I'm glad Christmas is over

Dec 25, 2010

Now I can concentrate on other things.  I still have to write my essay for my scholarship.  It's not as easy as I thought it would be. 

The other thing is preparing for the move next year.  Hopefully it's somewhere where it's close to everything.  Yes, I'm spoiled that way but I deserve it.  I'm also hoping that my daughter can stand on her own so I won't have to be there to help her as much.

Next week I take a journey towards Santa Rosa.  I need to have some questions answered before the New Year gets here.  Hopefully it won't be as bad and the weather will be clear up to New Year's Day.  That's the goal.

Listening to "The Gift".  Beautiful song, can't help but sing along.


About Me
San Leandro, CA
Dec 18, 2010
Member Since

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