I made it!

Dec 23, 2006

I made it to the other side!  I am now 3 days post op and down 2 lbs.  The surgery was not that bad.  I feel more sore than anything but I am taking my liquid loritab too.  I get up and walk a few times a day.  I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon.  The leak test was fine that morning and so I has to meals of broth, jello, decaf coffee and tea and a crystal light.  I did most of the broth over several hours (1oz liquid/hour).  I'm doing the same now but I'm mixing a 1/4 tsp protein powder into 2 tablespoons Atkins strawberry shake, which is the only protein drink I am able to tolerate.

The pain is not severe, its pretty moderate I think although getting in and out of bed can be tough.  I feel more like I did 1000 crunches than had major surgery.

I made it!!!!!

Tomorow is the day

Dec 19, 2006

Tomorrow is the big day.  I am fairly calm, but I keep shaking so I know I'm at least dealing with this physically.  Its been a tough week without food.  But it gave me some insight into myself and how much I eat when I am not truly hungry.  The only protein shakes I can stand are Atkins strawberry and chocolate.  All the samples I ordered from bariactriceating.com were soooooo disgusting.  So I am not a huge fan.  I'll stick with what I know.

I get to the hospital in the Medical Center at 9am and surgery is approx 11am.  No drinking anything after midnight in about 2 hrs.  No water will be rough.    I may still be up, I am not tired at all.

My highest weight this year and ever was 365lbs.  I just weighed a minute ago at 333.2.

Send me your love and prayers if you wish, cause its really happening tomorrow.

By the way, what does a hernia feel like?  I have been having a small pain/burning in my lower right side, like a pulling when I walk, laugh, etc........I wonder if I pulled something lifting my 30 lb toddler.  Hmmmm......

See everyone on the other side.......

First day of all liquids

Dec 14, 2006

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  I have had two protein shakes this morning.  The first one was not good, but semi-palatable.  The second was so horrible, godawful, disgusting, but I drank it anyway with my nose plugged.  Then gagged on the smell in my throat from it for another 5 minutes.
I drank coffee with no sweetener to try to help and diet coke.  That made me want to throw-up.
So far I have been offered fudge 1x, chocolate truffles 1x, and cookies including my beloved gingersnaps 3x. 
AND we have been invited for lunch for free at the Medical School and then a cookie party after that at another office.  So far I have been asked FOUR times to go to the luncheon and everyone is like WHY???? when I don't want to, and I just don't feel like explaining it.
So I declined (can we say torture??), but this SUCKS!!!!!!!

And now for the hard part

Dec 13, 2006

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my last surgical consult. I paid $400.00 for my doctor's co-pay for the surgery. Then they gave me a test! WHAT!! Yep, a 2 page test all about gastric bypass to make sure I really know what I'm doing, including drawing my procedure! I knew more than I thought I did though and passed, though it wasn't really pass or fail. Then a medical student went over the test with me and my other tests (the physical kind). Including taking my gallbladder because it already has stones and weightloss usually gives you more. Then the doctor came in and went over my tests again. I couldn't help it. At the end I asked him, "Doc, you are going to bring me back to be with my son, right?" And of course I started crying. He said that is the plan. After that the nurse Connie came in and went over in detail what I could and couldn't eat before and after the surgery. After tonight I can only drink my food. 5-6 protein drinks per day. No solids. I am going to be one hungry cranky old girl!!!! This too shall pass right?

Then I was sent off to the hospital to do my pre-admitting stuff. I signed my life away and then they took some more blood, did an EKG of my heart, I peed in a cup, and the anesthesiologist listened to my lungs. I was a little worried cause I have had these headaches all week and been on the verge of being stuffy. A sinus infection would suck and what if that delayed my surgery!!! But he said everything looked good. So it is really going to happen.

I found out my surgery will probably start at noon and I will probably have to be there at 10AM, but the hospital will confirm the day before. He is going to use a robot on me to assist with surgery and I agreed that he could take pictures or video if he wants. Whatever helps future patients or medicine I am down for. I have to breathe into this spirometer thing everyday till surgery that helps your lungs use more capacity. I have to wash with a special soap the night before surgery and the morning of from head to toes and no lotion afterward. They said they want me good and ashy (lol). The surgery will take approximately 3 hours.

December 20th 2006, I will start a new chapter of my life. Probably the hardest one ever. I am ready.

12-05-06 Butterflies? More like Giant South American Moths

Dec 05, 2006

15 days until surgery and I am so nervous/scared/excited.  I alternate between being so excited to in tears wondering if I am leaving my baby boy.  My son is 20 months old.  I am doing it to be more active with him and live a long long life.  I pray that this is the tool to do it with.  I pray I will be part of the 99% to make it through.  I pray that I see the day when I'm a grandma.

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 45
The truth hurts
Have I mentioned post-op nausea is hell?
God save pregnant post-ops
I'm happy!
I'm pregnant
15 months post-op / 1 month ex smoker
14 months post-op
