
Oct 24, 2007

Today is a good day I am down 35lbs!  I have started working out at the gym 3 days a week and walking during lunch.  Things are really looking up.  I just have to beware of all my friends and family trying to side tract me to go shopping and do other things instead of going to the gym. 


Oct 23, 2007

10/14/2007 Well tomorrow I am going back to work!

Oct 23, 2007

10/14/2007  Well tomorrow I am going back to work.  One week earlier than I had planned.  I am just board now that I am back to normal. I stopped my purree diet 3 weeks ago.  I have done fine chewing my food and taking small bites.  I don't have a scale but last time I weighed alitte over a week ago I was down to 260lbs.  I will weigh tomorrow at work. I will update then. 

9/25/07 Hello family!

Oct 23, 2007

9/25/2007  Hello family!  I am proud to say that today  I went to my 2 week post op and I am down 26lbs!  HOT DOG FOR CORNDOG! Weighing in at 263lbs

09/21/07 Well today I had a great day.

Oct 23, 2007

My family has a  Creole background so spicy food is very popular for me.  So my sweet mother brought me some chicken to purree.  It was so good but low and behold to my taste it was not spicy at all. However my new tummy did not think so.  I got the worst case of chest pain. I have never had heartburn before in my life, so  I had no idea what was happening to me.  I chewed some tums but after 20 min or so it all came up.  Now what am I to do?  That was no where close to the spicy I am use to.  Well hopefully this will work out in the near future. I can change my habits but when eating at my family members homes I will have to be sure to have something for heartburn! LOL

Today is 9/18/07 and I'm doing pretty good.

Oct 23, 2007

I walked my dog today. However yesterday I was short of breath and had to be sent to the ER to be tested for blood clots. After 7 hours by the grace of GOD I was cleared.  Now today is the first true day since my surgery last week that I can get around with ease.  My legs are tender and so is my back from having to sleep on it so much.  Also I ate purred food for the first time today.  I got it down with ease but I was so thursty it was killing me to wait 30 min to drink. LOL Otherwise I am doing well for one week post op and looking forward to my new future.

9/12/07 Well I did it!

Oct 23, 2007

It was hard too. My stomach feels so heavy. The pain is terriable.  On the day of my surgery I was in so much pain that I was thinking why did I do this to myself. Maybe after a few weeks thing will be different. I'm going to take it easy and do exactly what the Dr, orders. I'm going to get me some rest.

9/10/07 Well the day is finally here!

Oct 23, 2007

09/10/07 Well the day is finally here! I am on my way out the door in about 20min to check in to the hospital. I still don't know the  emotion that I feel. Is it really happening? What am I going to do? Well only time will tell.

9/08/2007 I have one more day to go!

Oct 23, 2007

 I really don't know what emotion I am feeling though. I am ready for sure. I went out to a couple of stores with my mom today,everything was going good until we got back to her house and my dad had the nerve to be cooking out on the grill. Chicken, hamburgers,and sausages. Now mind you I am on a liquid diet and starving for the taste of some real food.  Then he had the nerve to say "damn my chicken is good"! I wanted to kill him. LOL well all I can say is that's ok I am on my way to becoming a new healther person.  My dad would never understand he has never weighed over 150 lbs. I am still fighting to not catch a cold. My son has a horrible one and of course he wants to be all over me.  I will put it in GOD's hands.  I just drunk some Magnesium Citrate to clean myself out. Wow it works fast like a enema! (TMI)LOL.  See ya on the loosing side.

9/5/2007 I have only four days to go after today!

Oct 23, 2007

I am so excited to be joining the loosing side. This morning I felt like I was starting to catch a cold. NO COLDS! This could cause my surgery to be canceled. I took an Allegra D 24hr to try to catch it. Still feel alitte strange. I hope this is not the case because I have waited too long for this to come. On top of that I never get sick only once every few years or so. I did not have a appetite today I could not even get my three protein drinks down.  My mouth is dry even though I am drinking plenty of water. Otherwise I am doing well had some trapped gas earlier but it all passed. ( I know TMI) That came from all the veggies I have been eating daily. I have lost 12 lbs since last week.  The only problem is this low carb diet is makeing me mean and evil. LOL Well looking forward to my big day wish me luck!

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Surgery Date
Sep 01, 2007
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