2 Years Later...

Aug 10, 2012

So, it's been 2 years since my life changing decision...I've lost almost 170lbs and after 38lbs more, I am going to start looking into plastic surgery. I've had some side effects...malabsorbtion issues. My body doesn't take too kindly to iron anymore, so I get iron infusion twice a year, and I'm deficient in a few vitamins, but that's to be expected. What I didn't expect was the bit of depression to linger and my sex drive is just about at 0% which makes me more depressed, lol. I dunno. I went through the whole "I haven't lost enough weight" stage, but I had to realize that the rest comes off in time, with proper diet and exercise. I let myself get too comfy with food again and the weight loss slowed down, but I've put myself back on track and have now lost 10lbs in the past 6 days, which feels great, even with the fatigue of my vitamin deficiency's, lol. Slowly but surely...I'm getting to where I ultimately want to be...just need to stay strong. :-)

Slowly but surely...

Nov 28, 2011

Well, the weight loss has slowed, as expected. Ran into some health issues...my body wasn't absorbing enough iron, and I was lacking in energy and still losing lots of hair. I just finished with iron IV therapy, and finally have energy enough to hit the gym, and got a bit of an appetite back...well, enough that I've started losing again. The health issues slowed me down since August, and it's been a struggle, but I'm back to health and getting back on track. Only 58lbs to go until I've achieved my goal weight!!! It's SOOOO exciting!!! 


Feb 21, 2011

I set a few goals for myself...my first goal was to FINALLY weigh under 300lbs...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

It's so exciting!!! Now, on to the next goal...to weigh under 200lbs...only 96lbs to go!  :-)  Full speed ahead!!!

4 Months...

Dec 27, 2010

4 months out...down over 80lbs!!! Amazing!

3 Months

Dec 02, 2010

3 months out....down a total of 63lbs (so far)  :-)


Nov 26, 2010

At 3 months out, I thought the holidays would be so much harder...and thankfully, they're not (so far). Thanksgiving came and went with no problems. No overeatting. I ate...when I was full, I stopped. I got to eat every bit of food I wanted to, just in smaller portions of course. At 3 months, my doctor says I should be eatting 6oz for dinner, but I'm lucky to get down a full 4oz., because that's rare for me. I'm usually quite full after about 3oz unless I take like 45-60 minutes to eat, but I rarely do. But now I have something else to be thankful for...not only for my wonderful family and amazing girlfriend...but I'm still making my progress through the holidays. :-)

Never Again...

Aug 28, 2010

So...I was stupid last night. Went out shopping without a beverage, and before I knew it, 2 hours had gone by. So we left the store, ran to 7-11 to get a water and saw low sugar protein bars. I was far from home without my protein drink, so I decided to buy it. Well, instead of being smart and drinking first, eating later, what did I do? You got it...2 hours without liquid and I down a protein bar. SOOO much intestinal pain from that one. Layed down though, and the pain passed within 15 minutes. Then, this morning, I go to eat breakfast and either ate too fast or didn't chew well enough because the pain of food trying to get into your stomach and sliding up and down your esophagus is not pleasant. I kept the food in my stomach, but the food that sat in my esophagus came up. Now...I HATE throwing up, and it was just saliva and the tiniest bit of egg, but damn did I feel SO MUCH better afterwards. But...lesson learned...

2 Weeks...

Aug 23, 2010

It's been 2 whole weeks since my surgery, and I feel great! Lost 21lbs in 10 days, I'm up and moving around, noticeably losing inches. Eating more substantial food, and tolerating it all. Not once have I thrown up...not even in transition. Not once have I felt "dumping syndrome". I am truly blessed to be going through this with no complications (so far). The only snag I hit was the night I got my staples removed, one of my incisions split open. Nothing that Bacitracin, gauze and a couple weeks couldn't fix. It's my fault though. I didn't like the taste of my protein drink, so I waited 3 days for my shake to get delivered. Essentially causing my incisions not to heal fully. But, problem solved. Getting enough protein now...the split incision is healing nicely...all is well. I'm looking forward to being able to shop at normal stores. This truly is a wonderful experience. Just the boost in energy is amazing. Well...2 weeks down...the rest of my life to go...
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About Me
Somerset, NJ
Surgery Date
Aug 18, 2010
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