3 days post op

Mar 26, 2009

Well i'm sitting here in my room at the Awesome Rathgeber house just across the street from my hospital. I had my surgery 3 days ago. I'm feeling so good that I can hardly believe it. I got up and walked within the first few hours after recovery and I think that really helped with my pain. All the nurses were great I would reccomend United Regional Hospital to anyone for any reason. The staff are great, and everyone really listens to you and tries to help in anyway they can. I'm so glad I chose the surgeon I did (Dr. Warnock was wonderful) and I'm so glad I chose the hospital I did.

That said, i'm finding it hard to get in all the water I need to be getting. yesterday I drank almost a whole hospital mug full and i'm working on my second one today so i'm getting progressively better but it's a challenge. Today I got my first tast of real food, I had half a cracker dipped in chicken broth, it tasted awesome! But half was all I could do. So far no nasuea so that's good and I get to weigh tomorrow at the Dr.'s office.

Week Two

Jan 19, 2009

Wow! I modified my salad/liquid diet and started following Thomas' Militant plan....dang! It's awesome! Not only am I just 2 lbs from my goal for my Dr. but I feel amazing!!! At first i'll admitt I thought I was not going to make it, All weekend I lounged and slept but yesterday was Monday and WOW I bounced out of bed and got going and felt better than I did when I was 15! I had energy and didn't feel like I needed to lay down and take a nap!! It's the first time I've felt like that in...well I don't know when!! I can't wait untill I feel like this everyday! What a great start to what is hopefully a great week!!

The long road begins

Jan 08, 2009

So I started my protien/salad diet that my surgeon suggested so that I can loose 10lbs to show the insurance company that I am commited to loosing weight and makeing the necessary changes to my lifestyle that will allow sucess with this WLS. I get a protien shake for breakfast and supper, and a small salad for lunch. I'm takeing the Syntrax Protien Nectar. It's actually not too bad as far as taste goes! and it's only 8 oz so it's not like drinking a pitcher of sludge like some of the other things I've tried. I started all this Monday and weighed myself last night...I was already down 2 lbs! I couldn't believe it! Alot of it was water weight I'm sure but still it was quite encouraging!
The biggest struggle I'm currently facing is my family. They're supportive but they dont really want me to have the surgery. They fear that I will go through all the pain, cost, and time, only to fail and end up worse than when I started. My Granny and mom live together and I am very close to them both but they are completly unfiltered in what they say to me about my life, weight, apperance, etc. So we're stting at the table last night and they are eating. I'm flipping through a magizine trying to fight the temptation to cheat my program by eating, when my Granny says "DeWitney, I just don't know how well your going to do with this surgery because of the way you love food" I smiled and said "I'll just have to love me more than the food" and my mom chimes in with "Well it's just like if you were an alcoholic, we wouldn't want you to work in a bar. But we can't just keep all the food we eat away from you" I looked at my mom and said "Well mom if I were an alcoholic, would you want me to get treatment?" neither of them really responded. I seems like they would be happier if I were to just settle for the life that I have, pretend to be happy and keep getting fatter and fatter. I guess because I haven't been faced with any life threating illness yet due to my weight, maybe they would have a different outlook if I were battleing diabeties or heart disease, but I refuse to see the train comming and not at least try to dodge it! I want to do something NOW to try to prevent thoes things from happening. My mom acutally used the "when it's your time to die you will die no matter how many surgeries you have" but what she dosn't see is that i'm not afraid to die...I'm afraid of wishing I would die. I'm afraid of being so miserable and trapped inside my own body that I wish for death as a release. I want to enjoy living and enjoy being who I am..and I can't do that with 100 lbs of extra weight hanging on me.

About Me
Duncan, OK
Jun 04, 2008
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