3 weeks post-op and dumping like crazy

Dec 13, 2013

I am a little over three weeks post op and I am dumping with protein shakes, dairy, crystal light, and several other things. I am catching hell trying to get in enough protein on a day to day basis and my surgeon says that is why my weight loss is going slow right now. I am also finding it difficult to consume enough calories each day. I am taking it one day at a time and know that it will get better. I am back at work full days as of Wednesday of this week and find myself exhausted and unable to do anything but fall in bed after work and sleep until the next day. That doesn't work well for getting in food and fluid. For some odd reason I dumped after eating plain spinach today and it was a particularly brutal dumping episode where i thought i would black out.


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Birmingham, AL
Jul 08, 2008
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