10/19/09 Back to Work

Oct 18, 2009

So I returned to work last week. It was a very hectic time. Every day I had something planned for immediately after work, so I had no time to decompress. I ended up spending yesterday in bed just to catch up on rest.

My hips are down to 52 inches, which is not great, but it’s not bad either.

The meeting with the doctor was fine and I was allowed to add blended meats high in protein to my list of foods. Sadly, I find that the only thing on the list that I like is chicken (red meat is not on the list at this moment). I’ve found that as long as I chew it into a paste, I don’t need to blend the food down.

Today was difficult, because the chicken wasn’t agreeing with me. Having such a limited range of food to eat, your body starts to get angry with you and demands a change. I had to drink a ridiculously disgusting protein supplement (New Whey – it has 42 grams of protein in 3oz… it tastes like liquid hardcandy… but bad hardcandy) to ensure that I hit my protein goal of the day. I’ve been on a liquid diet today because that’s all I can manage without feeling weird.

I tried chicken breast lunchmeat the other day. The first time I had it, I neglected to chew it as much as I should’ve and paid for it for about an hour. It’s severely uncomfortable and a part of you thinks that if you puke it up, you’ll feel better.

That’s probably true, but I’m trying to avoid puking. I typically eat slowly and as soon as I feel full, I’m done. I’ve stopped eating while in the middle of chewing something and ended up spitting it out. It’s just safer than cramming that one last bite down my throat. Who knows? That last bite could be the one that sends it all back up. Better safe than sorry.

Next week is the pre op/post op meeting and I plan on going to participate in the conversation and support a friend who is starting the process. I’ve been keeping them abreast to my bad days just as much as my good days. I don’t want people to have a romanticized version of the surgery. It’s tough as hell. It’s not something that you tread lightly into.

I was, however, really upset by an infomercial I saw the other day for a new weight loss regimen. A woman said that she had gotten a gastric bypass then after she lost the weight she gained it all back. She said she regretted ever having done it

Not everyone is successful in this venture, I know. But for someone to slander it on something as horrible as an infomercial… Ugh…

Here are the reasons you put the weight back on…
1. You fall into your old patterns – You neglect to exercise, you eat a meal that is completely unhealthy for you, etc.
2. You graze – Grazers have the worst luck in keeping off the weight. They consistently nibble, and instead of having 3 meals a day and 1 snack, they are constantly eating. There is no reason for someone to do this other than the fact that they are addicted to food. The taste of it, how it makes them feel. Frankly, I’ve hated food for so long, I’m happy that my intake is going to be less.
3. You don’t eat 3 meals a day and 1 snack – When you neglect to eat a meal, your body reacts accordingly by slowing down your metabolism. It is the natural instinct taking place. An easy way to solve this one (especially if you don’t like eating three times a day) is to add in the New Whey or a high protein and low fat/carb drink. That way, you’re drinking the essentials you need and providing your body with the correct nutrients to keep your metabolism in gear.
4. If your body doesn’t react badly with sugar, you’ll start using that to appease your sweet tooth. Don’t get me wrong, I fully intend on having mini reese’s cups 1-3 times a week, but it’s going to be in moderation. Keep them out of your bedroom or the family room and only take one at a time. You’ll find that one of them will appease your sweet tooth and you can stave off devouring an entire box of girlscout cookies (I’ve been there. It’s such a pleasure/pain. You enjoy the taste of it, but you hate yourself for giving in.)
5. You drink carbonated beverages – Though it hasn’t been thoroughly proven, carbonated beverages have the opportunity of filling you full of gas and possibly stretching your pouch.

Alright, I’m going to get off my soapbox now.

Goodnight Interwebs!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 10, 2010
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