Not feeling so well today, worried I hope this is normal

May 02, 2009

I'm really worried cuz I woke up this morning feeling horrible.  I went to bed early around 9pm then woke up at 10am.  Maybe I got too much sleep.  I was hurting really really bad when I woke up.   Maybe because I hadn't had pain pills for hours.  I have a horrible headache and feel like I could possibly pass out.  I know I haven't been eating much.  I only eat two jellos and two to three popcicles per day.  I haven't been drinking broth because I burnout on it.   I do try to add the protein powder to my water and sugar free cranberry juice.  I drink at least 3 cups of juice with protein in it.  I think I'm drinking enough water. Part of me thinks I feel this way because I'm not getting as much calories as before my operation.  I feel so tired and having bad cramping in my stomach.  My incisions look good, no signs of infections.  My drain is draining the normal colors it should have.  I just feel like something is wrong but can't put my finger on it.  Maybe I'm over doing it.  I don't really get to sit and relax in the day.  I have a 5 year old and a husband that I still need to take care of.  I feel like I could just sleep all day today.  I hoping this is all a normal feeling of recovery.  I'm wondering if I need to go into the ER or something.  I will try to rest today, and drink more protein.  If anyone felt similar to this post op please let me know if this is normal.  I'm only 6 days post-op.  Thanks Crystal 

