One month surgiversary

Sep 04, 2008

It's getting better. I was in Tampa visiting family over the holiday weekend and thought I ate like a pig. Guess I didn't, because I dropped two pounds...yay!
Getting back to cooking and focusing on lean protein, fruits and veggies.
I've lost over 30 lbs total. That's amazing! I've never lost 30 lbs at a clip let alone in the span of 2 months.
I've found a protein supplement that I like. Thank God for Nectar! I mix the lemonade with a dash of fresh raspberry juice and it's fab!
Definitely feeling better. :-)

This sucks

Aug 27, 2008

Still miserable.
Still haven't found a protein supplement that I can keep down.
Can't use AchievOnes.
Even more uphappy with my state of health than before the surgery.

I wish I had never done it.

And so it goes...

Aug 19, 2008

Well, here a I am, about 2 weeks post-op. I haven't exactly appreciated my surgery so far. In fact, I'm embarassed to say I wish I hadn't gotten it in the first place. I know I'm right up against the surgery and I've lost 13 pounds since the surgery, 25 off of my all time high of 250, but I'm miserable.
I'm obsessing over food which makes the fact that I'm on a pureed diet even worse. I've stalled for the past five days. I just want to eat raw vegetables, a salad with some steak would be amazing.
I can't find a protein supplement that I like, which I know, is contributing to my stall. I puked twice tryign to eat something I know I shouldn't have because it wasn't pureed.
I had to turn down social plans because twice because I would have had to eat solid foods, which I can't do yet.
I can't seem to get myself to the gym because I'm so exhausted.
I just want to feel normal again.
But I know that will never happen again, ever. And that's the worst part.

This is scary...

Jul 22, 2008

My impending Lap RNY surgery is scheduled for August 4, 2008. I've been wanting this surgery for a long time and now that it's coming up I'm coming to grips with the fact that this is going to be harder than anticipated.
My family doesn't support it and only a few select friends know about it. My amazing boyfriend is very supportive and I thank him for that.
I've been over-weight my whole parents put me on Weight Watchers at age 6. The fat camp (2 summers), diet clinics, psychiatric consults and now I'm here, anxiously awaiting my surgery.
I've been active my entire life and have paid the price for mixing sports with fat, I'm on surgery 3 of 4 to replace my left meniscus and the cartilage in my knee. I'm hoping the bariatric surgery will help and I can get back on the soccer field.
I live in Woodbridge, VA now and my surgeon in Dr. Amir Moazzez at Fair Oaks Hospital. His staff has been nothing short of amazing and I HIGHLY recommend his program.
I weigh 248 today and my goal is 140.

About Me
Woodbridge, VA
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 4
One month surgiversary
This sucks
And so it goes...
This is scary...
