Time to Reset the Diet Countdown

Sep 28, 2006

My body weight hovers around 260 and I can’t seem to get any better than that. Of course I eat whatever I want and hardly exercise. This is going to change next week! I have decided to return to a drastic measure that I was very successful at in the past… the medically supervised very low calorie diet. I did it in 1995 and lost a ton of weight. I am returning to the HMR weight loss class and will drink meal replacements for 3 months. It will be a struggle the first few weeks, but I will get great support from HMR and the doctor there. I know it is drastic, but it will take my choices away and losing 90 lbs will be a lot easier. I can then slowly add back in healthy foods at my new weight. I can’t chicken out this time. I will do it. I will reset my diet countdown and let you all know how it goes. Skinny Scott is making a return.

27th Week on the Diet

Jul 22, 2006

Current Weight: 260 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 0 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 5 lbs. What can I say? I haven’t been keeping track and have been eating whatever I want! I really don’t have any good excuses. I just can’t seem to stick to any plan. I have not been exercising as well, which I am really starting to feel. I know what I should eat, how much, and that I should exercise, but I still do nothing. It is very frustrating. I want to be thinner, but it seems like such a chore to worry about all the time. The last time I lost a big chunk of weight(75 lbs) I was crazy about how much I ate and how much exercise I got every day. I think I am so tired about having to worry about how to keep it off all the time. As I get older, the less motivation I have. I need magic motivation!!!!

20th Week on the Diet?

May 14, 2006

Current Weight: 262 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 0 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 3 lbs What Diet? I have totally slipped into my old ways! It is amazing that I haven’t gained back all the weight I have lost so far. I haven’t been exercising, eating fruits or vegetables, or cutting my portion sizes. I thought by now I would be well on my way to a healthier me. I just can’t seem to make permanent change to my habits. This is the first time in my life that I really tried to lose and have failed. I really think what they say is true. As you get older, it gets harder to lose weight. I don’t know if it is a physiological reason, or that you just have had that many years of bad habits. Whatever the case, I have a serious problem! I really have to get into it’s a “now or never mentality”. If I don’t, I fear that I will be desitined for my first heart attack, or diabetes, or who knows what! I just wish there was a way to fill me and keep me satisfied. More is never enough, and instant gratification takes too long. Well…I am off to get a snack. Pavlov’s dog is alive and well.

18th Week on the Diet

Mar 31, 2006

Current Weight: 259 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 1 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far:6 lbs I know, I know, I haven’t been keeping you posted. That’s because I haven’t been doing as well. I guess it will help me to share my successes and failures, but I just couldn’t get the gumption to write. I am still going to my diet meetings at HMR. What I don’t like about the program is that they appear to push their products all the time as the key to weight loss. There are a lot of studies out there that suggest meal replacements really are an effective way to lose weight, but I want to do it with real food. I am also not that big of a fan of most of their products. When I first joined HMR back in 1995, there was a lot less emphasis on their products and more ideas on eating low calorie foods. I have always liked that approach and sadly have rebelled against HMR at their changes. I still feel that I get a benefit by attending weekly meetings and making a phone call to my coach. It makes me more accountable as I have to gear up to be weighed once a week. I am exercising more now that the nice weather is more frequent. I just eat way too many snacks, especially at night! I really have to get out of the, “I’ve done a good job today, let me reward myself”, mentality. Why I think adding tons of calories to my diet is a reward I will never know. Well I am off for a walk. I will try to be more diligent in keeping the diet blog updated!

8th Week on the Diet

Feb 22, 2006

Current Weight: 261lbs Weight Loss This Week: 1 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far:4 lbs I am obviously eating too much still. The exercise has slipped in the past few weeks and I am not as consistent. I am still eating about 3000 cals a day and need to stop eating at night. That is where I screw up. At this rate I will never reach my goal of 80 lbs in a year. I am eating more fruits and vegetables and I am sure they are displacing some calories. I really have to try to get the exercise done earlier in the day. At night I just won’t do it. Thank you to everyone who has written me with words of encouragement. Every bit helps!! Good luck to you all who are dieting along side me too!

Fifth Week on the Diet

Feb 01, 2006

Current Weight: 263.5lbs Weight Loss This Week: +4.5 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 1.5 lbs Well I am very disappointed. I exercised more than any week, ate more fruits and vegetables than ever before, and I gained 4.5 lbs.? It has to be fluid retention because I am eating a lot less. I can tell you that weight seems harder for me to lose now that I am over 40. It must mean that my metabolism has slowed down. I am gonna have to really step this program up if I am gonna lose the 80 lbs that I would like to. I gotta do it!

Fourth Week on The Diet

Jan 25, 2006

Current Weight: 259 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 2 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 6 lbs I didn’t meet my exercise goal of 2000 calories this week but I still lost weight. I do fine until the night time. If I could just stop eating after 7 PM, I know I would lose faster. The night time is when I really want chips or crackers of some sort, and cheese. Yikes, I gotta switch my desire to fruit!

Third Week On The Diet

Jan 17, 2006

Current Weight: 261 lbs Total Weight Loss: 4 lbs I am struggling with my portion sizes. I like a lot of food. I am also struggling with eating enough fruits and vegetables. I so want a cracker instead. The exercise is coming along. I can walk about 2.5 miles without much trouble. My goal is to lose 4 lbs this week!


Jan 09, 2006

I decided that I needed a little help on this diet plan. I rejoined Health Management Resources (HMR) for that support. In 1996 I went on their liquid diet and lost weight...51 lbs fast. After 3 months on the liquid diet I entered their maintenance program and lost an additional 29 lbs.. for a total of 80 lbs. I managed to keep it off for about 2 years. I don't feel up to a liquid diet again, but I can definitely can use their help. Their maintenance program is sensible, does not forbid any foods, and is easy to follow in the long term. The biggest thing I learned was keeping records of what you eat. When I stopped keeping records the weight came back. I don't know if I will be their poster child ever again though! hmr

First Week on the Diet

Jan 09, 2006

I started gung ho on the diet and exercise early in the week. I had an ingrown toenail so that curbed my treadmill for the rest of the week. I still managed to overeat on most days so I am lucky that I lost anything. My daily goals are to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, burn at least 300 calories during exercise a day, and write everything I eat down. I am working on my portion sizes, but find it very difficult. It is also very hard not to munch at night! My goal weight loss for this week will be 3 lbs.

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Walpole, MA
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2008
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