Appeal denied but not dismayed

Jul 02, 2008

Well, I received the bad news on Saturday stating that I am of course missing another thing. now you know that I was P****d off and hurt and anrgy about this. Yes I asked for advice on how to handle this and was pleased that many reach out to help me from the blogs. I had even gotton to the point where I was going to change doctors but found ou that the doctor does no do the gastric bypass at the hospital that I needed him to do it at. So the lady that handles the WLS department in his office offered me some GOOD advice I should say and that was to give the insurance company a try again by talking to the case manager and have them to go over the denial and see what they had to say. God is so good and thank all of you for your kindness and prayers for God to work this out on my behalf. So anyway the case manager went over everthing and told me that my insurance plan policy had changed from last year policy and this is what I needed to do which was for three months see a physc, nutritionist and my personal doctor so that all that I was doing will be documented. She also stated that I write up a excersie plan for myself and keep it documented and turn it in with all my final paperwork. 

So guess what I am home today with a bad sinus  cold and thought that I would call the physc to see when I could get in and guess what I was able to see him today at 12 so I went then made my other towo appointments with him. Next wee I will meet with my personal doctor and will schedule my appointments for her after that. Called the nutritionist and made all three of those appoints and now I am on a roll to start all over again but I am less stressed this time around. With all of your prayers and blessings I know that I will get through this. I am excited and is looking forward to having my surgery by November, I guess there will not be any turkey this year! LOL Well thanks all my OH friends for being patient with me as I have complained all through this at least this is how I felt I handle this and again continue to keep me in your prayers as I will for you.


Jun 06, 2008

Paperwork was turned in Wednesday for my appeal or the office manager may just submit it in as new, because all I was missing was the letter from my doctor showing that I had diet and supervised services done. So, I ask that everyone keep me in your prayers for things to go right this time since the 90 day supervision I now have high cholestrol and I am not feeling well for taking additional medication along with the other ones. I want to have my RNY bad now so that I can feel better. I would like to thank all of you for sharing your daily testomonies they have help me alot and have prepared me for this journey. Etoria

90 Day Supervised Diet and Excersie

May 28, 2008

Well I went to my last vist yesterday and had a little fever this was due to sinuses and I have lost another pound but things are looking good. My doctor asked me how I was doing as they always do and I told her that I was nervous about the paperwork being turned in after all this work and being denied again. She looked at me and told me not to worry that everything will be alright because I have completed all that UHC was looking for. Well I felt a little better but I still have butterflys and cannot rest. It's funny because I did not feel this way the last time my paperwork was submitted. Please keep me in your prayers I should be submitting the paper to my surgeon on Monday. My doctor will be calling me to stop by and pick it up today. Everyone have a blessed day!

60 Supervised Diet and Excersie by Doctor

May 07, 2008

Hello everyone, well I hae completed my 60 days of diet and excersie with my doc last Wednesday and have one more visit before I send in my appeal that proves that I have completed everything that my insurance company needed me to do so that I can come on the other side with you guys. My doctor seems that I am doing well I have lost 10lbs which still keeps me within the guidelines but I have done what was asked of me. It is still a challenge to get the weight off by yourself eating the diabetic plan. So keep me in prayers while I still have one more visit May 28th and then my paperwork will be turned in to over turn the process. Have a blessed day!



Apr 02, 2008

Went to the doctor yesterday which was my first thrity day visit of which UHC wants me to do for 90 days before approving me for my RNY and found out that I am only 5'3. Now you know I don't rmember at what point in my life except may in high school I must had wanted to be 5'5' since my brothers are taller than I am. When the doctor checked my height and told me how tall I was, I was so puzzled. She kind of got angry because you now the meds they put you on go along with your weight and height. But now that this is corrected it made my BMI go up that is good and bad. But the funny thing is, the things we do in our younger life to be smarter, taller and sometimes better than others can come back to hunt us.

Be blessed!

Feeling sad-still waiting on approval

Feb 07, 2008

Hello everyone,
just feeling a little excited but down, I know that is has only been three weeks since my papers have been turned in,but I am ready to go on with my life. My hips are hurting, feet are hurting and I am just tired. I am ready for my new life to start. Oh! I want to thank you all for your testimonies, they are very enlighting and I have learned so much from everyone on how to take care of myself now and for the future. The pictures are so amazing but the struggles that some of you are taking in the begining are amazing too, but as we know this too shall pass.  Well I will talk to you guys in a few days days and let you now what is going on.

Be blessed!


About Me
Lawrenceville, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 16
Supervised Diet and Excersie
2nd visits
Sleep Apena
Nut Visit
PCP Visit
