kylakae 22 years, 8 months ago

<b><font color="FF0066"> Terri, Happy 1st year Anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. You look terrific! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy. Have a blessed day. </font></b

Denise W. 22 years, 9 months ago

Terry, Just a note to say hello and congratulations on your wonderful weight loss success. Your profile touched my heart tonight, and was just what I needed, being 11 days away from my own surgery. Isn't it neat how the Lord gives us what we need, just at the right time? God bless you =)

Terri G. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been in touch..I'm home! I came home Monday night...and just rested yesterday...should have updated, but..I'm pooped! hehehe. Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful people who have been thinking of me..and praying for me (most important!) God has blessed me so much with such a wonderful caring husband and daughter...a supportive family and all of you sweet people here...God bless you all and keep the faith of Jesus Christ~Terri

Nancy V. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi Terri and your better half(?), Been thinking about you and praying for you everyday. I scan the board to see if there are any messages. I do not know why you have touched my heart so. I talked to MY surgeon (can't believe I am calling him that, I have really made a choice!) yesterday and I fell so confident. When you are feeling better I will share how I found him. Talk about God working in my life!!! God bless you and your family. Nancy

Jackie L. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi Terri Today is Monday and I hope you will be coming home today. I hope your temp. has returned to normal where they will let you out and come home. I want to give you a call but I don't want you to do too much. I would also like to come see you when you are feeling up to it. Love Jackie

peaceangel58 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi Terri, I just want to say I wish you the best of Luck during surgery. I pray that the Lords hands be upon you and your surgeon. You have some great folks rooting for you. I am from Montevallo, Al. I will be having my surgery on October 26th. I am excited but yet scared. Take care, Debbie H.

Terri G. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hello this is Terri's othere half. She is still in the hospital but up and walking the halls. The doctor and nurses say that she is donig very good. but has a temp. She may be coming home Monday.

Nancy V. 23 years, 7 months ago

Has anyone heard anything about Terri? She was to have her surgery on 10/12 and have been looking for a comment on her ever since. I wonder if she has an angel?

blank first name B. 23 years, 7 months ago

<i>sending thoughts and prayers ou way, Terri.. i hope it all goes as easily as it can.. see you on the other side.. SOON.... Best wishes...

Robyn V. 23 years, 7 months ago

Terri, I know by the time you read this, you will already be through surgery and on the losing side!! Congrats!! May the peace of the Lord continue in your life, Isn't that just the kicker though?? God is so good and such a comforting God!! He has a great plan for you and your loving husband Terri!! Please keep us all posted on your success story in progress!! God Bless, Robyn Valdez
About Me
Gautier, MS
Jul 14, 2000
Member Since
