Well, I am 32 "whew" never like to admit that but there it is.  I have a beautiful 5yr old daughter that I would love to be able to play with, run with, and take pictures with...(She is 5 and I haven't taken a picture with her in the last 4 years) but most of all I want to enjoy her and be the best mommy for her her. 

I am one of the people who put on 20-50lbs a year.  I have always been over weight.  I can remember being embarrassed by my mom when I was a kid shopping for school clothes because I could never fit the clothes in the children's section; I had to shop in the women's section.  Now, don't get me wrong because I love my mother but lets face the fact that people have issues with obesity even if it is our own children.  Dating was never my thing because no one ever seemed interested not until high school but we don't even want to go there. During HS I wore a size 16.   Once I started having annual "paps" I was told that it would be difficult for me to have children but not being told why.  I always wanted a big family and in my 20's the need to fulfill that desire was on my shoulder daily. 

During my 20's the weight just started piling on.  I started to notice 5+lbs a month weight gains.  So I really started the over the counter diet pills, and went to the doc for that "Phen Phen" when it was popular but he wouldn't put me on it.  Around that time my mom had a Gastric Bypass with the single huge incision on her stomach.  She lost weight quickly and had some hair loss issues and mal absorption problems.  That kinda turned me away from the WLS for a while.  We found out that moms issues were in part caused my some previous health issues and combined with the WLS.

During the years I saw 2 nutritionists/dietitians, been on strict doctor ordered diets, weight loss pills, $$$$$ on the gym, joined Curves and plain old starved myself. Nothing worked. 

I recently moved to Central Cali.  I am gaining more and more weight and it is making me feel a way that is so disheartening that I won't talk about it now.  I am tired of joining these weight loss sites.  I need help.  I went to my PCP and I honestly feel that she is trying to discourage me.  Now I know all about the health care disparity of African Americans and hope that this is not the issue with my doc.  Now that I have found this site and seen all of the wonderful people I know that I need to put the pressure on the doc.

Y'all this is my beginning.  I am starting this journey weighing in at 355.7lbs.  I will be doing some soul searching and attempt to lose weight on my own while working on getting approval for WLS.  Wish me luck.

About Me
Sep 24, 2009
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