Yes, YOU can do 100 pushups.

Oct 19, 2010

Anyone want to join me in a challenge? I found this awesome program on through one of the “Dares” that I picked. It is a plan to perform 100 push-ups in a row in 6 weeks! I’ve already started and so can you!   

The program can be found at You can do the push-ups in any form: off the wall, off the table, on your knees, or on your toes!  I am doing them on my knees, and I'm feelin it!!  

If you want an easy, free, and effective program to increase your upper body strength…this is it!     

You'll see the program runs for 6 weeks.  That's pretty fast for 100 push-ups, but if you browse the different weeks, you will see it is totally do-able.  But if 6 weeks seems a little fast for you, don’t worry. You can slow down the program by spending an entire week on each “Day” that the program provides whenever you need to.  (Which would end up drawing it out much longer!)  

Browse the site for a little while and you’ll discover there is a 200 Sit-ups (crunches) program and a 200 Squats program too! I’m working on all of them right now. Who wants to join me?!

