Haven’t checked in lately!

May 13, 2019

Hi, here I am going on 7 years post VSG! Have been maintaining fairly well, healthy and able to eat what’s good for me. No regrets about surgery. !

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Part of the journey

Jul 22, 2012

Yep, it is a revelation of the food/psyche relationship. When I was on the liquid/shake preop diet and even now 10 days post op, the mourning for the social aspects of eating,the pleasure of putting anything in my mouth, drinking with meals... even cooking my usual specialties, was / is an evolution and ongoing education. I am so much more attuned to my body, the metamorphasis of my flesh. When I lost 30 lbs preop, and realized my knees no longer hurt when I climb stairs, a warm fuzzy feeling came over me and I sensed the blossoming of hope that I had not experienced in a long time. When I experienced hunger preop, I let myself feel the discomfort and thought about the process, what I could do instead of eat. When I was stressed, I drank water and thought about my future as a normal weight person. I used food as a drug for soo long. But I paid dearly for that high....Diabetes(maybe not reversable in myncase),sleep apnea, high bp,lymphedema,depression, predjudice,social ostracism,inability to participate in activities that I wanted too....The physical,and emotional pain that I felt and currently feel is changing slowly. I made this decision to be a healthy person to the best of my ability. It is the hardest thing Imhave ever done. I may never totally acheive all my goals, but at least I have goals now. A year ago ,,I thought I was hopeless. I am hanging on to hope. I pray the serenity prayer a lot. I know I will stumble and fall, maybe even fail at times,,but I will endevour to be kind to myself, forgive myself and try again.I do believe that change is possible now. But it still will remain a daily battle of my choices. There are so many temptations and distractions to overcome. These forums help to keep a positive perspective. Knowing you are not alone in the journey helps tremendously. Others have gone on before me and reached their goals. I strive to continue to lesrn from others who are in the struggle with me. I will share my story very selectively,and that is still part of my healing. I still fear rejection or being hurt by others who would never undestand my choice to alter my body forever to gain control of my body to become the best person I can be. Both of my sisters are normal,weight, but they are very discplined with their eating and spend many hours a week working out. I needed this tool to get to a normal,weight and hopefully will learn to maintain once I reach goal. I had a revelation about head hunger.... it is for me the desire for a certain taste, texture,
or ambient factor of food. It is the difference between eating for pleasure, or eating to survive. One day, maybe I will be satisfied that I am choosing to eat to stay alive as opposed to craving to satisfy a certain taste sensation. Not that there is anything inherently "wrong" with enjoying food. It is just for me, learning my limits, identifying triggers and learning new ways to deal with stress other than turning to food.Love and peace to all....

Answers to Interview questions

Jul 20, 2012

  Someone e-mailed me these questions and these are my answers!
  1) So how did you go on the low calorie protein shake pre surgery? I have to be on it for 2 weeks,So what about you how long were you on it? I was on a low carb 1200 cal diet for several months until I went for my post approval/preop visit. From that point, I was on 2 weeks of 3 protein shakes a day with low carb count. My shakes ranged from 160- 220 calories per . Carb count was 4-6 g per. Bulk of calories were protein. In between I could have 0 carb fluids and sugar free jello. I made jello from unsweetened koolaid, knox gelatin,isopure clear liqiud and stevia(aspartame allergy)Made my own sf popsicles too!   2) After the surgery when you awoke how would you class your pain ? Also did you have a drain? If so, what day did the drain come out? I had davinici robotic/laparascopic surgery with 6 incisions. Most were 1/2-3/4 inch long and the stomach removal incision was about 1-1 1/4 inch wide. No drain, had foley urine catheter that was inserted after anesthsia given.Pain was 4-5/10 when not moving, then 6-7 /10 when turning, hiccuping, or heaving. I had morphine pump, morphine gave  me nausea,switched to dilaudid- that was better for not making me nauseated. When I ran a fever once, they started IV tylenol.That helped the pain too. They usually give toradol, but I have  an NSAID allergy. The hiccups were from nerves disturbed during surgery, i also had hiatal hernia repair.Did not have much pain once I was up and walking around. I was up in chair same night of surgery day. Next day was out of bed for 9 hours straight, either walking , going to BR or sitting in chair with legs elevated. Also had to do frequent incentive spirometry to keep lungs open.Also had pumps on lower legs to prevent blood clots, on heparin shots, and wore compression stockings from the time I left home until I got back home!   3) How long was your stay in hospital? I was in for 3 days due to high bp, excessive hiccups,nausea and monitoring blood sugar(I was on sliding scale insulin in hospital, was in insulin pump 3 years preop, now looks like I'll be off of the pump for a while and just on one shot of levemir at night)Will have to reassess insulin once I start pureed food, it will me a juggling act for a while, but I have been off of metformin for a while  now!     4) Did you have any complications during or after the surgery? I may have answered above, LOL     5) Are you seeing a Nutritionist? 
No and that kinda sucks, I downloaded a postop plan from the Cornell U bariatric clinic that was along the lines of what I was given  at my center. Problem is, our nut. only works parttime and she got way behind when she took off time to be with her daughter who had a baby. Anyway , the cleveland clinic info is much more detailed and useful. It is perfectly in line with what i should be doing, but better, reprintable foodlogs and great info!   6) How long after the surgery did they have you up walking?Day after surgery, after catheter removed.   7) Since the surgery have you felt dizzy or like you are going to faint?Just once, but sat back down and felt fine from then on.   8) Are you know able to walk around without feeling any pain?  Now walking 1-1.5 miles a day with no additional pain. The only pain I have is with every swallow if I swallow too fast or more than a third of an ounce at a time. Still learning limits. Incision pain almost gone.I have only had 3 doses of lortab elixir since returning home. Was on zofran sublingual until 4 days after surgery. While in hospital,was on IV zofran and Phenergan. The phenergan really doped me up on top of the other narcs! I am having trouble getting all protein in, but concentrating on fluids, it will come I' m told.   LOL Denise          

post op check up

Jul 18, 2012

 Just returned home from post op check up. 6 days ago I had my sleeve . Checked into hospital last Thursday, July 12 at 8:00 am. Was not nervous, even though I had been awake since 5:00 am. Had packed the night before, so I was ready. Got signed in, registered, and paid up. Was escorted to the preop area where I was weighed, changed into gown and signed consents. Nurses started my IV,went over all of my medicaions, checked my bp a dozen times, and drew blood. Then the anesthesiologist,nurse anesthetist and the or nurse talked to me and asked a hundred questions. The or nurse actually braided my hair so it would fit in the bonnet! Then my surgeon came in wearing a Florida Gator scrub hat , I said, " lets do this" I dont even remember saying goodbye to my husband! Woke up groggy aleady in my room!More later...

Tomorrow is the big day!

Jul 11, 2012

 Going in at 8:00 am for check in to the hospital. I feel so blessed. I have family and friends old and new praying for me and supporting me. I am looking forward to the rest of the journey. Could not have done this without all of the posters/ encouragement  and prayers of all of you! Thanks so much. Ill try to post tomorrow.
Love and peace to all!

preop diet week 2

Jul 07, 2012

 I am on day 9 of the protein shake preop diet. Had a bad day yesterday, started off being quite nauseated. I sipped on caffiene free herbal tea until it subsided. Then I was able to drink my shake, late but got it in. i am using hardly  any insulin since being on the restricted diet. I hope this bodes well for the future. Getting off of the insulin pump would be fabulous! I quit my metformin about a week ago. So looking forward to being off meds for diabetes, high blood pressure and would very much like to kick my cpap machine to the curb. I have been fine with the shakes until I get around smells of food . Then my hunger  goes into overdrive. Heres hoping after surgery, my hunger will be controllable.

pre-op diet

Jun 29, 2012

Well, it is day 2  of the liquid protein shake 2 week regimen. Yesterday was not fun and I had a headache by bedtime. My blood sugar has been pretty low and I am making some adjustments  on my insulin pump. Today was a little better. I am trying hard not to focus on what I cannot have.I am learning which protein shakes I like. I had a peach orange one yesterday that was quite good.The GNC chocolate Lean Shake has been my standby even before these past 2 days,but  I was giving that one a rest for a few days to try some others.The Pure Protein chocolate is pretty good.Warm Chicken broth is very soothing as is herb tea.
Have been thinking hard about my relationship to food,the social aspects of food related activities that must change forever. My husband  and I really need to find some new activities to enjoy together other than eating out! Most of our friends also choose this for any get together as well. Really tough stuff.I have to learn to love me more than the food I won't be eating. It's just that I really enjoy planning meals, cooking and eating! This is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I hope it will be worth it. One thing is for sure, I never realized how many people care about me and my wellbeing until recently. Quite a revelation.

Have Surgery Date

Jun 08, 2012

I received my letter for approval of surgery. Then later that day I spoke with my surgeon's office and bariatric nurse to set a date. Looks like 7/12 barring any obstacles.
Just setting the date triggered anxiety and panic in me. Did not sleep well for 2 nights. I had a panic attack but did not take my usual med for it. Just let myself feel the discomfort. Probably not the best thing to do. When I got up yesterday morning, I was ready to call and cancel the surgery. I went to work all tired and dragging my butt. I have been driving my husband nuts talking about surgery, obsessing over it, reading web posts, books, blogs.My kitchen is stuffed with protein powders,extracts and vitamin supplements.  I have been doing all the"right" things, staying on my diet, not drinking before and after meals, eating slowly, chewing forever, reducing caffiene. I have lost more pre-op weight than I was asked. So I wonder why all the angst? My surgeon thinks I am the ideal candidate! I told him I am a terrible patient and that I am terrified. I am not sure he is really hearing me as I am sure he has heard that hundreds of times. I have told my sisters,my boss, one co-worker and one close friend about the surgery. Today I may be telling my parents. I am not sure how they will handle the news. Lots of history there and some of it touches on the roots of my true problems with food/weight/body image. Subject of future discussion... gotta go pack now.

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May 31, 2012

Found out my surgeon's office has submitted letter to insurance for approval. Now I wait. Started collecting protein drinks to try. Have tried a few already. Really like the Quest Protein bars, although I know I will not be able to eat them for a while after surgery. My Endocrinologist has quit her practice so I am scrambling to find another one to help me through the transition off of the insulin pump. I do not expect I will be needing it for long after the surgery. But. I am hypothyroid so there is that to deal with as well. I am beginning to tell a few people about the upcoming suregery, but have not yet told my parents. I told my sisters, a couple of friends and 2 co-workers. Had to tell boss beacuse of needing to take leave.

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Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2012
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