Jul 27, 2009

Ok, so it's been a while....and I have been sitting on my butt that long too! Finally got things moving AGAIN. Got an elliptical about 2 weeks ago. I set a goal to get on everyday for at least 18 minutes for a month. So far I have done 5 out of 7 days. I pushed through the soreness. Even a night of not feeling well. It's paying off already...I have also been ontorduced to Ardyss...I was originally looking for a good girdle to support all this chocolatey goodness...not knowing that it too is a weight loss system so I'll have the added benefit of that. It will be nice to have a coca cola chape again...ahven't seen that since high school!!!!

Weight hasn't moved very much...same 5-10 pound range....If I ever break through this I know I will I LOVE that elliptical...DH says if he'd known..he'd have gotten one a long time ago....all I can say is it wasn't time for one yet...nor was I ready. I'm ready now!

My feet are changing! I bought a pair of cute peep toe pumps in January..kept looking at them for the spring. First warm day came and those bad fellas were sliding ALL over the place...I was so sick. I gave them away....didnt' even ask for $$$...just said to a lady  at work...try these on...they fit her...and I said enjoy. She was like hunh??? I have 2 others that are the more sexy pumps for a while if this keeps up!!!! My gym shoes are still tight

Turning 40 in 20 days....not where I wanted to be ....but NOT where I was either...THANK GOD!!!

Pushing toward my goal and as much down as possible!!!

We will see

Getting the ball rolling....

May 13, 2009

Mother's Day marked 17 months post op. To date I have accopmlished 65 pounds gone, gone from 24/26 to 18/20, lost a shoe size!  At this point I have gained 10 pounds back, complacency, and at the same time a greater sense of confidence.

I look at before and after pics and talk to other post ops and listne to their story and hear about working out and was still sitting still. I've been at the same spot for 6 months...why... the mosst obvious reason I haven't been exercising and I have eaten what I want.  I'd also been away from my support...some of my support. OH BAF & Lap-band forums have helped me. you need to be in contact, I think, with people familiar with your struggle....familiar with the ups & downs...being tight in the morning...wide open at night...the band that is!

Upon return to the BAF fold I joined a challenge...first day hesitation...but it took me 3 weeks to get started. I picked up an accountability partner...and got up off my butt and started moving...I have a goal that I have set forth for my self and I intend to reash it..or get pretty damn close!

This was my promise:

I may change this but lookin at 50 pounds by Labor day...

   I DIva1969 promise to:

1. Alternate days of aerobic exercise and weight training, with one day of rest
2. Drink more water

I have amended this to a work out program of cardio every other day with pushups and situps based on a 6-week program that I'm using...will incorporate weights in...also

3. supplements daily - multivitamin, calcium & b-complex

I'm pushing the date up a little 40th B'day is before Labor day...I want to be close to that by 8/16 which means I will exceed the given amount by Labor Day


1 year and beyond.......

Apr 14, 2009

Well, well, well......2 years ago I went to Florida with my family on vacation and on the trip home heard a radio cast that featured  a local clinic pubbing their surical successes and weight loss patients. I began researching the bariatric surgery featured...Lap Band. Sounded simply enough...nothing I'd done had relly yielded much more than a 20 pound loss.  8 months later I had surgery. 15 months out from that fateful day I am sitting at 65 pounds lost, inches gone and several dress sizes down.

But  I am stuck. Been at the same weight for 6 months or more....the scale dipped 10 pounds only to go right back up. Why? Because I have been sitting on my butt! Eating what I want, how I want and how much I want! Thank goodness I have gained any..but sitting still is no better.  I knew this wouldnt be easy but I'm going to have work twice as hard now...I havent been the size and weight I am now int almost 4 years! So I am happy  and thankful but not satisifed with my progress thus far!

So as I pick myself up and dust off my butt and shoes and treadmill and weights...ugh..damn thats a lot of dusting....I am going to bring in spring...its seems to be draggin its butt too......with a new attitude and spirit. I am turning 40 this year....and I'd like to do it with a bang....a sassy look out 40 here I come....

Let's see my new things:

1. Loss of energy...just from being lazy...
2. More confidence
3. 3" heels!!!!  Strut girl strut
4. More positions
5. WATER PARK!!!!!!!!!!!  I could do that before but I wouldn't
6. More pictures where I'm NOT hiding behind other people
7. Shopping isnt as tedious and aggravating.... I love saying can i have the next size down please!!!
8. Playing with the kids more

1. 400 situps a week
2. 5 days of aerobic exercise
3. 2-3 days of weight training

Beginning immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see how far I can take this!!!!!

1 comment

5 months

May 18, 2008

Well I'm 5 months and 8 days out...45 pounds down. I guess that's something to be proud of...well let me change that I KNOW it is....and I thank GOD for the opportunity. I'm not doing right by it hard to undo 38 years of bad eating habits.

I have changed though:
1) I eat less bread
2) I drink less pop
3) I can cross my legs
4) I can go up and down the stairs at work without being so winded ( I still take the elevator though...lazy it's only one flight of stairs!)
5) I'm down 2 dress sizes, almost 3
6) Sex....well, ugh, yeah it's better
7) I can't eat Chinese food anymore
8) I sometime have a problem with chicken
9) I eat more vegetables
10) I eat more fish
11) My kids more vegetables and fish
12) I exercise more...and hard!
So I guess if I look over the list and that's the short list...I have accomplished a lot. it goes to head some days...I've always been stylish but not so much trendy...but I have my days...I'm looking good...feel free to hate on me! Ha!!!

I got a compliment a few weeks ago...I girl I met recently hadn't seen her in some months, she saw me and didn't even recognize me...not until I smiled did she know it was me! What a wow moment...Another Wow monent...Mother's husband can finally see the difference. He could tell in other ways but he says he could really see it with the outfit I was wearing. I see the difference when I look in the mirror and in my clothes...Ive given a lot away...but I'm shopping from my many sizes to choose from!

1) Break the 50# mark and fly from there
2) Try to lose some of this belly jelly! or at least tone it
3) Tone my arms a bit more
4) Get back on track
5) To wear a particular dress on 6/28 for a wedding...and for it to fit loosely.


Apr 14, 2008

Started the Body for life challenge today. Did my upper body workout...shoot I'm sore already. 12 weeks!!! goal with this is to aid in my transformation....chrysalis stage.....At the end of 12 weeks I would like to be leaner, have definition in my arms, stomach ....say it ain't so...and legs

This whole WLS thing has changed so much already...4 months out, 31# down since surgery...I have more energy to play with the kids, I'm a slow walker so my pace has quickened a bit, I have a bit more pep in my step, wearing some of my heels doesn't hurt as much. I've definitely lost inches....I'm down from 24 to some 20's!!!!   I have a few goal outfits I want to slide into yet....I've given away two big bags of clothes.

I think what helps is that people are noticing the I'm doing something right. No that that matters but its nice to know it's noticeable.

I got the biggest compliment from my husband,  or at least that's what I see it as...after a few weeks of strength training he says he can see a difference in my arms...I don't see it but if it's there ok!

2nd Fill

Feb 28, 2008

Went to Dr. S yesterday, he asked me the questions that would determine if I needed a fill. I was straight with him...I don't think I have enough restriction even though I've gotten stuck I need more...I can still eat too much!  Some days I can do seconds, some days I can only do half of what's on my plate. It just depends.

So I get the fill, last night I was able to eat crab cakes & broccoli....very soft. This morning I could barely eat my eggs!!!

We'll see how this takes....but if I listen to my body cues I should be ok...I wasn't really hungry at stomach wasn't but my brain was ....just getting those two in line will be a big help.

2 1/2 Months

Feb 23, 2008

Well I'm 2.5 months out....I've lost about 5 pounds...not really exercising and pushing the limits of my band. For Valentines Day T & I went to Chili's for lunch. I had the broccoli and tilapia. Very good, no we go this week and I order the same...don't know If I was eating too fast or not chewing enough....but I got STUCK. I thought I'd been stuck before, unh unh. This was it. I never want to experience that again. So I go to lunch the next day with a friend ...what do I order a combo....I eat the meat slowly...I don't know if it was because it happened the day before, if it was irritate..whatever. I get stuck again...but not to the same extent as the day before.

Lesson: Eat what yu're supposed to eat, make healthy and smart choices. SLOW DOWN!!!

NSV: I'm into clothes I haven't worn in 2 years. I tried on a pair of jeans from the back of the closet today. They slid on and zipped...not sure how long I'd last in them...a bit of a muffin top effect at the waist. I found a receipt in the pocket from 1 year and 11 months ago. How weird.

I'm getting there, I'm learning, painfully so, but still learning

I've set a personal goal.....60 pounds in 6 months. Counting pre-op pounds lost I'm at about 40 down. I think  60 is doable.

I have another appointment 2/27. Not sure if I'll get another fill or not. Right now I am at 1 cc in a 10 cc band. Maybe another cc will help.

First Fill

Jan 30, 2008

Ok, it wasn't bad. A slight prick and then a little burning sensation, to numb it and then he put 1 cc in my 10 cc band.  The water went down fine. I was in and out like Flynn. Came home and after a stop at the grocery store I was waaaay to hungry. I bought some chicken chunks and while I made  little dinner...snacked on those I could feel myself filling up. So I stopped munching until I could get my eggs and spinach ready. I have to remember that I REALLY have to slow down now and make sure I chew my food.

1. Zipping a jacket that when I bought it I couldn't zip
2. Have the jeans I wore to my post op visit, too tight, now be slack!
3. Having more energy (my hubby loves that)
4. Realizing that the coat that was tight last year is now too big
5. Shopping in my closet

I was a little disappointed at today's visit...why are the Dr's scale and the scale at home never the same. The Dr's scale was higher by 7 pounds! But the surgeon was happy to be down from the surgery date...yeah but thats him!  Also something to watch...every time I go to his office I have a fever! Lat time it was 99 something today it was 100.2. I asked the nurse if the equipment was working...heehee! I got the "no she didn't look"!

Lets see what next month holds!

One Month Reflections....

Jan 13, 2008

It's been one month and 3 days since I had Lapband surgery. i have lost 20.4 pounds since surgery. I have gained 5 back....Having no restriction is a bit of a curse. I can eat whatever as long as I chew it. But if I eat too much of this well chewed food I still get stuck! I have learned a few things:

1) Chew it up before you swallow it
2) It will come back
3) You really don't need that extra bite
4) If you do the same thing you will get the same results
5) Don't waste what has been given to you
6) I can't wait until I get there...where ever that is...I'll know it when I get there

A few people have noticed a bit of a change...but this isn't for them it's for me. I need to get my butt in the gym.....I don't want to have to have plastic surgery. If the biggest loser folks can et it tight so can I!!!!!  But I have to work at it like they do. I think I want a trainer...I need someone to push me. I have a gym membership but at this point its just a donation to their bills!!!! 

This is not an easy road....well I won't say that its road made of what YOU make it...if you make it hard then it will be. I need to make it easy on me and get my stuff together!

1st Post-Op Visit

Dec 29, 2007

Went for my 1st visit on 12/26...I was down 9.7 pounds in 16 days. I was actually down 20.4, but Christmas day and Aunt Flo water retention changed that by the time I got to the Doc's office!!!!

Mushies....a dangerous state to me...I could just not blend...but then I'd get stuck....been there done that...want to avoid that at all costs.

I''m learning to cook and eat differently and incorporate that with feeding my family of caniverous men! Its so easy to make my little bowl or plate up and then go oops I have to feed everyone else regularly. My 4 yr old thinks my tummy is upset...he's wondering why I eat so much soup now! He's so cute being concerned about mommy! 

Things are getting back to normal. Bending still hurts a tiny bit if I have to bend over the port side. Went back to work..not to bad...made a bad choice in underwire selection one day though. Thank goodness it was casual day and I was wearing one of those sweatshirt type shirts...I had to go braless!

Dh thinks I'm on liquids forever. He wanted to go to dinner the other night but didnt think I'd want to go cuz I could only have soup! 

Next challenge New Year's Eve. We are going to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I've already got my game I have a drink??? Do I dare order cheesecake???? We'll see if I'm hungry enough. Even though the band is empty I do tend to fill up quickly...maybe I won't require much of a fill.

That's what scares me...the trial and error of finding the sweet spot. 

I've been readin profiles and notice that some people have lost as much as 50 # in 6 months!!! I know we're all different but is it possible for me? Can that be me in 6 months...only time, patience and LOTS of willpower will tell.

About Me
SW Suburbs, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 54

Latest Blog 26
5 months
2nd Fill
2 1/2 Months
First Fill
One Month Reflections....
1st Post-Op Visit
