2 year WLS anniversary! 148 LBS

Jun 28, 2013

I can't believe it has been two years since my VSG surgery! My starting weight was 247 lbs.  My current weight is 148 lbs.  Therefore, since my surgery, I have lost a total of 99 lbs.  I have surpassed my goal of 150 lbs!  It all went so fast!  I am doing great and still losing weight. I also had a baby. My baby is currently 3 1/2  months old and healthy.  I only gained 17 lbs during my pregnancy. I was all baby.  After baby I actually lost all the baby weight plus 3 additional pounds.  I weighed 151 prior to getting pregnant and now I weigh 148!  It must be all of the breastfeeding that I am doing.  The weight came off pretty fast without any effort whatsoever!  I pretty much eat what I want to eat, I just don't eat a lot b/c I can't, lol.  One thing that I can say is that most of the foods that I eat are pretty healthy like fruits, vegetables, shrimp and broil chicken because that is what feels good when I eat it.  If I eat something too dense or greasy, it literally makes me feel physically uncomfortable and almost sick to my stomach so I avoid it all together.  Soda's give me too much heart burn so I definitely avoid them. VSG will drastically change your behavior and your thoughts about food. Simply put, the surgery retrained my brain by altering my behavior by making me physically uncomfortable with foods that made me gain weight. So now I don't even desire those foods b/c they are associated with too much physical pain - classical conditioning basically.  Foods like bread, fried greasy stuff, thick meats - I don't eat because they make me feel seriously bloated and sick so I don't eat them. Fruit, veggies, lean thin slices of chicken, turkey or shrimp, I can have without any side affects so I eat them and don't gain weight.   I am enjoying life!





