Finding my way.....

Sep 24, 2009

I am on day 3 of my recommittment to my WLS journey and I am doing great.   I had a PTA meeting last night and one the night before and I did not give in to temptation.   One night they passed around yummy milk chocolates, and I declined, and declined, and declined.  I felt like yelling 'WHAT PART OF NO DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND" but of course my manners prevailed and I smiled sweetly and said "no thank you" and picked up another carrot.    Last night there were cookies and double chocolate chip muffins, and I declined.  The harder part was getting my children to decline too.  They had just finished dinner but of course said "but Mommy I am hungry!!!!!"   I realized that I have to set a good example for them and teach them to make better choices and to not give in just because it looks decadent and yummy.  

So I ate well yesterday, did not slip and did not make any poor choices.  I walked the children to school again, and drank 3 bottles of water.  Not a huge amount but a big improvement for me.

Today is my challenge day because I had a 2 hour commute.  I did go to Starbucks but got a Skinny Hazelnut (fat free milk & sugar free syrup) Latte, and a banana.   Better choice than a Frappaccino and a scone!   I brought protein drinks with me for lunch and some rice cakes for a snack, so I think I'll be OK.

This morning while I was at school one of the mom's I know said she was looking into gastric bypass and while doing research she saw my picture and wondered if indeed I had the surgery.   I talked to her for a while, and told her about this website, and the wonderful support.  I told her to talk to me anytime and I hope she takes me up on that.  It is scary and such an unknown subject when you are starting out.   I feel like I was meant to recommitt to this journey at just the right time.


About Me
Lompoc, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2004
Member Since

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