'm really here, in Mexico!

Apr 04, 2010

A little bit of drama this morning. I spent the night at mom and dad's since we were leaving at 3:30, got halfway to the airport and realized I didn't have the cashiers check to pay for the surgery!!! Panic moment.  Luckily, the kids were with grandma and Craig got the check and hauled a@@ to the airport. He seriously made time and I got one last hug, so that was the silver lining.

Well, mom and I made it to Hermosillo, Mexico. We flew to Atlanta and the flight was great. We jumped right on the train to go to our next flight. This flight was far less crowded and they played movies and the plane's temperature was great.  We had a four hour lay over in Phoenix and I mostly watched movies. For some reason, I was really hungry today, much more than the other four days.  Finally we flew to Hermosillo. Luz was there to pick us up and a very nice worker pulled our 6 monstrous pieces of luggage all the way to Luz's car. 

I realized I know FAR less Spanish than I thought. I was always under the impression that I could 'make do' in Mexico and I was very wrong!! Luckily, Luz checked us in and got everything ready for the morning. Then mom and I went to the Cafeteria for dinner. I was ECSTATIC they had BOTH jello and soup.  After not having anything to eat for days, that broth was a four course meal to me!  Going to bed with a full tummy! Also, Luz told me Dr. Ungson is taking out my gallbladder because problems were almost guarranteed. She also recommended taking out the appendix so that if I ever have a pain in my stomach, they will know its not my gallbladder and appendix and can handle what is going on with my actual stomach.

Talked to Craig and dad on Skype. Everyone is doing fine but I thinke everyone is getting nervous. My surgery is at 11am (2pm back home) and Luz is picking us up at 8am.  Hopefully, I'll be in a hosipital room by 6 or so.

I can tell by my spelling and typing that getting up at 3:30 and arriving at 7pm is catching up with me.

Fingers crossed.

Omigosh, this is hard

Apr 01, 2010

Well, today was Day 1 of 5 clear liquid days. I did fine at work, wasn't even hungry. Then went to Grandma's and the kids were eating chocolate, my favorite.  When the chocolate was melting, I didn't even lick my fingers. I doubt I will go over there again. Too many distractions. Came home and hubby strted to grill. The smell was overpowering, I just kept myself busy on the computer. I hope I can keep busy on Saturday, when I'm off work.

I think my family is getting more nervous then me. They asks me everytime if I'm nervous or ready for the trip. I am ready, though I need to work on packing more. I'm trying not to take too much since I have to pay for every bag. My sisters haven't even acknowledged the surgery day nor called. So little sad about that. :(

I read somewhere that you could write out letters to those you love, 'just in case'. And then if nothing happens, you could trash the letters. I may write a few emails.

Love that my day is coming. I'm just trying to picture myself thin.  I cant' wait to ride rides at amusement parks because I'm scared to go, I don't think I would fit. I'm also worried about the plane ride. My mom who is small will sit next to me, so maybe I could leave the armrest down. I'm trying not to think about it. I cant' wait to shop in a regular section instead of ordering online or going to specialty shops.

Really love the support I get here. I hope it continues.

Getting Ready

Mar 29, 2010

Well, 1 week from today, I'll be switched!

I'm nervous some days more than others. I've had to tell a few more people just so they can help out at work while I'm gone and just in case I need more time.  I'm REALLY close to my co workers so I feel like its not a big deal. Even my work out fien teacher next door was supportive. I started out by telling her I knew she wouldn't approve, but... and she told me she did believe in it because she knows I have tried everything and she truly believes its genetic with some people. Wow, I didn't expect that.

Today was a union meeting with PIZZA.  I wasn't planning on even going but the girl I was going to lunch with wanted to stop in and listen a little. So I went and busied myself with making more copies and just stood in the back. Luckily, she didn't want to stay too long and we went to a cafe. My little heart was set on broccoli and cheese soup and they didn't have it today, they had a chicken noodle type soup, so I went with the chef salad. It was surprisingly really good and filling so I did well.

A little at a time, it my motto. I think it I start thinking about the fact I was be so far from home and with just my mom, I'll freak out, but I try to get things ready a little at a time. My poor grandmother in law said she wanted to watch the kids next Saturday so my husband and I can go out on a date. I panicked at first because I can't eat anything!! What would I do??  Of course, hubby was like "Oh well, you can watch me!", and I'm sure he is NOT kidding. lol.

I've lost a little weight and it feels good. I went to Sears yesterday and just walked around the 'regular' women's section. I can't believe in only six months I'll be able to fit in those.  I promised myself I wouldn't buy any clothes since I will get out of them so soon, but I caved and bought a pair of pajamas pants for the trip.  I don't think deep down I REALLY, TRULY believe this will work. But it will. I need to believe!
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Mar 27, 2010

I really have butterflies today, in a good way.  I'm getting excited. The therapist said I need to spend a lot of time 'picturing' myself thin. Its been so long I have trouble with this. I know I'll look different than the last time I was thin, 10 years ago and since a twin pregnancy with 14 lbs of baby and a singleton weighing 10.5 lbs. The stomach is SHOT. lol.

Pre Op diet is going really well. Its is soooo difficult to not eat, even when I'm not hungry. I just have habits of snacking and craving chocolate. I'm really surprised that doing low carb I'm not craving as bad, of course its still early and I doubt this will continue through the five days of clear liquids that I'll be doing next week.

My few friends and family members that know about the impeding surgery are starting to get noticeably nervous. Dad had me email him the websites for the doctor and hospital in Mexico. I had no problem doing that since I have not been able to find a SINGLE bad word about either. I'm really happy about my doctor choice. Another friend made me promise that if it was shady when I got there, I would back out and just lose the money instead of going through it. I'm just breathing and trying to stay calm.


What a day, what a day!

Mar 25, 2010

Wow, today was something. Had a pretty good day on the pre op diet except drank a sweet tea before I thought about the fact that I'm not suppose to have sugar. I thought I had canned chicken for dinner and didn't. My choices were refried beans or tuna. I heard refried beans and cheese was good for protein but the can I have is 19g carb and only 5 protein, that didn't seem so good to me so I did the tuna and an orange. Surprisingly, I'm not that hungry these last two days.

Luz sent me the pre op diet. Its more strict than I expected. No carbs, bread, sugar. I was surprised that it also listed no cheese, diary, or protein shakes.

Even though I'm self pay and don't require a psych eval, I decided it would be a good idea to see a therapist. I've already been in a fragile state with the stress of the impeding surgery in a foreign country, my son had a rough day with temper tantrums. I cried on the way to the appt and even thought of cancelling because I wasn't sure I could even TALK about my food issues. I ended up getting it together but quickly fell apart as soon as the session started.

She was a little surprised about the out of country surgery. I asked if I needed a psych eval and she said no. We talked a little about my fears from the surgery and she gave me a reality check. She said I really needed to be working out so I plan on starting that tomorrow. :)
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About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2008
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