Today was a challenge

Dec 19, 2010

You know how things go when someone just wants to ruin your day but I think I did all right.  I didn't go running to the fridge or hide out like a scared little kid like I normally do.  I just stood my gound and let them know that I wasn't going anywhere and what they had to say didn't matter. 

I'm so thankful that my brothers are my rock and I am looking forward to my baby brother's visit.  It's hard to believe that at one point in time we were close and in a flash I didn't have him any more.  I was a little sad that I didn't get to see him grow up but I'm glad that he's doing well in his life and didn't fall into bad habits or got into trouble.  He did good.

The next two weeks are going to be a long one.  Both consists of pilgrimages but not what you think.  This is just something that I need to do for myself and then move on.  Part of the healing process as so to speak.

I say bring it!  :)


About Me
San Leandro, CA
Dec 18, 2010
Member Since

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