Long time since last post!

Jun 07, 2008

Hello everyone, thought I drop a quick post to give an update on how I'm coming along...
I'm 3 month's post-op or let's say on Tuesday I will be exactly. I went to see my surgeon yesterday for my 3 month post-op and she was extremely pleased with my progress and even said I'm doing better than she would of suspected with my weight loss! She said I've averaged about 13lbs a month and that's better than what most people lose which is about 8-10lbs a month!! I was shocked because I thought I was losing pretty slowly
I'm actually down to 208.6 as of this morning and was 209.somthing yesterday at her office. I'm soooo close to ONEDERLAND now I can taste it!! lol I cant wait until I'm able to say I'm one hundred and ___!! whatever lbs lol
I haven't seen those number's in sooo many year's it's ridiculous! I'm getting alot more comment's on my look's and people at work keep asking me how much I have lost! I'm doing well with my eating but dont exercise as much as I should! I do alot more walking and that's help's...
I had lab's done last month before my 2nd post-op and everything came back perfect. She doesn't want to see me for 2 month's this time,and want's more lab's done before that visit in August. I'm happy about not  having to make that trip in a month because the price of gas is too high to be trucking it down to DC every  month!  Well other than that I have posted some new pic's on here for people to see my progress and I will update again after my next post-op visit! Hope everyone is doing well and trying to stay cool with the HOT weather we're having!! 

Take care

What a day!!

Apr 18, 2008

Well folk's it's been a while since my last blog, but wasn't much to report. 
I went to a party at my job today and saw co-worker's who haven't seen me for 6 week's and everyone was shocked when they saw me! When I walked in most of the conversation's stopped and I was the main focus of the party! I was told how good I looked and asked many time's how I was feeling and if I was ready to come back! I said ready as I'll ever be...lol 
It made me feel very good to hear over and over how good I'm looking and that the weight loss is apparent. I had a good time and it did boost my spirit's to hear it from other's. I know I've lost but of course need to lose alot more! It's coming off slowly and I'm happy with my progress so far..24lbs in 5 week's!! I got asked what am I eating and believe it or not most people assume that your not even eating "real food" lol I was like I'm eating normal except in smaller amount's minus the sugar,soda's and greasy food's!!
I plan on walking on my lunch break's when the weather cooperate's and hope to boost my weight loss. I am noticing more attention from the opposite sex too lately. It's getting warm out and I'm feeling good about myself so I think it's gonna be a good summer for me.....

It's been a while....

Apr 06, 2008

Hello everyone, it's been a while since my last post. I haven't had much new's during that time except for a little problem I had with some broccoli I ate which was in my chinese food that got stuck in my chest for about ohhh let's say 4 hours maybe I dont think I will try that again!! I've been eating other stuff though like yesterday I had some chicken salad at Chik Fil A which was really good on some cracker's. I got the large size and actually ate it over a period of maybe 3-4 meal's yesterday. I also got some low calorie wheat thin's which are really good and kind of melt in your mouth. I like that they have a little bit of salt on em but are way less calories than chips and good to eat your tuna with. I have to tell you that I weighed myself this morning after waking up and I couldn't believe my eye's the scale said I was 225.2!!!!!!!!!! which is great since the last time I weighed myself was yesterday and I was 227. I did alot of walking around yesterday and enjoyed the nice weather. I guess the walking really help's with the weight loss in addition to the diet. I'm siked because I haven't seen that number for about 5 year's I think?? If I can get this other 25lbs off I will be right at the borderline of ONEDERLAND and that will be a miracle to me!!!  I'm just gonna keep doin what I'm doing and hope that I'm looking the way I want to be by summertime! Well folk's that's all I have to say for now. I will post after my next post-op appt which is this Wed. Take care...

Getting to know my pouch!

Mar 28, 2008

Well folk's I have come to the conclusion that I can NOT eat grit's anymore for breakfast!! they are sitting so hard in my pouch that it hurt's when I eat them underneath my ribcage all the way across and that discomfort stay's with me for hours! It's funny but the first time I ate them it didn't bother me at all, but the last 2 time's wasn't good. I guess I will stick with my hardboiled egg's for breakfast. I tried some turkey chili yesterday which was pretty good but I couldn't eat about only 2oz of it with a little melted cheddar cheese on top. I will try to eat the rest today for lunch. I made a protein shake yesterday with chocolate unjury and some frozen cherries which was ok but I think I'm gonna try the vanilla with some banana and strawberries next time. I'm trying to get used to this protein stuffff! I'm not a big fan of it but I know I need it so I've got to get used to it. I got my vitamins yesterday which I have to eat 2 chewable vitamins twice a day which is cool as long as I remember to take them. They are made by "Optisource" and are citrus flavor and they dont taste bad considering all of the stuff they have in them. They are made specifically for post-bariatric surgery patient's which is great. They are a little pricey at 26.99 for a month's worth but it's worth it considering I only have to take this to get all of my vitamin's and nutrient's in a day. If anyone is interested in them you have to order them off of Walgreen's website and they will ship them via UPS to you. I'm still hanging on to that 228# but it's cool I'm gonna get out and start walking outside to get some exercise to  help with burning off this fat. I cant wait until it get's warm and stay's that way! I've got a week and 1/2 until my next post-op visit and I want that scale to be down some when I go! I cant belive it's almost April I totally love springtime and cant wait to drop the top on my convertible for the first time!  Well everyone hope all is well and I will keep posting about every other day or so.

Good News!!!

Mar 26, 2008

Well just bot back from my 2nd post-op visit and my doc say's everything is going good and that I can start to eat some tuna/chicken salad on a cracker or melba toast. I can also try ground chicken/turkey if I like as well as some flaky fish and scallops/shrimp! Yummy  She said she would like to see my protein intake about 50gms a day so I asked her if I could add some fruit to the protein shake and she said yes. She said I can have berries,bananas,and apples. She was pleased with my weight loss and said right now that I'm hardly eating anything my metabolism is super slowed down so I need to eat 3 meal's a day along with 2 protein shake's in between. I guess that's the trick to get the body out of starvation mode. I weighed myself this morning and was 228 so I've come down a couple lbs but slowly since my last visit. She doesn't need to see for 2 week's so I'm glad about not having to make that trip again next week!!  So I go back on 4/9. I cant believe it's almost April and I will be heading back to work soon. I kinda miss work but then I dont....lol I miss my co-worker's but not the stress which I dont think I can deal with now along with re-learning how to eat and get my strength back.  Well for dinner I think I'll make some tuna figh and see how that goes. Hope everyone is well.

Feeling pretty good!

Mar 24, 2008

I haven't posted in a couple day's because there really wasn't anything new to post! I did weigh myself this morning after getting up and I'm down to 228lbs I haven't been 220 anything in a LONG time! so that's great new's. I've been getting really tired in the early evening and been having to take a nap. I am waiting for my vitamin's to be delivered so I can start on those asap! I also purchased some unjury protein mix which should come today. I know I haven't been getting hardly any protein at all which very well may have something to do with my fatigue. I hardly have any abdominal pain now,and have been sleeping comfortably but dreaming a whole lot for some reason? I did hard boil some egg's yesterday and chop them in little pieces which was really good. I love egg's and they do serve a purpose with the protein. I have to see my doc tomorrow for my 2nd post-op and hope she will advance me to some refried bean's and cheese,and some tuna salad. I'm really bored with my food choices right now and need a change big time.
I'm hoping after tomorrow's visit I wont have to see her for 2 week's. The drive is really getting old to see her as I'm in Baltimore and she's in DC.
I plan on having a protein shake in the AM and one in the PM. I pulled up some great shake recipe's and will ask her if it's ok if I use frozen fruit to add to the shake.  Well I'm gonna get goin and hope everyone is doing good.

Haven't lost anymore weight!

Mar 22, 2008

Well it's been a couple of day's since I last posted,and I've been doing fine. I really haven't been eating a whole lot and haven't lost any more weight? I can't help but to weigh myself every day which I know I shouldn't do but the tempation just kill's me in the morning when I wake up. I'm guessing this is normal as your body adjust's to it's loss of calorie's it take's in, but it has me a little worried. I was losing really good until I started to eat again. I  will see my doc on Wed again and will see what she has to say about it.  I have a feeling I'm being too hard on myself and that my time will surely come.
I guess there isn't much I can do at this point but to wait and see...

Sleepy day!

Mar 20, 2008

Well today has been a boring,sleepy day for me. My stomach is feeling better from the soreness and I guess I'm able to sleep more comfortably so I'm catching up on lost sleep. It's cold and windy out so I didn't go out at all. I have been trying to get my liquid's in which is hard to get as much as they want. I have been eating breakfast,lunch,dinner in 4oz serving's of grits,mashed potatoes,soup,pudding,etc..that's going fine. I haven't had any problem's with food intake. I'm wondering when I will  have my first BM as I haven't had one since starting back on food's... I have some ocassional gas now and then. I haven't lost any more weight since starting on soft food's but I haven't really been doing much exercise either. I hope to see this weight start falling off. I'm a bit impatient and want to see some number's go down. I'm sure it will happen soon enough though once I start getting out more,and back to work. I plan on ordering my Optisource multi-vitamins tomorrow from walgreen's.com. My doc want's me to take 2 in the am and 2 in the pm. They have every vitamin and supplement needed in a orange flavored chewable vitamin which is cool, and they are made specifically for bariatric patient's. I need to try to keep the energy level up. 
Well other than that not much going on my end here in MD. I'm waiting for spring to kick in but it sure does feel like winter still...

Doin ok today...

Mar 19, 2008

Hello friend's,

I must say today has been uneventful and I'm glad of it. I'm still recupping from yesterday. I woke up and my right hip is sore when I walk. I guess I did use it more than I have in a while yesterday..lol plus I'm sleeping on my right side because it's still too uncomfortable to sleep on the left yet with my stomach still mending on that side. I did wake up and eat some grit's and margarine which were good. I went back to sleep and just woke up around 12 with a phone call from my doc's office who made me another follow-up appt next Wed. I'm drinking some decaf starbuck's with 1% organic milk which doesn't seem to be bothering me at all. I know alot of folk's say they cant tolerate milk product's after surgery. I  never was a big milk drinker but need something in my coffee and of course in the protein shake milk make's it taste much more palatable to me. I'm not sure what I will try for lunch but I'm thinking about some cream of shrimp soup I bought yesterday. I've never had it so it will be interesting to see if I even like it or not? I do love shrimp though Well if anyone has any question's whether it be your are thinking about surgery or are a new post-op like me feel free to write. Until then take care guy's.

1st post-op done and drain is officially out!!!

Mar 18, 2008

I hate quite a long ride and walk today. I had to drive almost 100 mile's back and forth to the subway station and walked about 4 blocks back and forth to my surgeon's other office I must be nut's but I had to do it!! 
I had my drain taken out and believe it or not it didn't hurt a bit! My doc uses a drain which is tubular all the way thru and the same diameter so it's very easy to take out with NO pain!! I was shocked when she said it was out already...I was waiting for the pain to come!
She said my bp was good and that I looked good. She told me I can start on some mushy food's like mashed potatoes,creamy soups,yogurt,cottage chesse,applesauce,pudding,and of course good old protein shake's. 
I was ecstatic I can now have those thing's and of course had to make a stop by the store to pick them up as the only thing I have in my cabinet is applesauce. I came home and made some mashed potatoes which tasted really really good!! I ate it slow,and of course maybe only ate about 2-3 tablespoon's full as I didn't want to over do it and make myself sick. I have been lucky so far with that! She does want to see me again next week and said if I'm still doing good she will add in some MORE mushy food's
I'm wondering what that may be??? 
She said by mid April I should be eating REAL food like moist fish and such. 
I cant wait for that day to come. I should be returning to work the 3rd week of April so that will be real good to have a routine diet by then.
Well I'm exhausted physically and am gonna chill out and watch some tv for the rest of the night. Take care

Oh by the way I have lost 15lbs since surgery!! and I can already see it!

About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 17
Long time since last post!
What a day!!
It's been a while....
Getting to know my pouch!
Good News!!!
Feeling pretty good!
Haven't lost anymore weight!
Sleepy day!
Doin ok today...
1st post-op done and drain is officially out!!!
