I have a long drive today!!!

Mar 17, 2008

I have to go to DC to see my doc for my post-op and it's gonna be interesting...must drive about 50 miles to get on the metro to take me to DC which is about a 30minute ride. I will then have to walk a few block's to make it to her office. I'm leaving extra early because everything I do is at a slower pace right now. I did speak to her last night and she said there is an excellent chance she is going to take my drain out and I'm so looking forward to it! I think this thing is causing me discomfort that I cant decipher from surgery wound or just drain? I guess I will find out once she rip's it out I know it's gonna hurt but it's gotta come out. 
I'm tired today, didn't sleep to sound last night. I weighed myself this morning and from yesterday being 234 and later 233, I am now 231! I cant believe I'm losing weight like this? not sure if it's normal but I'm gonna talk to her about it today. Well everyone I will post once I get home and update on my status. 

Well my venture out was uneventful but tiring!

Mar 17, 2008

It took me a while to do my hair as I had to take several break's to get it done. I made it into the car, wasn't too bad. It was acutally easier getting out than it was getting in. Steering was a little harder than usual,and bump's weren't too great either but I made it. I went to the post office and to rite aid and after that I was done. I needed to come home and rest. The weather is so beautiful and I wish I could wash my car and just enjoy it but I cant.
My drain was pulling a bit while in the car and I'm not sure if they binder help's or hinder's thing's? I have a post-op appt tomorrow afternoon and I pray she take's it out and start's me on full liquid's. Oh and I did buy some decaf starbucks to make at home with equaland skim milk. I'm a half n half and sugar girl when it come's to coffee so I guess I wil just have to see if I even like it anymore?? 
I'm hoping it doesn't send my stomach and gut's crazy because sometime's that would happen to me after drinking it on an empty stomach. Oh well guess I will find out soon...hope everyone is doing ok out there!


Mar 16, 2008

Well all i'm surviving on is decaff hot chai tea,water,edys sugar free popsicles,and Luigi's sugar free italian ice(yummy) right now. I am trying to keep up but it's hard. I dont want to get dehydrated that's for sure, but I know I'm not getting enough fluid in. I never was a big drinker anyway's so it's extra hard for me! I have found that I cant drink cold stuff which make's my tummy hurt. I need to drink it at room temp. I have to also go slow with the popsicle's. The italian ice is a real smooth,creamy,icey texture which seem's to be the best I have found so far. 
I have to venture to the post office tomorrow so it's gonna be interesting...have about 8-9 steps leading out of my apartment. My car is kinda low to the ground too so I'm just gonna put my abdominal binder on and take it slow. I would also like to go the store to get some sugar free jello,decaf instant coffee,and just to get out of the damn house for a while. I would love to have some sugar free pudding but I am only allowed to have clear's which does suck. Once I'm allowed full fluids I'm gonna experiment with some protein shake's with some skim milk and maybe some blended fruit added which sound's really good right now. I did eat a chewable Centrum vitamin today which maybe will help my healing process go faster until I get my Optisource from the pharmacy. I haven't had to take a pain pill since the first night I got home which is good. I dont want to be dependent on them. I wouldn't call what I have "pain" but it's alot of soreness and moving real slow getting up and out of bed.
I have to call tomorrow for a post-op appt which will either be Tues or Wed?
She want's to see me sooner than the usual patient. I may have to drive myself and take the metro like I normally do to go down to DC but it's gonna involve alot of driving and walking so I will just have to see how I'm feeling by then. Well I guess that's all for now. If anyone has any suggestion's or question's for me please ask. I'm off of work for 6 week's so I have plenty of computer time..lol

I'm still thinking about eating food!!

Mar 16, 2008

It's been 6 day's since surgery and it's been a rough going thru the whole process. I'm only allowed clear liquid's and it suck's!! I would kill for some cheddar brocolli soup. I just feel so deprived right now,and I alway's want what I cant have even more. I wish I could just sleep the day's away until it's time for my post-op appt and hope she advances me to full liquid's?
I will love for my drain to come out too as it's a big inconveinence and is pretty disgusting to look at! I'm not used to staying home much,and the fact that I cant come and go as I used to is also killing me. I want to get in my car and just roll, but  I cant. I know it's gonna get better but for me it's so hard to be patient as it's not one of my personality trait's...anyone else feeling this way???

Thing's that are on my mind..

Mar 15, 2008

Well first of all I must say that my sense of smell has gotten soooo much stronger! there are smell's that just make me sick to my stomach. I cant stand it! Secondly, I am missing food I am tired of seeing food commercial's and feeling sorry that I cant just go out and get something I love! I want to feel normal again so badly that I can taste it...lol
I want to be able to lay down without discomfort and sleep normally. I want to be able to take a shower,and wash my hair normally, and I want to be able to hop in my car and just go to the store.....I'm hoping this is just a normal reaction to having the surgery??

Home FINALLY!!!!

Mar 15, 2008

I finally made it home 4 days after surgery (Monday)and my surgeon actually wanted me to say another night until today and I said NO!! I had to get home, have a child and pet's waiting for me...my hospital experience wasn't good at all at George Washington Univ in DC unfortunatley. You couldn't of paid me to stay another night in that place.
I will post in detail a little later about the whole experience. I'm feeling better but I'm still tired,and have discomfort in my left abdomen where my drain is still in place. I also have been having back pain from the hospital bed,and just being generally uncomfortable the whole time I was in there. I'm gonna lay down for a bit.

Surgery Day!

Mar 09, 2008

Well after a longgg wait my surgery day has finally come,and I'm ready to get it over with! I'm hoping I'm well enough to come home tomorrow and begin on my new journey...
One of my good friend's is taking me to the hospital and staying with me until I come out. I have a long ride to get to DC from Baltimore this morning and not so much looking forward to it! I hope my digestive system can hold up until I get there I dont have time to make stop's on the way if I want to get there on time! I felt really weak and nauseas yesterday with nothing to eat,drinking that mag citrate,and on top of all that taking those damn antibiotics! I slept terrible too, had some crazy dream's and of course had to get up eary and NO coffee!! I will make it though...I didn't come this far for nothing...
I will update after coming home..

About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 17
Long time since last post!
What a day!!
It's been a while....
Getting to know my pouch!
Good News!!!
Feeling pretty good!
Haven't lost anymore weight!
Sleepy day!
Doin ok today...
1st post-op done and drain is officially out!!!
