
Jan 13, 2009

Well, I have now lost 137 lbs! I am down 10 pants sizes and 5 shirt sizes. 
And may I recommend the Gazelle Power Plus by Tony Little, It's a great elliptical machine and I'd also like to recommend THE BEAN. Both of these machines give a total body workout without any stress to joints or muscles. Very low impact, but high in quality workouts.  I had gained about 4 lbs during the holidays. Jan. 2, I started my workouts again after slacking about a week. I have since lost 12 lbs. That's a little more than a pound a day!!  I'm finding bones and muscles I didn't know I had and it's great!!

1 comment


Sep 26, 2008

As of today I have lost 100.8 lb. I'm so excited now. I'm down 6 pants sizes and 3 shirt sizes.  I've had to have 2 egd's done. I think I'm ok with that now. I'm able to eat with out throwing up most of the time. Just wanted to share the news with everyone!


Aug 07, 2008

Haven't posted in a while so thought I'd catch up a little. I'm doing so much better. There's still some foods I can't tolerate and I'm just staying way from them. Bread is a big no no for me. So are scrambled eggs. Boiled is ok.  Some days I'm just not able to eat. I can tell if my pouch is going to be able to handle food for the day. On those days I'll slip back to my protein. But, I think I'm doing good. I've lost 78.2 lbs. Yep, I'm adding the 2 ounces because I'm so proud of them.  I'm no longer depressed and have even started babysitting some.


Jul 08, 2008

ok, for the past few weeks I've noticed my food wasn't going down very well. I finally gave in and on July 2nd, I called Dr. Williams office and spoke with Janet who told me I probably needed a little stretching done. She was on the ball. She called me on Monday the 7th and I went today the 8th to have it done. I was at North Fulton this time. They are fast there. I was in and out in less than 2 hours. The procedure was short and I've had no problems. Not even spitting up any blood from him going down my throat. I can tell already just by drinking some water things are working better!! Janet said I would feel like a new person. I was already feeling that way anyway since I've lost 60 lbs. I can't imagine what feeling like another new person is going to be like. Any, home and doing great!

First Dr.'s visit after surgery

Jun 02, 2008

Well, today was my first visit to Dr. Williams after my surgery. I'm happy to announce that I've lost 36 lbs. so far.  It was a wonderful feeling!  I just love everyone in his office, plus it's so much fun to sit and talk with others who are going through what you are. Today there were people from South Ga. there. What a long trip it was for them, but we all clicked and had great conversation.


May 20, 2008


This past Thursday marked my 2 week out period. My depression is better. Not completely gone, but much better. This past Friday I went to The Hot Air Balloon Festival and made some photos. I really enjoyed myself, but I was so tired. Before I left that night I was having back spasms, leg and side cramps. I knew I hadn’t drank all the water that I should have. On Saturday I was able to start soft foods so I had 1 ½ oz of Banana. I thought I’d be able to eat more than that, but I was stuffed after that small amount. I took mama to the festival Sat. afternoon. They also had a small carnival there and all the smells were killing me. I bought mama a bbq. It didn’t bother me at all for her to eat it in front of me, but it was all the smells combined that got me. Sat. night I scrambled an egg and was able to eat 1 ½ oz. Of that. It didn’t sit well with my pouch though. I felt like I had eaten a 6 course dinner somewhere. I was miserable for a while after that. I learned my lesson though. About an ounce of egg is enough. Sunday I had grilled fish and it was great. I used tarter sauce on it. GOD just to have something to chew was awesome! I bought 2 pieces and tonight will be my 3rd night eating it. I’ll probably finish it up tomorrow night. Groceries are so much cheaper now. As of this morning I had lost 28 lbs. I went to the park yesterday planning on making it one time around. It take 2 ½ times to make it a mile. I sat down between laps and actually made it a whole mile. I’ve started being able to get in all my fluids now too. Things seem to be going great at the moment!

Catching up to date on my week thus far..

May 09, 2008

Well, here I am. 8 days out from surgery. I’ll catch up a bit….


I got up around 4 and left here by five. I drove myself to Emory Johns Creek. When I got there they took me right back to a room and made me undress and change into their pretty gown. I stayed there probably about 30 minutes then pre-op came to get me. Gave me something to relax me and in about 15 minutes I went into surgery. When I came to, I remember hearing a nurse saying that I had turned completely blue by the time she got me. I don’t even remember being in recovery. I remember waking up in my room and was in extreme pain. I was up about 2 hours after surgery and walked about a 1/3 of the way down the hall and back, then they gave me something for pain and let me sleep a while. Wasn’t long until I was walking again and was told I would do that all night long. Sure enough I was up at 2 a.m. and then at 6a.m. to walk. I was allowed ice chips and that helped my throat and mouth. I was nauseated each time I got up to walk. My mom called around 4pm and she could tell I was really in some pain. I missed not having her there with me, but for her own health it was best if she stayed home. So, I’m doing all this alone.


Up and walking again and walking again. Walked farther down the hall this time and it feel ok. I could really feel the pulling in my upper stomach. I also realized and was told that I had a drain tube. Most all day I would walk and sleep. Sometimes I would sit up in the chair for a while because the old bed sores that I already had were hurting some. My nurse brought me some raspberry crystal light and it smelled so good and the first sip was the greatest thing ever. Second sip not so much. It was way too sweet. I just wanted plain cold water. I could get in a few sips at a time. That night the nurse brought me some chicken broth. I had about 4 tsp. of that. About 12:15am Dr. Williams came in to check my incisions. He told them it was ok to take out the drain tube. That was great as I could not lay on my left side at all. I stayed mostly on my right side with my legs pulled up for comfort. After the tubing came out it was a little easier to most to the left side. He also told me I could go home on Saturday and he would be around about 10 a.m. to release me. So, walking and sleeping again. I wasn’t interested in turning on the tv at all and I had carried a couple books, but didn’t want to read either. I had some really great nurses. Lydia, Colleen, Kveka, Hazel Henry, and Shannon. They were all amazing.


Got up and walking again this morning. Went down my hall and another one and back. It felt pretty good and I was able to stand up straighter this time. By 9:10am Dr. Williams came in and said I could go home. My cousins live near the hospital and they came to pick me up. One drove my car and the other brought me in the van.  I'm not sure how long it took. It's about a 2 hour drive I guess and it was a loooong trip it seemed. I was so nauseated when I got home. I guess all the motion.   I decided to lay down a while. I got up and changed into some of my favorite lounge clothes and sipped on some water. I went to bed early that night.


I felt so much better on Sunday. I got up and took my shower and did some walking in the house. I have a long hall way so I used that. Sipped on some water and had a little Jello. I couldn’t handle but about 5 tiny bites, but it was good. I watched a little tv and talked to my mom, brother and sister in law. Went to be again early. I was able to lay on my left side and it feel heavenly.


Another day of walking and sipping. I’m finding I can sip a little more now. I’m still a little sore. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m full or it’s the soreness in my upper stomach.


About the same as Monday. I added a little cottage cheese and yogurt today. I mixed it together and it was eh… ok. LOL, kinda happy that I couldn’t eat but a few bites. Walk, Walk, Walk….


Not sure what’s wrong today. I don’t feel very good. I still got in my walking, but didn’t get all my fluids in. I can get the protein in ok, I just have trouble with my liquids. Just feeling down today for some reason.


Ok, I’m totally depressed today. There’s nothing I want to do and a lot that I can’t. I feel just yucky. Tonight, I even cried. Not sure why, but I was. This morning when I ate I was able to eat about 5 oz. That scared me so I called my Dr.’s office and spoke with the nurse. She told me that was ok, not to worry. I hadn’t done anything wrong. I didn’t get all my walking today. I was happy when that day was over. The only highlight of the night was Survivor on tv.


I’m not as depressed this morning. I got up and tidied up my room a bit. I still had my bag from the hospital sitting there. After my shower, I told my mom I would drive her to the store. This is my first day driving. Then came home did more walking, watched a few tv show I had recorded, folded up some laundry and decided to get on the computer again. I feel a little weak and the driving was a little nauseating, but it was great to get out and about.  oh, and I've lost 19 lbs. as of today!!!! YEAH FOR ME

Thursday is the DAY!

Apr 29, 2008

Thursday May 1st, is my big day.  I'm excited, but will be happy when the surgery is over.  I pray I only stay the 2 days, but if I have to stay longer I'll deal with it.   I'm very excited to start my new life. That's how I see it anyway.  I've lived life as a LARGE person since I was able to walk and now to get the chance to have a more normal body size is like giving me new life.  Whom ever reads this, please keep me in your prayers.


Apr 06, 2008

most everything I've read on here says that you should diet before surgery, so I'm trying to do that on my own. I think I have a head start because 2 years ago I gave up burgers, pizza and sweets.  I lost 72 lbs. when I did that, but of course that all came back.  Today was a pretty good day. Women's basketball final 4 was on so I had to watch that. Just sad that neither of my teams made it. I've lost 3 lbs. in three days, but today I nibbled a little more than I have been. I like those 100 calorie oreo cookies. So I had a pack of them.  I have to go Tuesday and have my mediport removed so I'll be well enough for WLS come May 1.  I've had swelling in my  neck and head and have just found out that my mediport is the problem. It's been in for 2 years. it's not allowing the blood flow back into my body from my head. Believe me that's no fun either. You feel like your eyes are going to pop out and you're extremely dizzy for a few minutes.  Well, I need to get in bed seeing it's after 2 am. Just needed to ramble a little bit.

About Me
Lyerly, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 9
First Dr.'s visit after surgery
Catching up to date on my week thus far..
Thursday is the DAY!
