Waiting for the Pre-op on Jan. 19th and than the Surgery 2/3/01

Jan 06, 2010

Time keeps on ticking by slowly and I cannot wait any longer...frustrated and want this to happen today. Lets get the shakes on and lose weight before the surgery. I am really trying to keep myself occupied but NOT HAPPENING. I am excited but also scared to death out of my mind all the time. I hear people that have had the surgery are doing good and only one that has struggled due to complications. These comments are coming from family members that work in clinics and deal with bariatric people on a daily basis. Then I hear of people that are able to eat mashed potatoes and cereal days after the surgery and this scares me to death. A lot of what ifs are running through my mind and what if I blow this and end up losing all this weight and then get FAT AGAIN...  I guess FAILURE is my biggest scare and I am want to work out and walk, walk myself thin. I really need to look on this website and connect with people to make myself feel better. I have not been on for days due to computer needed to go to the doctor.

