Horrendous Flatulence ReSolved!

Mar 06, 2017

I was warned about the possible increase in gas and diarrhea as a result of DS. Did not scare me off. However, had I known the absolutely unacceptable stench associated Not to mention the 10 fold volumes of gas produced I would have not continued with the plan. Seriously, it was that bad. Recently however, I found a cure. While on antibiotics for an unrelated issue, I noticed both the stench, volume and diarrhea reduced...Significantly. I am now taking a theraputic / profalactic dosage of antibiotics. And to top it all off, I am at my goal weight after a 1 year plateau. Life is grand.

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melting away magic

Apr 17, 2014

So after the intense attention to diet & exercise to qualify for surgery, now post-op I have returned to my usual self...Work a holic. No time for scheduled exercise, and grabbing food on the run.  Granted healthier choices, my fav grab is mini cans of V8.  Love to cook up chicken breast and eat on them all week. Tuna right out of the can. Jerky! Focusing on protein ya' know. Taking daily Optimum vitamin supplement & my 4 month out labs r good (with the exception of my good cholesterol is low).  

While I am liking the size 28 decreasing down to a 14 There is a sneaking thought that this magic can not last. And what if it does? will I melt away to nothing?



In the beginning

Dec 27, 2013

Well, the true beginning I was a full term normal size birth weight.  By first grade as a extremely shy people pleaser "slim" size pants needed 2 one inch tucks to fit.  However, by fifth grade I had learned how to turn to food for comfort and ballooned upto 100 lbs. The fattest kid in class (with cat eye glasses to boot). Growing into puberty helped stretch some of that out & becoming very active in high school brought me to my best body wt ever 145#. Met my husband, had 3 babies in three & a half years. Each time attempting to loose the pregnancy wt but gaining it back plus some. After babies 180# I suppose it was emotional eating and inactivity, besides the continued fad diet trials with the same results rose to 245#. I actually had a successful 50# wt loss with Weight Watchers before my husband died in a tragic snowmobile accident. I finally figured out that diets are detrimental to your health. Gave my self permission to eat anything & as much of it as I desired. The highest number I saw on the scale was 298 because I would not weigh myself to see that go over the 300. My first attempt preparing for WLS 2001 failed, having the stomach the size of a walnut did not make sense to me.  I was ashamed of my belly roll which covered my entire lap (No room for grandbabies) . I had a panniculectomy 2007 and dropped to 269#. Relished the freedom to move. Continued to improve my healthy eating patterns. I always said I was fat & healthy. 2011 a bout of sciatica, 2012 dx with HTN, Diabetes type II,high cholesterol and severe gallbladder attach. The surgeon refused to do the otherwise emergency surgery to to my girth. Thus started my year long prep to qualify for insurance approval for my DS/lap cholecystectomy. Got denied 3 times before all hoops were jumped though for approval. Surgery was Nov. 19, 2013. I felt better in recovery than I had in more than a year, My gallbladder pain was gone. Most all of the surgery discomfort resolved in a week, getting better with every passing day. Now learning how much I can eat, what I can tolerate, and what to stay away from because it causes uncomfortable gas. My B/P has been normal, My sugars vary according to what I eat but can be normal, and to my delight my activity tolerance continues to improve (last year it took me 4 sessions to shovel my walkway, this year I've done it twice in one session each!). I was prepared to die on the table to have a better life. I should have done this years ago.



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