August 2008

Aug 27, 2008

Wow.  What a roller-coaster ride since March I have been on!  I was doing good with working out and although I never really had anymore weight loss (my lowest was 189, but pretty much stated between there and 196), my body changed dramatically.  I was so much stronger and under all my loose skin, was becoming more toned, etc.  I actually loved wearing sleeveless shirts and was starting to not totally hate my legs!

That brings me to May when I made the grand decision to go to graveyards.  Since May I have completely stopped working out, began eating more junk and/or snacking (I know huge no-no for us) and just become a big lump.  To top it all off, I am back over 200 pounds!  I seem to stay in the 200-206 range, but am still back up there.  In fact, I had to swallow my pride and get some more size 18 pants so that I could be comfortable at work again.

My first order of change is to get off of this shift at work - which now isn't going to happen until October so I am going to have to work on other aspects until then.  I need to get back into the gym and really have no excuse other than old habbits - I hate to do it, so I come up with my "I'm so busy" excuses.  I need to listen to my son - he keeps asking when we are going to the gym so that he can play!!

This is all just proof that WLS is just a tool and I still have to do the work to keep it off.  One thing that amazed me since stopping the working out isn't the fact that I gained the weight (that was expected) - it had more to do with how quickly I lost the definition - I had awesome arms and was wearing sleeveless shirts without hesitation.  Now I don't even want to wear a short sleeve shirt.  WOW!

Okay - enough whining.  Off this computer and back to taking care of me!!!!  AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

March 2008

Mar 19, 2008

Thought it was time for an update (besides - this keeps me accountable, right?).  

I am still working out with my trainer, however still struggling with exercise when I don't have an appointment with her.  Need to figure out how to get my head to want to do this.  I feel great when I work out, and find myself wishing I would have done it by the end of the day.  It is such a head game - that is for sure!  I guess this just proves what we all were told - that this is a tool and it is up to each of us to use to it correctly!  However, the working out I am doing is paying off.  Scale wise, I know jump back and forth between 189-193 (better than before), and since January (when I started working out with my trainer) I have lost 4 inches in my hips and 3 in my waist.  That is amazing!  I often have to remind myself that it is not all about the scale - also how your body is changing.

Want to know the strangest thing I find now, though?  Is my self-image.  Although I am more confident in person (with my clothes on) I find that I am even harder on myself when it comes to my body than I was when I was heavy.  How weird is that?  Thankfully, there is great underwear out there to hide those flaws until I get to a point where I have lost what I am going to lose and can have skin removal surgery.  I just keep reminding myself of that goal now. ;-)

I have decided something today.  I'm going to get back on track and reintroduce myself to my pouch.  First, I am going to do the cottage cheese test to see about how big my pouch is so I can tell if I have stretched it, and if so, how much.  Then, next week (after Easter) I am going to do the 5-day pouch test to re-introduce myself to how I need to use my tool properly.  I have been talking to others on who have had great success and were really glad they did this.  I think this might be what I need to get myself away from those slider foods and back on track from all angles.

I will try and keep everyone posted as much as I can.  Till next time.....

18 months out

Feb 01, 2008

Wow - it has been a long time since I have been on this site.  A lot has changed since I first had my surgery!  Where do I begin.  I've been very successful with my weight loss.  By about 9 months I was down 116 pounds.  I was so excited, especially since I had lost so much without excessive working out (I really hate to exercise, which is a bad thing).  However, that was when I hit my plateau.  I have been between 191 and 200 pounds ever since.  Whenever I do get back down to 191, it never seems to stay there for very long.

That was when I decided that 2008 was for me.  I joined 24 Hour Fitness, hired a trainer, and am making myself workout more (although I still struggle with this aspect).  I've been doing that for a month now, and although my weight is about the same, I have lost 2 inches in my waist and hips. ;-)  I do know what I am doing wrong - I have allowed a lot of my old habbits to creep back in regarding eating - primarily snacking (especially late night, even if I have a good day with food), eating out, and not being active.

With that said, I found the coolest site - and it is 100% free!  It is  Here, you can track your food, your exercise, read tons of articles, they can give you workouts to do at home or the gym (kind of like a personal trainer) and you can earn points for doing various things.  They even have a message board for bariatric patients, which is cool because you can meet people on there (like here) that are on all different places in regards to WLS.  

With that said, I'm out of here for now.  I'm hoping the next time I write on here I have managed to get below 191 pounds!  Till then.....wish me luck!

7 1/2 months out

Apr 01, 2007

Well, I have hit the big century mark - I have officially lost 105 pounds.  It is amazing how good I feel!!!  I am able to move with no problems and my son and I even wrestle around on the floor, as now I am able to get down/up from the floor with no difficulty.  It's such a nice feeling, and heck - I even feel like I look sexy now. ;-)

Excercise is still my hardest thing to do, but finally the weather has warmed up which has made it much easier to get in amongst my busy schedule.  

My divorce is going horribly, but I am not going to let that deter me - in fact, it will make me work even harder to reach my ultimate weight goal!!!  

Thanks for listening - till next time.......

4 1/2 months post-op

Dec 30, 2006

Well, as of Christmas Eve, I am down 77 pounds - which means I exceeded my goal of 75 pounds by Christmas!!  I am soooo excited. ;-)  I am still, however, struggling with the excercise thing.   I get it in 2-3 days a week, usually on my days off.  However, Dr. told me it needs to be at least 5 days.  I need a plan, but not sure where to start.  We have a gym in our police dept. where I work, so I could do that during my lunch break.  However, and I know this is an excuse, I'm really nervous about working out in front of the officers I work with.  I'm not sure why - I've known most of these guys for years, but it still makes me uncomfortable.  I don't want to join a gym because my son already is in daycare for 11 hours a day 4 times a week, and the thought of taking him to gym afterwards and using their daycare for another hour just kills me - I want that time with him.  In my head I know I need to stop making excuses and just do it - it's just getting myself past this mental block that is so hard.  I've been doing excercise videos at home, but can only do them when my son is sleeping, as he throws and fit and gets in the way.  I know, I know - more excuses.  ;-)  Will continue to work on things.  Till next month.....

3 months post-op

Nov 19, 2006

Well, here I am - 3 months post-op and sooooooo much has changed!  I am now down 60 pounds, and 2 pant sizes, down 3 sizes in some shirts, 2 in others.  How exciting!  However, a lot has also changed in my life since the surgery as well.  I am now seperated from my husband, and have moved myself and my son into a condo I already owned.  My husband and I have always had problems, but this surgery seemed to put us over the edge - I was tired of dealing with his moods and lack of interest in our family.  Was it the surgery that gave me the courage to leave him?  Maybe.....maybe not.  I will probably never know.  All I can say, is that it is the best decision, next to having WLS that I have ever made for myself.  I am ready to start my new, healthy life - and show my son what being healthy is all about!!  I feel sooooo much better now than I have in years - I am lighter on my feet, and have so much more energy than before.  My hardest thing to stay consistent with is the excercise.  I'm not doing it nearly enough.  I think I manage to get in 2-3 days a week, but rarely the 5 the doctor told me I should be getting.  That is my goal for this next month (starting today) - to get my 5 days of excercise in and start learning to enjoy it rather than hating every minute of it like I do now.  I know this is an integral part of things, and I don't want this to stop me from reaching my goals.  I need to do this for me!!!!!  Till next month......

About Me
Westminster, CO
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 6
August 2008
March 2008
18 months out
7 1/2 months out
4 1/2 months post-op
3 months post-op
