The Plan...

Sep 21, 2009

Today, istart my diet and exercise plan, provided by my nutrientist and physical therapist.  iSee my both the nutrientist and physical therapist once a month for the next three months.  I'm on a 1200 calorie diet, and exercising 3 times a week.  iDo my warm-ups that the physical therepist taught me which is about 30 minutes, and then cardio for the next 30 minutes.  It's really not that bad...

The Beginning...

Sep 17, 2009

Well ijust started the process of getting my WLS approved.  iHave been debating this for several months now, and ifinally got the nerve to actually make the start.  iJust recently picked my surgeon for the WLS, he is awesome.  iAlso had to meet with my dietician, and a physical therapist, requirements of my insurance company.  So wish me luck....

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 11, 2009
Member Since

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