04/24/06 - I just turned 42 this month. My father had a massive heart attack at 42...now that worries me! My mother died at 44 with ovarian/liver cancer, which was undetected in time due to her weight...double worry! I weigh 287 and have trouble with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma and borderline diabetes...I think something has got to give here! I have two wonderful kids that I have raised on my own and I want to live to see them raise families! I have tried a few diet plans, of which the longest was that of 3 weeks...I just get so hungry, give in and feel like a failure. There is too much to do in life and too little time to live it...like this. Yes, I am nervous about "the surgery" but I know that it is my only hope of jumpstarting a new life! Sometimes we need a little boost for our self confidence, self esteem and motivation...so here it goes!

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04/27/06 - Well, I got a phone call! I made an appointment for a seminar with Coates/Coirin on May 19th. After the seminar, I see a GI specialist. I asked the RN who called me if this meant I was approved and she said "oh your insurance will cover it, you just have to clear the different Dr's." So, I am on my way! My friend at work is also starting her process, so we may be in at the same time. I have been reading a lot about the surgery, trying to inform myself on what to expect. This is all that seems to be on my mind these days...I can't believe that I will one day be thin and healthy! I have been heavy since about third grade, so this will all be so new for me. It is very exciting and scary at the same time :)

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05/16/06 - So, now I am getting excited! I have my seminar this coming Friday. I will get to meet both Dr Coates and Dr Coirin. I don't know which one will be my surgeon...but they both have wonderful reputations. I know in my heart that this is the RIGHT choice for me, I just hate having to wait and jump through hoops! I am glad that they make sure I am ready for it, but I just wish it could go a little quicker. I want so badly to be healthy and able to do more physical things! I want to run...put on a bathing suit and swim with other people...I want to do a handstand again. There are so many things I am anxiously awaiting!!! All in due time, I guess :)

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No, WAIT!!! I want to take up belly-dancing and celtic dancing! Yeah that's what I want to do. Well, at 150...I can! Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

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05/20/06 - I went to my seminar last night and met Dr Coirin. He was fantastic in explaining the whole process and even had a video clip of the surgery itself. I feel really confident that he KNOWS this surgery inside and out! I had my questions answered by the end of the night and he even invited 3 post-op patients to come and talk with us. To look at them...you could never tell that they once weighed 300+ pounds - just a year ago! After, I spoke with them individually and was invited to the support group they belong to. They said it is good to start coming before I even have the surgery. I also spoke with office staff for Dr Coirin and she said the next step is an office consult and she would be calling me this week to set it up. I also asked about my insurance (Medi-cal / Blue Cross) and she said that they have no problem authorizing! So, I just have to make all my appointments and I should be on my way! I am soooooo excited - I am even more sure now than before that I want and need to have this done! I already feel different inside...just beginning this journey! Until later, take care!

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05/24/06 - Wooo Hooo...Dr Coirin's office called me and we scheduled my office consult. I was a little disappointed that it is a ways off (July 5) but I am going to call each week to see if they have any cancelled appointments! Otherwise, hey...it's scheduled! It seems like it will become even more real to me when I actually go to this appointment. It is like the "confirmation" appointment of having this all done. Until next time : )

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05/26/06 - Well, Dr Coirin's office called and we had to change my consult date. Now, I could either be sad...or I could take it as a sign in the long run! Besides, it's only 2 more days - July 7th. I suppose I can wait...lol.

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06/02/06 - Just a brief update on things...I found out yesterday that one of my former 2nd grade students' mom had the surgery in February. The doc accidently cut her aorta and she was in a coma until this last weekend, when she passed away. I was not only taken by suprise, but I had to go read some success stories to keep me from getting too scared! I know it doesn't happen all the time AND she went out of this area to have it done...but still it makes one think. The doc I am using has such a high success rate, almost perfect...so that is what I have to think about. He KNOWS what he is doing and I plan on being totally compliant with his instructions!

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06/05/06 - Tonight was my first support group meeting. It was the one held once a month, through Memorial Medical Center in McHenry Village. It was a packed room! There were those of us who are beginning the whole process and then there were those who are post-op. The night was called "open forum" and they do this once a year. The microphone was passed around and everyone had the opportunity to share about how long since they had it done and how much they lost. I was amazed! There was one man who lost over 100 pounds in about 2 1/2 months??? Is that crazy or what! Now I know that is not the norm...but even those who were down by 50 pounds in 4 months amaze me. One man was there at 5 DAYS post-op and down by 13 pounds! He was getting around really good too. I have more hope now that I will be back to work sooner than I had feared. I am just jazzed after this meeting! I am excited to get going! I want to be a loser. There were some there who had the same surgeon as I will have, that was very comforting! All in all, it was a very encouraging night! Til next time...

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06/15/06 - Just a little update here...I have a friend that I met on here and she went yesterday for her consult with Dr Coirin...which is who I am also going to have. She said it was a very good meeting! He was all ears and answered questions. He did not rush at all and made her feel so at ease with the whole process and her future! He is a great guy, and I can't wait to meet him on July 7th. I really think that by the end of this year, I may be a "loser" and I am so excited! Anyway, I just had to share that because it has me so pumped about everything! See ya for now.

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06/23/06 - Well, I am this much closer now to my consult. I made another new friend and she has a surgery date for the end of July! She will be starting her preop 2-week stuff soon! Her surgeon and mine are partners, so we have the same team - they are great! Time IS passing...maybe not as fast as I would like, but it is passing. Before long, I will be getting that phone call...does blablabla the 15th work for you? Whooo Hoooo...sign me up! Ok, until next time...take care.

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Sit Up06/30/06 - I am now down to 7 days 'til my appointment with Dr Coirin! I am getting so excited about this! I had a live interview with Richard Simmons on Sunday and that went really well! He doesn't want me to have the surgery, but he wishes me luck. He sent me some workout videos...I am going to start working out to them - It will help me before and after. I lost 15 lbs once before by using his videos. I just mentally want to be active...my fat body just won't let me! Anyway, I will update more after my consult...'til then!

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07/06/06 - So, you would think I would be so excited that tomorrow I had my consult scheduled...but no, it has once again been postponed and for longer than 2 days! The next time I have been scheduled now is the 20th. I told the nurse to give me a GOOD date because this is the second time they have done this. They couldn't find my paperwork about a week 1/2 ago! I turned all that in back at the seminar in May! Then she tells me I need a referral from my PCP - I said well how would your office have known to call me for the seminar and now I have been scheduled for the consult - for tomorrow - would I not be seen without one? She said no...so my July 7th appointment would have been cancelled on me anyway! I am a little frustrated here. I want to get this done - I am SO ready! So, I have to get my referral before the 20th or I can't be seen. I know this lady that I met on here...named Joy! She started her pre-op diet today!! You go Joy! She has Dr Coates which is my surgeons partner. I may switch over if it means I could get all of this done sooner! We will see...I will update you all later! TTFN

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07/22/06 - Well, I had my preop consult with Dr Coirin's office. I saw a PA named John and he was very nice. He answered my questions and reviewed with me expectations of the surgery. I got my "bible" to live by and read it all in about 1 day. Then I was put in another room and discussed insurance, etc. Everything should go very smooth and quickly according to them. She (Sandy) said that my insurance rarely turns down a patient with my BMI # and that I have several co-morbitities. So, I asked her..."just for excitement purposes" about how long before I may see surgery? She said easily within 2 months! She said it will take no time at all now that the ball is rolling. WOW! By my next birthday, I just may be about 80-100 lbs lighter!!! I cannot even imagine at this point!

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07/26/06 - Whooo Hooo! No, I don't have a surgery date yet...BUT - Dr Coirin's office called and I got autho to go see the Psych Dr Morgan and the Nutritionist!!!!! So after those 2 and a clearance from my Primary...I just wait for a total package autho! I am soooooo close...I feel a date coming in either September or October!!!!! I am soooo excited now...it's becoming more real to me! K, more to come... :)

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11/03/06 - Now I feel really bad!  I have not been on here in so long that I didn't even know that they had changed the format!  That's bad - I apologize to everyone!  So, let me update ya'll as to what has been going on!  I finally finished all my tests, appointments and so on!  My regular doctor didn't want to sign the release until he put me through the ringer!!!  That's actually ok by me, at least I know I am in good shape to go to surgery!  I had a pap, mammo, sonogram, lab work!!!!  BUT all is right on!  So, my surgeon's assistant "Sandy" is sending off for final approval as we speak!  This means, I may have a date within this next week!!!!!  How much more excited could I be?  My appointment with my dietician went wonderfully - she was very sensitive to my lifestyle and truely wants to see things go well for me!  I even brought a tear to her eye - she was very sweet!  Anyway, I am continuing to attend the monthly support group through Memorial...love them!  You get to chat with others in all stages of this whole process and it is very informative!  If you haven't found one to attend yet, this is the one!  First Monday of every month in the McHenry Village.  I wish lots of luck to everyone out there in whatever stage you are in!  Thanks to all who have commented here and I am just now finding out...duh on me!!!  Hugs!!!

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11/07/06 - OMG!!!!!!  I have a date!!!!!!! I am going to be a loser starting November 27th!  I cannot believe I have arrived to this point!  I really thought I would never get here!  I will be starting my 2-week preop diet this next week and I cannot wait!  I ran into my ex-boss who had it done in October and she lost 30 lbs just on the 2-week diet!!!  She is down an amazing 42+ lbs already!  This IS real, right?  Someone pinch me and see if I stir!!!!  NOVEMBER 27th - my anniversary date will be around Thanksgiving every year!  That will be such a reminder of the way things used to be!  I am soooooooooooooo jazzed!!!  Somebody say something!!!  LOL!!!  K, I will update more later - I may get hungry on this diet and need to vent here!!!  Yay!!! I have a date!!!!!!!!

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11/15/06 - Well, today is day #3 on the pre-op diet!  Ummmmm...I am so hungry I can't stand it!  I can't believe how addicted I am to carbs and caffeine!!  I have been so sick to my stomach and headaches!!!!  I am also very dizzy all day long.  I have been doing good, but did give in to a sandwich yesterday and today.  I called Dr Coirin's office though to see what I could do and they said just go ahead and eat something healthy in between the planned diet food.  This diet is: A.M.-1 scoop of protein with 8 oz milk and 4 oz fruit...afternoon-1 scoop of protein with 8 oz milk...dinner-4 oz meat and 4oz vegies...that is all for the whole day!!!  That is like 10,000 less calories than I am used to, lol!!!  But really, I am so hungry that I worry how I will be after surgery!  I hope that I don't just think about food alllllll the time!  My friend just had surgery a week ago...she had some trouble immediately following and says if asked if she would do it all again...NO is her answer!  So, now I am getting even more nervous about my big day!  I know a lot of people who have had it done that have NO regrets...but, then you have those that say "DON'T DO IT" and it puts that little voice in my head!  This IS what I want, I am just scared!  Please think of me this week as I continue my pre-op diet!  I will update again soon!

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11/21/06 - Day 9!!! I am so much better today!  i don't have any more headaches, nausia, dizziness or anything.  I am caffeine free these days!  This first 4-5 days of this pre-op will kick your butt!  I didn't know how addicted I was!  I am not craving any soda.  I am not saying I have done 100%, but I know I have lost a few pounds - and losing is better than maintaining or gaining...right?  I go for my pre-op appointment tomorrow with Dr Coirin - maybe I will get to meet him?  In any case, I will see just how much I have lost.  I am getting sooooo excited I can't hardly stand it!  I will update more later...hugs!

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11/24/06 - Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I had such a good one...by day 10 of my pre-op diet, I lost 10 lbs.!  I could not believe my eyes when I got on the scales at Dr Coirin's office!  I thought I had lost maybe 4 or so...BUT 10!!  I went to family's for Thanksgiving dinner and yes I did eat - I just watched my portions, I had NO soda and didn't really have dessert.  I did quite well I think!  Then today, day 12...I was back on the pre-op diet!!!  I found that I had a stomach ache yesterday after I ate dinner - be it the kinds of food or just more than the diet allows in one sitting????  I got to meet Dr Coirin finally at my pre-op appointment...he is wonderful!  I took all my vitamins in with me, so he could look at them and make sure I bought the right ones.  He even "thanked" ME for losing the 10 lbs. - he said it makes his job that much easier...anything to make the job easier, right!!!  I have been on such a rollercoaster of feelings today!!!  One minute I am so excited and ready...then the next I am really anxious and wondering if everything will go alright.  I did write out my wishes if something goes wrong...I even wrote letters to my kids.  That was a very weird experience!  I am confident all will go well, I just worry now and again.  I will try to update my status ASAP...take care!

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11/26/06 - K, it's 11:00 and in one hour I can't have anything else to eat or drink! It has been some kind of day!!!  My son is in the Marines, so I had to drive 1.5 hours to Sacramento to pick him up from training today then 1.5 hours home - ummm yeah, i had to drink my bowel prep "juice" on the road!!! Well, about 45 min later, I had a war going on inside my tummy!  I had to stop along the way and use a bathroom!  I then came home and...used the bathroom - BUT then that was about it (SO FAR).  Not too bad, but I was a little worried on the road!  I am soooooo nervous!  I know everything will be ok...but, I still am a little scared! I also went to my sister-in-law's, who is a photographer and she took some "before" pics for me!  Our plan is to take some about once a month...we should see some results each month.  I will be posting them here - soon!  I have lost about 15lbs now on my pre-op diet!  I have kicked the soda, caffeine and carb habit!  Smells still make me want, but I seem to have more will-power to resist now.  I can only hope this will follow me later!!!  OK, so tomorrow I will be a LOSER!!!!  I will update here as soon as I can sit at the comp for a few minutes!  Hugs to those of you behind me in progression...take care!

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12/2/06 - I'M A LOSER! I don't know how much so far, but I am on my way!  Well, I have a lot to say...I was so scared on the morning of the 27th!  The nurses said I didn't seem scared, but I WAS!  I got in the OR and moved to the table...the OR nurse began putting electrodes and "things" all over me and they started strapping my down for safety...all is still good at this point.  The Anesthesiologist put an oxygen mask on me and I started to panic - it WAS air, but I needed AIR!!!  He said there is no need to panic, it's oxygen and I need it...duh ass, but I was scared! About then an angel came in and slightly lifted the mask so I wouldn't panic...it was Dr Coirin!  He held that until I went to sleep!!!  As I was waking, I heard lots of noise and someone say, "K, guys...let's get outta here" or "K, guys, let's get IT outta here" now I don't know what they were talking about, but...I woke up and there WERE no guys - LOL!  Just a nurse in the recovery room.  I tried so hard to keep my eyes open at first, but they wouldn't.  Finally, I could take brief looks around and the guy across from me (different surgery) was starting to code...so I just layed back and closed my eyes again...next thing I looked at the clock and it was already 2:30 and I was heading up to my room.  Now I believe I arrived in recovery around 11:30, so it takes a while to come around.  I remember NOTHING about the breathing tube or getting a foley put in - YAY!!!  I got to my room and was pretty much out of it for a few more hours.  I have to tell you though...I felt like I had been hit by a truck!  I can't sugar coat it for you, there is pain - like you were someone's punching bag!  BUT the pain meds were wonderful and then I had the PCA pump and let me tell you - when the light turned green, I hit it!!!  I hit it again and again and again - it turned green about every 15 min.  They came in later in the evening to get me up for my first walk - I WAS willing to walk...however, I was real lightheaded and thought I was going to vomit, so they put me back to bed.  By morning, I was feeling better...still sleepy (meds) but willing to walk - I did!  It was not fun the first time though...sore and weak!  Walking would become something I asked to do...gets you off your sore, numb, red butt and it felt good on your back!  The day after surgery, I was beginning to feel really good - I was alert more, I had visitors...whew!  That about wore me out - I loved everyone coming, but to talk to them and listen and stay awake, took a lot out of me!  I was passing "some" gas, but not able to burp!  Let me tell you, it hurts to have to burp but nothing comes!  Anyway, I got a little scared, because it started getting hard to breathe - they gave me gas-ex and warm jello water, but still not helping.  I was getting breathing treatments, but my O2 sats were just fine...so they said it was just gas pressure - so I walked more!  Eventually, things began to calm down and I felt better.  The next day, he had talked about releasing me, but I was still uncomfortable in SO many ways, so I asked if I could stay one more day and he said NO problem!  By this time, I also managed to start my period...YIKES!!!  This was awful on top of everything else!  BUT you have to stop your birth control pills and so there ya go!  Well, I already had one this month, but here goes again and this one was heavy and crampy - I know, the least of my problems!  Anyway, by the next day...I felt pretty good and got to come home!  PEOPLE - I have not been hungry once!  I feel full and don't even want to think about the next meal!  Yes, I did have thoughts in my head of "maybe I should have just stayed the way I was" - but, it's when my whole family was eating pizza in the next room!  BUT even if I had permission to go join them...I couldn't - I feel like I will bust!!!  Ok, this has been long enough for now...I will update more later, I have a follow-up appointment with Dr Coirin on Tuesday the 5th!!!  Til then...

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12/8/06 - Happy Friday!  Well, I had my post-op appointment this week!  I lost 14 lbs on my pre-op diet...7 more since surgery...then I weighed myself yesterday and had lost another 8 lbs...so I started at 279 and am now at 250lbs!!!  I think it's just amazing!  I am still on my pureed diet, which is really not all that bad.  I eat regular food only mushy!  I have had canned chicken with avacado blended and it's yummy!  So far, I have kept all food down, including the milk (1%) and string cheese, eggs, yogurt and other fruits and veggies!  I feel really good, but cannot return to work until 12/24 - they like thier patients to be off for 4 weeks minimum.  I didn't expect it to be that long, but I should be more than ready by then.  I added photos on here of me before - I will be adding about once a month so you (& I) can see the progress!  Take care...until later!

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01/02/07 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Ok, ok!!  I know it's been more than a month!  I have been trying to get past this first month of recovery!  I have felt wonderful...BUT here comes the but!  We think I may have a stricture.  Only 5% of bypass patients get this, but if you only knew my luck!  Anyway...I go back to the hospital day after tomorrow for an EGD (Esophogogastroduodenoscopy) I always loved writing that word!  They put a scope down my throat with a balloon in which they will stretch my stoma - it is too small for food to pass!  So, I am able to get yogurt and fried eggs down...but not much else!  I am really nervous about the proceedure, since about 20% of bypass patients who have a stricture and EGD - may have to have emergency surgery if they perforate (poke a hole) in my esophagus or new pouch!  Now, as I said before...you don't know my luck - so please keep happy thoughts for me!!!!!  I am also dealing with constipation...yucky topic, I know.  None the less, it's a problem - that makes me feel a little sick.  I also developed a cold this week...woes me!  I can only hope and pray that after Thursday I will be on the mend!  My kids & I joined the YMCA this week and so I have been walking 1 mile per day!!  It feels so good to get moving after this month of nothing!  I met with a trainer today, so I will be toning a lot as well!  I may just have a girlie figure after all????  Um yeah...I'm single ;) just thought I would throw that out there!  Ok, well I posted new pics tonight for my 1 month post-op.  Go see the difference in just 1 month!!  Even I have to be a little amazed!  Hugs to all of my co-losers...pre & post!!!  Until later...

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01/05/07 - Well, I was so scared and worried...for a proceedure that was completely pain-free!!!  The only discomfort was when they started the IV...3 times!  But, really it was nothing to have been so worried over and I will know next time what to expect.  I say next time because they said I may have to repeat this EGD 5-7 more times for the stretching to stay!  When Dr Canale got in there, I guess I was at a mere 3mm and they stretched it to 7mm.  Normally after surgery it is 15mm and there is 25mm in an inch - so you can imagine how small 3mm is!!!  I also have to comment on Dr Canale!  He walked in to the room, grabbed my hand and asked if he could pray with me...I knew he was a Christian, so I said "absolutely" and so he prayed not only for me, but for himself as well!!!  I must say I feel so much better and got all my pills and pureed food down ok today!  Tomorrow I go back to whole food, so wish me luck! But I am holding out that all will be fine!  I just want to say thanks to all of those who responded to my urgent bulliten for advice on OH...I had so many people reply and give me encouragement and well wishes!!  I love OH!!!  K, folks...I'm headin' to bed for tomorrow is another day!!!

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01/10/07 - Everything is going smoothly this week...I am back to eating my meats again and having no problems at this point!  I have to say though that I am always on pins & needles with every bite still.  NOW...the other day, my daughter and I decided to go try on clothes and I have exciting news!  Before surgery I wore a 30/32 pants and about 30/32 blouse (26/28 if made bigger) because I don't like clingy blouses and I wear them longer to cover my gut!  Anyway...I tried on a 22/24 blouse and it fit loose - so I was brave and tried an 18/20...it fit!  It was still a little tighter than I felt comfortable in, so I still consider me a 22/24 but that is down 2-3 blouse sizes!  On to pants...I tried on a 26 and they were way too big!  I swear clothing makers think if you are fat in the belly you must be fat everywhere!  Both of my legs could fit into one pant-leg!  So, I told my daughter to go get the next size down...she brought them back and said they didn't have a 24, so she gave me 22's - I said NO WAY will they fit!  Ummm, they did!  So I am down 3 pant sizes now!  I am down about 46 lbs now...it's coming off!  I have been walking over a mile a day now 6-7 days a week and working with a trainer on weights!  I always have in my mind still, "why couldn't I do this without surgery" but, I couldn't.  I am just proud of myself now putting so much effort into being healthy!  Yeah, I like the idea of being thin too, but I am glad to be off some meds and having my bloodwork start to come back normal ranges for everything!!!  Until next time...wishing luck to my fellow losers!!!

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02/03/07 - Yes, it has been a month since I updated!  Well, here it is.  I had another stricture!  I went in this last Thursday and they were able to dilate me to 10mm!  I can't tell you how much that makes a difference!  I was able to eat again today with no problems...so I can only hope that it stays!!!  In any case, I have posted my 2 mo pictures...I am down 60lbs total now!  I can't see a BIG difference between 1 mo and 2 mo...but I am sure the next photos will show a little more change!  Everything else is going ok...so I will be back to update again soon!  HUGS to all!

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03/08/07 - I know...where have I been?  Well, I just got my 3 month pics done and posted on here.  What a difference - I can't believe I looked like I looked!  I am now down a total of 76 lbs and things are still moving right along!  I now weigh less than some of my family, which has never been before!  My second EGD went well and still holding at 10mm.  Dr Coirin thinks we may have to do it one more time to try to get me as close as we can to 15mm - but for now, he just wants to monitor me!  I am still sticking to the guidelines 100%!  However, it is still difficult to get in all the water and protein needed - I just don't want to eat!  Shopping is so much fun now!!!  I no longer have to go to the "big woman's shop" as we say!  I can go to Wal-Mart or Target and buy what everyone else is buying!  I am now in 18 pants heading for 16's when I was wearing 26/28.  As for blouses, I used to be in 3x or 26/28 and even some 30/32 BUT now I am in a large!!!!  I can't remember when the last time was that I was wearing those sizes! I feel wonderful these days - more energy and motivation.  I am going to the gym at least 3 times a week and walking up to 2 miles in 35 min. so I am proud of myself!  I don't hurt anymore or feel exhausted all the time!  I am also having coffee with my first boyfriend from my college days!  He saw my picture and wanted to "catch up" - how fun will that be????  I am feeling good!  Until next time, hugs to my fellow losers and those about to become one!!!

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03/23/07 - Well, I am almost 4 months out!  I can't believe the difference in such a short amount of time.  I am now under 200 lbs - 197 to be exact and I can't remember the last time I was even close to this.  I am so happy!!  I am down a total of 82 lbs.  and still losing!  I have another 40-45 lbs that I want to lose to reach goal.  I will make it!  My son is getting married April 21st and I will be wearing a brand new dress!  I also have an update on that coffee date I mentioned last entry...I am now seeing him - after 23 years, we both want to make a second chance out of this and see where it takes us!  We have so much in common and enjoy each other so much!  I guess I have to sum up things like this...LIFE IS GOOD!  I will be taking my 4 month pics this week, so stay tuned for an update on how I look!  Hugs and best wishes to my fellow losers pre & post!!!  Donna

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09/19/08 - OVER A YEAR!!!! Well, since I have been on here!  But let me tell you so many things have happened in my life!  I have lost all but 20 of my goal weight!  I would like to lose some more, but if I don't I am sooooo very happy where I am!  In November, I will be out 2 years!  I have not gained any of my weight back!  I continue to be careful with what I eat, but I still fill up quick and sugar still makes me sick...thank goodness!!!  In the last year, I have found a full-time job teaching and loving it - 5th grade!  I met the man of my dreams, got engaged, almost lost my daughter and (future) step-daughter in a car accident last November, went through an illness with my dad and lost him in March...eeeeek!  A lot of things to make me wanna eat!  But, I have managed to survive all the stress and pain!  I cannot tell you how much better I feel these days!  As a teacher, I could not have stood like I have to stand alllllll day in class!!  All my labwork is normal for a change!!!!  No kidding, I am having the best sex ever now that I have lost all that weight! I am so happy I would not change a thing about this whole process!!!  I will try to update again soon!  HUGS to all my fellow losers pre & post!!!!!

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07/25/14 - Over 7 years out! Many life changes. I am still married to the man of my dreams! We together have 8 grandbabies! My gallbladder finally decided to give me trouble and had to come out this last week! I actually became septic and that is what sent me to the hospital, it was a close call. The doctor said I was really in danger of dying, so I thank all my friends and family for praying for me! I am feeling better each day. Since my original surgery, I have gained back some weight, due to "not taking care of myself" but, with this recent surgery and being sick, I am now back on all my vitamins and have lost 14 lbs. I am on my way back to my HEALTHY self! Hope the best for all my fellow losers pre & post! 

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01/23/23 - It has been a LONG time since I updated on here. I have recently been dealing with health issues. I was admitted to the hospital, tested and then released with no real answers. I looked at my lab results sent home with me and sat down to begin some research. It was in the back of my mind, but with aging (58 now) I wondered if it was just time happening. I have had a left hip replacement, have Osteoporosis, and I found that I am very "Vitamin/Mineral" deficient. I brought this to my FP and she agreed that I needed more Vitamins & Minerals in my life! Bariatric Vitamins are expensive for someone on SSDI, so I take when I can. My body doesn't appear to care how broke I may be, so it started to take a toll. Now that I have been taking them again and making sure to get my protein shake and water in...I'm much better. They tell you, vitamins will be a MUST for the rest of your life and HOWDY it's true! You may feel fine without them at first, but over time...you will get sick. Do I regret the surgery??? NO!!!! I think I did what I HAD to do to live longer. You just have to stay committed to the changes you make.  <---------Soapbox! Now, for my life post-op...I am still married to that man of my dreams from 2007. We have been through a lot, but there isn't anyone I would rather do it with. He really is my best friend! We now have 14 grandkids!!! We bought a house in Oklahoma, living close to 4 of them. We struggle financially (Disabled), but I am happy. I hope everyone is doing well!

About Me
Elk City, OK
Apr 24, 2006
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