Life is good!

Apr 02, 2009

Here I sit contemplating going for another walk.  I've already exercised today, but these days I feel so great and have so much extra energy I need to burn it!  As of this morning I am down 177 pounds -- today is my 9 month anniversary since surgery!  I go to see Dr. Uchal in 3 weeks and can't wait to see what he has to say!

My new job is awesome. I absolutely love it. Everyone there is so friendly and they all act like and treat each other like adults! I had to call off a day  a few weeks back due to a flu, and no one yelled at me! I didn't know how to act!

My husband is not doing so well right now unfortunately.  He's seems very depressed lately and he's not doing what he should to take care of himself.  I'm very worried about him, but he says there's nothing wrong.  All he wants to do when he's home is eat and watch tv.  I know from my own struggles that I can't make him do anything about his physical well-being, but it's breaking my heart to watch him gain weight and go further downhill when I'm finally doing so well.  Part of me thinks he's jealous of what I'm doing.  I've asked him several times if he would be interested in talking to my surgeon but he says he's not willing to do this.  He claims he can't eat "the kinds of stuff" I eat.  What? Can't eat protein and vegetables and fruit? I don't know what I'm goning to do.  But I do know that I'm not going to let him derail me!

Well, I think I'll go pack lunch for tomorrow and take that walk.  No time like the present!  God Bless You All.

it's been a while!

Feb 01, 2009

I know it's been awhile since my last post.  I've been so busy with my new job.  It is truly a blessing to be in a new environment working pretty much on my own and not having to deal with the general public anymore! And to work for people who actually treat me like an adult!
The only downside to this is that I am sitting at a desk all day, only getting up on my breaks and lunch, which means that I'm not getting as much movement in as I used to.  I need to focus on excerising more to keep moving, not just for weight loss, but also to keep my knees limber.  Once the weather breaks I'll be able to go outside and walk on my lunch hour.  That will help alot!
I've been dealing with some food issues since the holidays.  I did really well baking cookies this year. I did taste a few, but nowhere near what I used to eat!  There were a few kinds that I cut back on how many I made because I realized that in years past I had eaten whole batches of some myself!!  It felt great to realize that I wasn't anywhere near that place anymore.  Most of them didn't even really appeal to me at all, but in years past I ate them just because they were there.  It amazes me how far I've come in so little time!
The problem that I seem to be having is getting myself back to primarily protein.  I eat a lot of protein, but I have found myself eating more carbs than I know I should.  I'm working on it though. 
I also had an issue with wine over the holidays.  I hadn't had any since before my surgery, and a few sips over the holidays turned into a bottle over two weeks time, then a bottle a week.  I know that I should not be drinking it for several reasons including the extra calories and sugar, as well as the fact that it is moe quickly absorbed now, but I didn't want to listen.  I kep telling myself that red wine is good for my heart.  Nice try!  The good news is that the last bottle is gone and I am not going back to the winery anymore!!!  I have better things to do for myself!!
Hope this finds all of you well.  I know I'm kind of rambling now, so I'm gonna close, but please remember my friends, we are all in this together!  I thank God everyday for all of you and your support!  God Bless You!!
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I got th job!!!!!

Dec 15, 2008

I had my interview last Tuesday and about a half hour after I left the office I got the call from their corporate office offering me the job!  I'm so excited!
I gave my two-week notice at the motel, which would mean my last day would be December 23.  I offered to stay until the 30th if I could have the 24th and 25th off, which worked out well.  I will be off for about 5 days, then start my new job on January 5th.

I also went and got weighed on Tuesday and am now down to 380#!
Life just keeps getting better.

This week I'm on vacation, and as I always do this time of the year, I'm baking Christmas cookies.  I have 9 different kinds to make.  So far, I've baked about 50 dozen over the past 4 days, and I haven't eaten a single cookie!!  They just don't appeal to me now.  I still am baking because my sister and I bake them and give them to family and friends.  I decided when I started that I would allow myself one cookie a day as a reward, but I haven't needed to eat any!!

I also have been able to go back to church the last few weeks due to my schedule at work.  It feels so good to be back among people I love worshipping The Lord.  I've missed being there so very much.  That's one of the best things about my new job -- Sundays off every week.  I truly am blessed.  God is so Awesome!

Okay, gotta go now.  I'm starting to cry.  Blessings to all of you and thanks again for being there for me.

I have a job interview tomorrow!

Dec 08, 2008

I am so excited I can hardly stand it!  I've reached the point where I have finally realized that I need to get out of my current job.  Okay, so I didn't just "finally realize" it, I've known it for some time now.  But I finally FEEL like I am WORTHY to look for another job. 
It's like I've been staying where I am because I felt that I wasn't good enough to try to go elsewhere.  After all, who in their right mind would hire me at 500#?  I know, alot of that was in my head, but the outside world does have a tendency to discriminate against obese people, even though in a job situation they are not supposed to. HA HA

Anyway, I'm interviewing tomorrow for a position in an office, where I will be able to sit and do my own work, not have to deal with the public anymore, not have to worry about working different shifts all the time, not be on call 24/7, and not have to work Sundays or holidays!  And best of all, I won't have to worry about my current manager treating everyone like they are 2 yrs old!!!  (She wants to be everyone's "Best Friend" until she decides that you have in some way offended her!)

God willing I will be on my way to a new future in yet another way.  My surgery this year has changed so much for me.  It has been such a blessing.  I never would have felt this free to actually beginning living my life again if I had not begun this journey through weight loss.  God is Awesome in all His Love for us!  Praise the Lord!!

Lots to be Thankful for!!

Nov 28, 2008

Here we are the day after Thanksgiving.  I spent alot of time yesterday thinking about all that I have to be thankful for.  God has truly blessed me this year. 
I had my ryn on July 2, and am already down 113#, have broken the 400# mark.  I haven't weighed less than 400# since shortly after my wedding 4 years ago.  I am feeling so very much better than I did just 5 months ago.  I am off of one of my bp meds, and also off of my cholesterol med.  My knees feel alot better, although they will never truly be 100% again due to the amount of cartilage that has been removed in surgeries over the last 4 years.  But I know that if I do need the knee replacement that my surgeon has talked about, it will be a much easier recovery than it would have been.  Just think ... 113#... that's 452# less pressure on my knees with every step I take!!  And it is so nice to not be constantly out of breath!! 
Every day I feel better, both physically and emotionally.  It is amazing.
I have a loving husband who, while not "into" my having the surgery at first, has realized what a difference it has made, not only in my life, but in his as well. 
I'm not pleased with my current job, which I've been doing for 9 years, but I have a promising lead on a new position, which I may be starting as soon as the first of the year, if it is God's Will.  I have come to terms with some things in my current position which have been bothering me for a long time, and I actually feel a sense of peace knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Besides my husband, I have a wonderfully supportive family of brothers, sisters, neices, and nephews who cheer me along daily.  I have always been the "fat kid" in the family, and they are so happy for me to finally be able to do this.
I feel like I have been released from a prison of sorts, and while I know I still have a long way to go, I now know that it is POSSIBLE!!
And of course I am very thankful for everyone here at OH.  I have learned so very much from all of you, even things that never occured to me to ask.  We are truly all in this together, and I thank God for every one of you!
I'm not sure why it would amaze me as it does, because I know that God is always with me, and all of us, but it still  makes my heart stand still each time I realize anew how AWESOME GOD IS!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving and Praise God!!!!!

I hit the 100# mark!!!!!

Nov 10, 2008

Today I got weighed.  This was a big deal as I do not weigh myself that often, mainly because the scale I have at home does not go high enough.  My other reason is that in the past I have found that ups and downs on the scale can seriously change my moods and sabotage me. 

So....I dragged myself off this morning to be weighed since I will be seeing my PCP on Wednesday. 

I AM AMAZED!!!!!  While I couldn't break the 400# barrier, I did break the 100# loss mark!!!!!!  I was 401, which is 104# down from my surgery weight of 505, in about 18 1/2 weeks!  Can't wait to see my PCP -- the last time I saw him was 3 months ago when I was seriously dehydrated (according to my surgeon who I saw the day after my PCP) and my PCP had told me that everything I was going through was "normal".  I really like the guy, but if he doesn't make an effort to learn more about the WLS process, then I'm afraid I'll have to find another PCP. 

I've also had some very interesting "discussions" with my husband the last few weeks.  He finally admitted to me that he was totally against the idea of my surgery in the beginning, but now that he sees how well I'm doing, he's happy for me.  Part of the problem was fear, part was jealousy, as he is about 150# overweight himself, and the last part was the cost of the surgery, as we had to take out loans to pay for this ourselves.  (My insurance would not pay for it because the company I work for won't by the rider needed for the extra coverage.) 
We were hoping to but a house in 2009, but decided to put that off for 5 years until the surgery loans are paid off.  I thought that we had made this decision together, because what good would it do to buy a house that I was physically unable to take care of and possibly wouldn't even be around long enough to enjoy with him.  Apparently he justt "bent" to my wishes for the surgery -- How selfish of Me!!!!! 
Happily though, we seem to have finally worked things out.  And I have to say that if HE would decide to have the surgery himself I would gladly stay in our mobile home until it fell down around us if need be, just to help him be healthier too!

All I can say is God is Truly Great!!

Finally back to work and losing again!!!!

Nov 01, 2008

I finally was able to go back to work on October 19th, and believe me, I've been busy!!  Fortunately I only needed to be off for 3 weeks after my gall bladder surgery.
When I went to see Dr. Uchal on the 16th for my clearance, I had actually started losing again!!  I'm now down 89 pounds in just under 4 months!  I never would have believed it if I wasn't living it for myself!!
Thanks to all who have encouraged me and prayed for me along the way.

Tired of complications

Oct 09, 2008

It's been awhile since I've posted anything on here, but I've been unfortunately busy dealing with complications. 
The day after my last post I had an appointment with my PCP who told me that everything I was experiencing was "normal", as had my husband. 
The following day I went to see my surgeon, who hospitalized me due to dehydration.  They did an endoscopy and found a stricture between  my pouch and intestine, which they dilated.  I have since had 2 more endoscopies for the same purpose. 
The latest problem was in September.  I was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks for testing due to severe abdominal pain, and they finally decided it was due to my gall bladder, which has now been removed!
I'm tired of being poked and  prodded. My veins are shot from IV's and blood draws.  I just want some semblance of normalcy!
So I'm finally starting to feel better (Thank God!).  Now I need to turn my attention back to weight loss efforts.  But as I try to eat I find that I am not able to eat meats.  Doesn't matter what kind - chicken, turkey, pork, beef - doesn't matter how it's prepared or how much I chew, it won't stay down.  I'm so tired of throwing up that I find myself trying less meats and concentrating on getting my protein from reduced fat and fat free dairy sources instead.  I go back to see my surgeon for follow up to my gall bladder surgery on the 21st, but this is driving me nuts!

Rough times

Aug 05, 2008

Since seeing my surgeon 2 weeks ago, things haven't been that great.  I don't think my system is ready for soft food, let alone regular food.  I've had a hard time keeping things down, and actually that now includes liquids.  I have an appointment on Thursday this week to see my surgeon again for this.  I'm not able to keep my meds down, which is affecting my blood pressure, and I even have trouble with my chewable vitamins.  I'm afraid I may become dehydrated.  I feel nauseaus all the time and am constantly burping!  HELP!!!

First post-op visit!

Jul 23, 2008

Yesterday I went to see my surgeon for my first post-op visit.  I lost an unbelievable 39 lbs in my first 3 weeks!  They say the more you have to lose, the faster it will start to come off - and I have a lot to lose!  My husband was with me and he was also very excited.

I wasn't supposed to go for another week, but they had left a suture in my drain site and my skin had healed around it very tightly.  They needed to remove it as it was becoming very uncomfortable. 

And now I get to do soft foods for a week.  They suggested eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, and baked potatoes and sweet potatoes.  After one week on that I can move on to regular foods, provided I chew each bite for 3 minutes and wait 3 minutes between bites.  Sounds good to me!  I can't wait to get my hands on a salad!   I am sooooo excited!

About Me
Oakdale, PA
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 10
I got th job!!!!!
I have a job interview tomorrow!
Lots to be Thankful for!!
I hit the 100# mark!!!!!
Finally back to work and losing again!!!!
Tired of complications
Rough times
First post-op visit!
