it's been a while!

Feb 01, 2009

I know it's been awhile since my last post.  I've been so busy with my new job.  It is truly a blessing to be in a new environment working pretty much on my own and not having to deal with the general public anymore! And to work for people who actually treat me like an adult!
The only downside to this is that I am sitting at a desk all day, only getting up on my breaks and lunch, which means that I'm not getting as much movement in as I used to.  I need to focus on excerising more to keep moving, not just for weight loss, but also to keep my knees limber.  Once the weather breaks I'll be able to go outside and walk on my lunch hour.  That will help alot!
I've been dealing with some food issues since the holidays.  I did really well baking cookies this year. I did taste a few, but nowhere near what I used to eat!  There were a few kinds that I cut back on how many I made because I realized that in years past I had eaten whole batches of some myself!!  It felt great to realize that I wasn't anywhere near that place anymore.  Most of them didn't even really appeal to me at all, but in years past I ate them just because they were there.  It amazes me how far I've come in so little time!
The problem that I seem to be having is getting myself back to primarily protein.  I eat a lot of protein, but I have found myself eating more carbs than I know I should.  I'm working on it though. 
I also had an issue with wine over the holidays.  I hadn't had any since before my surgery, and a few sips over the holidays turned into a bottle over two weeks time, then a bottle a week.  I know that I should not be drinking it for several reasons including the extra calories and sugar, as well as the fact that it is moe quickly absorbed now, but I didn't want to listen.  I kep telling myself that red wine is good for my heart.  Nice try!  The good news is that the last bottle is gone and I am not going back to the winery anymore!!!  I have better things to do for myself!!
Hope this finds all of you well.  I know I'm kind of rambling now, so I'm gonna close, but please remember my friends, we are all in this together!  I thank God everyday for all of you and your support!  God Bless You!!

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About Me
Oakdale, PA
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 10
I got th job!!!!!
I have a job interview tomorrow!
Lots to be Thankful for!!
I hit the 100# mark!!!!!
Finally back to work and losing again!!!!
Tired of complications
Rough times
First post-op visit!
