Big loser

Jan 20, 2012

I weighed myself tonight, yes at NIGHT, and am down.  I haven't lost any numbers on the scale for several days, but my clothes continue to get looser.  People at work have been telling me for the last couple of days that I look like I've lost weight this week.  That feels pretty good.

I'm still struggling with getting tired at the end of my 8 hour work day.  Although that's still not too high a price to pay to lose 44 pounds (let me say that again...  44 pounds!!). 

I've been having a little mini burst of energy working on the house (which is crazy considering how tired I get sitting at a desk for a few hours).  I came from a much larger home before I moved here and now I have boxes of stuff I don't room for.  I'm tired of all the crap in my house!!  For the past few days I've been unboxing and sorting.  I'm about to have a big sale on Craigslist.  I'm just praying I don't run out of steam before I'm finished.  I started with hospital uniforms that no longer fit or are no longer appropriate (wrong color for my current hospital) and I'm moving forward.  I have a couple of stacks of clothes in the closet that are now too big.  I just have to clean and iron so I can get them ready to sell.

I am having a weird "symptom."  It's as if I've lost padding in all these places  even though I am still heavy enough to need it.  My butt hurts when I sit too long, my bones hurt the tissues of my butt.  I have trouble getting my legs comfortable because the weight of them hurt the tissues that they lie on.  So I'm sitting on the cushions of my couch and shifting my weight every couple of minutes and I have pillows under my legs that are propped up.

Of course, it could just be that I'm whiney again.  And - I'm not complaining!!  Weight lost is wonderful.  In the past when I lost weight and regained, I could feel the fat on my sides where my arms hung down.  That is better and it feels great.


About Me
San Antonio, TX
Nov 01, 2003
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