follow-up appointment

Feb 05, 2009

I went to see Dr. K yesterday!  (Ran into Sheila at the office!  Haha!)

I told him about my stall and he said, "You're whining," and "When was the last time you lost 26 pounds in six weeks?"  It's true!  He told me to just keep doing what I'm doing and the weight will come off.  Jay was with me and he pushed the water issue, so I had to ask him if it was better to drink water or sugar-free mixes with water and Dr. K said that water was definitely better.  He told me not to drink the Crystal Light stuff.  He said I should get some lemon juice concentrate and put it in my water and if I need to a little bit of real sugar.  So I guess that's what I'm gonna do now.  Good thing we have a lemon tree!

I also got a copy of my operative report and confirmed that my common channel is 50cm.

A good visit!  I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and start drinking my lemon water and hope it all falls into place and I start losing again.


still stalled

Feb 03, 2009

The scale was back to 244 today, dammit!

Can't wait till my sweetheart gets paid so we can go to Costco and stock up on protein.  I think my main problem is that I need to eat more protein.

Still bummed, though.

rice, etc.

Feb 02, 2009

I've been telling people lately that I can eat whatever I want but I just recently discovered that isn't true.  I hadn't tried rice yet.

For some reason, when I eat rice it fills me up really quickly and leaves me with an icky feeling.  This is sad, because I love my mom's mexican rice with a little lemon on it.  I've had just that for lunch on several occasions.  I guess I'm not saying goodbye to rice forever, but I sure am keeping my distance for a while.

Also, I think I broke my stall.  I've lost at least one pound.  Hopefully.  Official results tomorrow.


Jan 28, 2009

Took my measurements tonight!  Let's write them down for future reference!

Bust: 49 inches
Waist: 49 inches (LOL)
Hips: 56 inches

My bust and waist are the same size.  Jeez.  I am very unfortunately shaped.


Jan 27, 2009

I didn't lose any weight this week.  It's kind of a bummer, but I think I'm okay with it because I feel my pants getting looser.  Just to be safe, though, I'm going to be more vigilant about carbs and hope to see a big loss next week.  That scale needs to MOVE!

progress & stuff

Jan 26, 2009

Yesterday was so neat!  I was able to make it to the SCADS lunch in Burbank and I got to meet a bunch of awesome people.  It was really so inspiring to see people at goal or near goal or healed of their comorbidities.

AND after lunch the fiance and I drove around Griffith Park and Hollywood and even saw a movie.  It was a really good day.

Now I can't wait to see Dr. K again.  I'm sure he'll let me know if my progress is good enough and he can even tell me if I can drink soda yet.

OH!  At lunch, I ordered a BBQ bacon chicken sandwhich.  I bit it a few times with the bread and then I just ate the insides with a fork and knife.  But get this: I was able to eat it all.  That's so cool!  It was a good load of yummy protein!  Plus I snuck in a loaded baked potato, too.  ;)

Things are going well.

one month

Jan 24, 2009

One month down.

I've lost 26 pounds since surgery.  That's not too shabby!  Sometimes I get anxious about the speed at which my pounds are falling off, but I've got to remember that it's going to be different for every person and my DS is not going to fail me.  I've gotta just stick with the program and I will lose the weight.

I like my DS.


Jan 21, 2009

I've been really really tired lately.  Since I'm working again it's a little hard sometimes to get up in the mornings.  I could sleep forever.

I'm thinking some of this may be due to dehydration, but I can't be sure.  I'm just gonna drink my fluids and hope it gets better.  I need to go to work regularly!
1 comment


Jan 05, 2009

Not two weeks yet, but already worried about my weight loss.  My fiance started low-carbing right around when I got home from the hospital, and he's losing a couple of pounds every few days while I hover around the same number.  I told him the other day, "It's not fair, I had a freaking SURGERY!" because he's beating me.  But I guess I keep forgetting about those 14 pounds I lost the first week.

Anyway, I really need to up my protein intake, but it's so hard when I'm not hungry and when so little fits in my new stomach.  If it were faster to eat protein I might be in better shape.


first post-op visit

Dec 30, 2008

We went to see Dr. K today for my first post-op appointment.  I got weighed and it turns out I lost 14 pounds this past week.  (Wow!)  But I guess that makes sense considering I've eaten close to nothing this week.  Haha.

So they laid me down in the chair, Dr. K came up to me and put his hand on my belly and said, "Ouch," and then he pulled my tube out.  It hurt, but most of all was surprising.  Then the other one.  MAN did that one hurt.  I don't know why but it hurt so much more, the pain kinda knocked the wind out of me.

But that's it!  My drains are out, I feel a lot better, and I get to eat more things now!


(We've definitely turned a corner here.)

About Me
Bakersfield, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 28, 2008
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