5 day pouch test

Jan 25, 2013

I have been stalled forever (like 6 months) so I am doing the 5 day pouch test, I am on day 4.  It is tons easier than I thought it was going to be.  I didn't do it just to shed a few pounds, I did it because my late night carb, empty calorie munching.  I'm an all or nothing girl so I have done really good.  I've lost 4lbs in 4 days, it might just be water weight or mental but I needed to do something.  Last night I realized as I was watching tv that I really didn't feel the need to eat anything, So even if I did not lose a single pound I'm happy that I am on my way to breaking my late night snacking again.  I also noticed I am staying fuller longer and not as hungry but probably because I am eating the right things and back to no liquids 30min before and after my meal.  As soon as I am done with my 5 days (tomorrow) I am going to hit the gym hard....baby steps  :)

Hope u r all doing well  !!!!




Sep 17, 2012

Okay, so I am finally rewarding myself with a set of knockers and a tummy tuck on November 15, 2012.  I'm super excited.  After a few consultations I decided to go big instead of doing a lift since several doctors said I was borderline needing a lift but if I went big enough I wouldn't look saggy so I have decided to do 650cc's which will probably be at a full DD (what I was before surgery).  I didn't actually plan on a tummy tuck but I got a great bundle price so why not.  I have only touched my goal weight (150) one day but I stay around 152 which I am totally content with that :)

1 year out

Mar 26, 2012

Not much has changed.  A year has come and gone.  I am steady holding at 163.  I still work out but not as much as I should, usually can only get about 3 work outs in a week.  My daughter is in cheer still, soccer and plays an instrument.  She keeps me so busy, I don't know how I kept up with her when I was a million pounds heavier.  I recently took in my 8 year old niece and her soccer practices on on opposite days of my daughter...really?  So now I live at the soccer field but when I am not there I am in Vegas.  Its no secret I love to party but for the last two months my husband works at state line and has an apartment in Vegas, so I go out there atleast 3 times a month and he comes home once a week.  I love it, I get the bed to myself, he doesn't have time to spend money, so I help him (hehe).  I do miss him tons but you know what they say "absences make the heart grow fonder".  I posted some pics and why is it I still hate the way I look in them.  I still feel fat, will that ever change?  ugh.  Anyways, hope everyone is good  :)
1 comment

10/11 months out

Jan 30, 2012

I am 10 months, almost 11 months out.   This time has gone by sooooooooooooo fast.  I have pretty much stopped losing weight but I am okay with that.  I work out 4-6 times a week, I can run (huge deal for me).  I love working out.  I get bummed when I can't work out.  My daughter is in cheer, band, soccer, ASB and keeps me soo busy so I have had to adjust to waking up even earlier (4am)  so I can work out but my hubby wakes up with me and if its walking day he goes walking with me or he will get up and get my clothes ready, make my protein shake while I work out.  If it is ab day, I have a DVD and my daughter will wake up and do it with me since she hears the TV.  They both have made this whole journey soo much easier. 
Okay, I know I have said this before but I have always been a happy person, but I am super happy now.  I work at a high school and I was nominated best smile for staff pics whereas in the past I have always been "first one on the dance floor".  I am sad to give up my old title but a good smile is great too. 
I am experiencing a few "haters" with the "you cheated" comments and the you look "sick" ... whatever.  Why do miserable people try to make you miserable too?  I dont' let it phase me, I simply give them my blank stare and blink alot until they go away.  haha...and then I crack up.
So to sum up this month, doing great, loving life and hoping my OH friends are too!!!   xoxo  (me in the middle)

9 months out ...

Dec 15, 2011

Still feeling really good!!!  I have lost 92 lbs, I am hoping to lose another 20 more but if I don't, I am perfectly content with how I am now.  I feel tons healthier and happier.  I always thought of myself as a happy person but I'm even happier now.  Its kinda weird cuz my life is soo close to perfect that I get worried I'm due for a whopper of a disaster...know what I mean?  Well I hope my OH family is doing well!!!  As we close the 2011 year I look back on all the changes and I am soo greatful for this site and the continued support I get from my posts, everyone is soo encouraging...thank you all  xoxo


Nov 10, 2011

Okay, I know New Years is not here yet but after reading a friends moving post I am going to resolve to start living.  I am going to stop waiting.  Waiting to have a BBQ until the grass is super green, stop waiting to have friends over until the kitchen is redone, stop waiting to go shopping until I'm in my goal size, stop waiting to take a ton a pics until I'm picture perfect.  I don't want life to pass me by because I'm waiting for perfection.  I have a great live, I have a nice house, a great daughter, a loving caring and very much adoring husband, friends to die for ...

I just wanted to share my resolution and I hope you all join me, lets not wait anymore!!!


October 2011-7 months out

Nov 07, 2011

I am 7 months out, almost 8 months.  I'm still losing really slow but just enjoying the small things...crossing my legs, working out with ease, wearing regular sized clothes, not being out of breath after stairs.  I have noticed I'm a little more insecure with my body.  I used to be soo confident and now insteady of being a hot big girl, I feel like I look tired and older and flabbier.  Why are never happy with how we look?  All in all, things are great.   I hope my OH family is all doing great too  :)

6 months out...

Sep 22, 2011

I had my 6 month check up yesterday.  They said my labs are perfect ,  I have lost 63% of my excess body fat.  I am currently 189, she said my "healthy" weight for my height would be 145...um, I don't think that is gonna happen.  I don't even think I would look good that thin.  I would like to lose about 29 more pounds but if I stopped losing now, I would be okay.  I have only lost 2 lbs this month, I really think it is all the working out I am doing, lots of weights.  I certainly do feel healthier, I feel lighter, and that was my goal so I feel like I have succeeded.  I know I still have a life long journey of maintaince ahead of me but I am ready.  I never want to go back to how I was before.  I'll post updated pics soon.  :)

Feeling good...but losing hair

Aug 31, 2011

Okay, now that I am back at work I feel like I have a way better daily routine.  Everything is soo much easier working, I know by the time the 1st period bell rings, I should be done with my first protein shake, by lunch I should be done with half my water intake.  I never thought I would say this but I need to work to keep on schedule with everything.  I need to work on the weekends.  I tend to only do one protein shake a day on the weekends and I don't get all my water in...ekkk.  I am also going to the gym everyday after work.  I do 25 min of cardio and work on a different body part every day, so one day arms, next day abs, next day legs/butt (yikes) and then repeat it all over again.  I really do like working out, it gives me more energy and motivation to not eat crappy food.  The scale is not moving, have been at 191 for about 2 weeks but I hope it is because I am building huge Popeye muscles and not because I'm not losing anymore.

The other thing is, I feel so good that I want to tell random chubby strangers about my success so they can do it too but I always advise myself against it because I don't want to offend anyone.  I think, how would have I reacted to someone coming up to me and saying "hey, your fat, I used to be fat, don't you want to be skinny, do the surgery"...okay, well I would say it with more tact than that, but that is basically what I would be saying.

Just to let you all know, my unfresh armpit situation is gone, it was so weird.  I'm back to not needing deoderant at all.  That was scary.  So sad to report that I am now losing hair...wahaaa....everyone says you can't notice, I did have a lot of hair to start with but I feel like I am just going to wake up one day and look like Smegal from Lord of the Rings with just a few hairs "Precious"...haha.  I am doing the under the tongue Biotin and I am getting all my protein and vitamins in so I hope it won't go on for much longer or I am going to invest in a bomb ass wig.

So all in all, I'm doing GREAT!!!  This is a my last years staff picture and this years staff picture (taken July)...why didn't anyone tell me I had gotten so big !!! Thanks for reading and the continued support  :)

Bye Bye 200s

Aug 09, 2011

I am offically out of the 200s.  I am currently 197.4  ....  woo hoo

just had to share the good news

About Me
Victorville, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2010
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