Watch out...I could kill someone !!!

Nov 14, 2009

Today has been one of those days. My kids are on my last nerve. You know the saying " I only have one nerve left and your on it", well, that is the truth. I'm used to eating for comfort but, I can't anymore. I want to run to the kitchen and eat everything in site but, I know that I am not able. Instead, I decided to sit down and blog. Anyways, I am down to 153 now. I still have a ways to go to get to my goal of 105 but, I have lost 47 pounds in the last 8 weeks. I am very excited about the weightloss. I don't eat very much at all and I am very very strict with what I eat. I really need to up my food intake but, I am really pleased with the results I have seen so far and don't want to change anything. I feel GREAT...I'm planning on adding some new pics in a couple of weeks. Anyways, I have accomplished several goals so far. The main one is getting off my blood pressure medicine. I stopped it 1 week after surgery and so far my blood pressure has been great. I'm not proud to say that I am back on adderall. I promised myself the last time I got off the stuff I would never ever take it again and here I am back on it. It's for my ADHD. I know that I can make myself focus and stuff if I wanted to but, I decided to take the easy way out. I may stop taking it again. I love the way it makes me focus but, I hate the fact that it makes me an angry person. I feel like I could just kill someone today. My kids need to watch


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Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
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