Yay for mail!

Aug 24, 2007

The "beakers" came in today.  You know, the ones that are 42gm prtn. per 3 oz. liquid?  I just hope the Texas heat didn't ruin what I paid for.

I quit weighing.  First surgeon's visit i(since RNY)  is in 6 days.  I'm quite good about dieting for the official scale.  

But, now there's the thing....Am I "dieting for the official scale" or what?  Everything is wonky since the RNY.  Used to be, I could slimfast for 10 days and count on practically 20 lbs. off.  Now, not so much.

We'll see what happens.  Gramzee is going to beat me....but that's ok.  Wanna go get some tomato basil soup at La Madeleine, G?


Came home from gym....

Aug 20, 2007

AND HID THE STUPID SCALE!  There, I finally did it.  Pushed it under a bookcase.....no telling the dust bunnies and roach turds way under there!  Not getting it out.  No way.  I came thisclose to smashing with a sledgehammer, since the platform is made of glass, but I couldn't bear with wasting that $20 I paid for it on the half-price shelf at Lowe's.

"Aunt Flo" is coming for her monthly visit today, so hopefully that will help move things along.  It's just water...so much WATER!  I drank a venti Starbuck's half caf 90 minutes ago and STILL no go.  

Must go to gym EVERY DAY.  Well, every weekday, anyway.  Sweat, sweat, sweat that crap off.

First visit with the nut. yesterday post op....

Aug 16, 2007

It was so funny...it was a class-setting and all the ladies in the waiting area all knew why each of the other ladies was there.  So we all started talking and I think a few friendships were forged on that day.  (Shout out to Gramzee and Betty!)
Went home and tried my first real veggies, so inspired after the class.  Steamed some green beans and took some nibbles.  So far so good.  Took a couple more nibbles and .  Oh well, better luck today....

Stuck, stalled, whatever you call it....

Aug 10, 2007

I cursed myself when I bought that scale!  Just keeep fluctuating back and forth over the same 3 pounds for 2 weeks now.     Maybe it's when I intruduced solid foods...I don't know.  I think I'll go back on Isopure (yuck) until I get over this hump.  I really want to be able to show the surgeon some progress when I go back for my 6 week check up at the end of the month.  You know, 'cause he's so cute and all... :)

We had a retirement pot luck for a co-worker yesterday.  I thought I was doing ok, but I guess my eyes were a little big for my stomach....a spoon of queso here, a spoon on beans there, a spoon of artichoke dip there.  Felt good going down, but within minutes I was sick as holy hell!  I don't know if I was having my first "dumping" or what, but I had to grab my shit and leave immediately.  When I got home 15 min. later, I puked.  And it felt SO GOOD.  Instant relief.  I'm 3 weeks post op now....puking when necessary isn't so bad, eh?

No, really....MUST HIDE SCALE!!

Aug 08, 2007

I know I'm holding  water like a son of a bitch.  And yet, I still get on that damn scale every morning.
Will hide scale tonight and VOW not to get on for another week.
Shout out to Kris, whom I just found out is a sista on a mission! 

P.S.  Thursday night poker people....BE DAMNED! 


Aug 04, 2007

Hadn't had one for years before last week, and I wasn't going to get one either.  But Lowe's had them for half price (I'm a sucker for a bargain) and it's a really nice one.  With the glass platform and everything.  Now I'm a slave to it and weigh every morning.  Not productive.  Gotta put it up in the closet or something......

News spreads fast, doesn't it?

Aug 01, 2007

Before I left work for my surgery, I think I had told 3 or 4 co-workers.  Maybe.  Boss, work partner, and a couple of long time friends from the office.  So I get back Monday, and it's all like, "Hey, how are you??? How are you feeling???  Are you in pain?"
Oh well, they're all going to figure it out soon anyway, right?  I'm not going to pull a Star Jones and credit Pilates and the South Beach diet!  I'll tell anybody who wants to know.  It's not like being hospitalized for blowing your hand off because you lit a firecracker in the car, eh? 

So far so good....

Jul 26, 2007

Judging from some of the other posts on OH, I guess I'm doing pretty well.  Which means I guess I'll have to go back to work on Monday.  Crap.  (Actually, I've been getting pretty bored at home...ready for some action.)  Props to my husband, who's been gold during all of this.  My surgeon said at his seminar, "If your marriage is strong, this will only make it stronger."  I guess he's seen it all....
Graduated to sf pudding yesterday.  Damn tasty!

Going in for drain removal today.

Jul 24, 2007

  It's been like my little "unholy hand grenade of Antioch" for 5 days now.  I doubt I'll miss it.

About Me
Plano, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 19
Looking forward to Europe!
And then....
So then I just HAD to weigh....
New jeans came in the mail
Ok....speeding up a little now
Slow mo fo
Ooops there goes another $65.
My In-Laws are trying to SABOTAGE me!
Well, of COURSE!
Couldn't stop myself.....
