NSVs (Non-Surgical Victories): That's not a swollen lymph node!

May 21, 2012

So I was surfing my OH start page, reading the forum posts & learning something new (like I do every time). And something caught my eye. It was my knee.

First of all, I had my knees pulled up. I never used to do that because I couldn't. I'd about choke myself with the fat that was pushing up, first from my abdomen, then from my spare tire, then from my bust, then from my many chins. I just never lay in bed with my knees up while I was on my laptop.

Second, I saw this bump above my kneecap. Hmm. What's that bump? Never seen that before. Did I fall? If I did, I should have felt it.

Upon closer inspection, I realized:

It's a bone.

Wow! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen some of these bones? Honestly? I don't think I've ever seen them. Maybe when I was in kindergarten (not kidding; I've been "chubby" since I was 6). So that's many decades of not seeing my own bones under my skin.

Other bones I've glimpsed in the past few weeks:

Collarbone, top of ribcage (decollete).

Bones I've felt for the first time since surgery:

Shoulder blades, hip bones, lower ribcage.

Even shaving my legs is different. I have these little dents & valleys where I didn't have them before my RNY.

Huh. Who knew?

(Can you tell I'm trying to tamp down my utter joy & excitement?!)


Telling the fam about your WLS; Diabetes type 2 & RNY

Apr 01, 2012

I am type 2 diabetic (or I was). I'd been on every oral medication you can mention over the past 15 years & they never ever brought my glucose down below 150 fasting. And have you noticed how many oral medications for diabetes the FDA has pulled from the market? 

When I started on insulin (4/2010) I was taking 20 units Lantus every night. At that time my fasting glucose without insulin was 349. I was up to 90 units insulin 2 days before my RNY 2/28/12 (living proof that diabetes is a progressive disease). 

When the surgery was done & I was taken to my hospital room, my glucose was 127. 

My endocrinologist has me on 20 units of Lantus a night to bring my glucose down around 80-90. I just started on that 3/21/12. I'm off my blood pressure meds & my high-cholesterol meds. 

When I told my husband I wanted to have RNY, he was all for it because of the diabetes, & because he knew how miserable I was with my health AND my weight (looks, clothes, social limitations, etc.). I told my son (college freshman now) & he was happy about it because the diabetes would be improved. 

About a month before my surgery, though, he came to me & said, "Mom, please don't have the surgery. You look great. You're beautiful. I mean it. Please don't do it." 

This didn't bother me because I knew it must have just sunk in that I could die. I told him that this was something I had to do & that I'd put years of thought & prayer into the decision. He's been 100% on my team since then. 

When I told my 32-year-old daughter I was considering the surgery, she had a complete & utter fit.  She yelled, lectured, shook her finger,  blah blah blah. She got her weight genes from me, & I think she was just incredulous that her OLD mother might not be fat anymore (she's never known me any other way). This was about 18 months ago, & my daughter & I are estranged now for many reasons. Sad, but hey, this is MY LIFE & MY JOURNEY. 

My mother? My siblings? FORGET IT. I wouldn't tell them. They are all petite & skinny as a rail & always have been (my sister, 2 1/2 years younger, is a size 0 & cannot stand how fat she is when she sees photos of herself).  I look at it this way: I gave the first 50 years of my life to my extended family. The next 50 years are for ME.

xo GG 


Walking in the early spring!

Mar 22, 2012

Wow! I just got back from taking an hour-long walk through my neighborhood. Spring came super-early to my zone 7 garden & its surrounds. Tulips that usually bloom in mid- to late-April are wide open. I've lived in the Washington DC metro area my whole life (born in DC) & I have never seen such early blooming. The trees are fabulous with their big fluffy snowballs of tiny flowers. The redbuds are starting to burst open too.

Great walk for me. Walked for one hour (my longest since my surgery 3 weeks ago) at a fairly steady pace (not the slow shuffling I've been doing since my RNY). I was dripping with sweat when I got home. I tell you, spas are great, but my humble shower became the most expensive hydrobath today! I had a nice coolish shower & followed it with a body splash from Spain (agua de colonia) that I adore (super-light scent). Then I turned on my ceiling fan & closed my eyes. Ah!

Got 50% of my protein in already today. Struggled with that yesterday. Just wasn't hungry enough for it. So when I got up I made up my shake & down it went. Took all my supplements so far too.

Tomorrow's Friday! Even though I'm not working right now, I still adore Fridays. Meeting my BFF for an early dinner. I can't wait! I've been such a hermit since my surgery. Hope all my OH friends are doing wonderful today!

Warmly, GG 


3-week post-op appt with my Primary Care

Mar 21, 2012

My regular doctor (who's also my endocrinologist) said I was doing well. He was impressed with my scar (how small it is & how well it's healing). He did say I looked pale to him.

I showed him my blood glucose numbers since the surgery, & he was thrilled (more than me). I've been diabetic for over a decade & insulin-dependent for almost 2 years. I started with 20 units of insulin, & a few days before my surgery I was up to 90 units. I went from a fasting blood glucose (without insulin) of 349, to post-surgery (open RNY) fasting blood glucose (no insulin) of about 140. To me, that's a miracle!

Since 2/28 I've lost about 19 lbs. I'm happy with that, but not head-over-heels. My doctor tried to give me a new oral medication for diabetes. I told him flat out: I won't take them, don't give them to me! (I stood up for myself! Shocking!) I told him that insulin is not my enemy. It's saved my life for almost 2 years. Why would I use anything else? Besides, I've taken every oral medication for diabetes that's been on the market (& most of them have been pulled by the FDA), & they never worked. EVER. 
Hopefully, when I lose more weight, I won't have the need for insulin. But right now, I'll be taking about 20 units a night to get my glucose down to between 80-90 where it belongs. 

Still grappling with the situation with my husband. Talked to my counselor today about it. She recommended the book by Melody Beattie, Beyond Codependen
cy: And Getting Better All the Time. I got it on eBay & I'm going to read it as soon as it arrives. My counselor told me I had to start practicing living my life the way *I* want to live it, so that if I am with my husband or not, I will have made the changes I need to make so that I can be happy.

I love that idea. I've had the RNY, something I've been wanting for years. That's already changing me & the way I live so that I can lead a healthier, happier life. But that's only a part of what I need to work on. I have patterns that I repeat in my life (with my husband, friendships, extended family, jobs) that I MUST address & work on every day to change.

I hope all my OH friends are doing little things every single day to make their lives happier. You all are always in my prayers & good thoughts.

xo GG 
1 comment

Wow. What a challenging day.

Mar 16, 2012

I've seen blog posts from my friends on OH saying they've had serious problems with constipation. I hadn't had that problem until today.

I think I know why it suddenly happened. I've been taking Lunesta the past 3 nights to sleep. I'd stopped taking it at the end of January because I was sleeping better when I found out I was approved for my RNY by Aetna! But I haven't fallen asleep until dawn every night I've been back from the hospital (2 weeks today). So 3 nights ago I said what the heck & took a Lunesta 3mg. About an hour later I took another one. I slept better than I'd slept in weeks.

But the thing is, these drugs slow down your whole body & every one of its systems, including your digestive tract. I had my Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move tea yesterday & thought la de da, no problem, tomorrow I'll be "just fine." That didn't happen.

I had such a horrible afternoon (yes, the whole afternoon) straining to go. I was sweating, crying, almost fainting. Wow. That is the first time I can remember in my life I've ever had constipation that bad. It was painful, scary, & it would have been embarrassing except that I was home alone!

Finally I "found relief." I was so happy I was crying. I was so drenched in sweat I put a beach towel on my bed & lay down because I was so weak. When I felt stronger I got up & took the hottest, most heavenly shower ever. I felt reborn.

Another thing I must share with you: I've had a rocky (that's putting it mildly) relationship with the Hubs ever since the day I had surgery. I feel like a huge strain was put on my marriage (the Hubs has NEVER had to deal with anything like this with me before; I'm always the one who handles everything), & the Hubs buckled quickly under the strain.

I've felt like I need to say exactly what's on my mind, to the Hubs & to my BFF. I don't have food to push down the emotions & the hurts anymore. I just jumped in head-first into this new me, saying if I'm upset about an offhand but hurtful remark, a repeated behavior that's not healthy for my BFF, etc.

So last night I had a HUGE argument with the Hubs. Right before I got home to him, I had a "come to Jesus" with my BFF at a restaurant. I told her things that have been bothering me for years. Not a lot of things, but things I really think are deal-breakers in a friendship, & that I've let slide up 'til now. We had a great talk, but she did say I hurt her feelings. Not sure we really made any headway; actually, I think this might be the end of our friendship.

I got home & the Hubs & I were yelling at each other (we haven't done that in years). I was crying. I was really desolate. I knew my marriage had "issues," but wow. This was really sad. The Hubs said, "I don't know what happened to you when you had that surgery, but there's something wrong. You're a different person."


Yes, I have to stand up for myself now because there isn't a pizza nearby for me to take comfort from. But I really have been on edge since the surgery 2/28/2012.

Here's the kicker: I got my period today. Big whups, right? Considering I'm post-(or so I thought) menopausal, & haven't had a period since 10/2009, well, YES. BIG WHUPS. WTF?

I guess that's a big part of why I was so "on edge" (such a nice term compared to raving lunatic PMS bitchy) the past couple of weeks!

So the surprises continue to come. This is one heck of a ride. I wonder who'll still be in the clown car when it comes to a full stop?

xo GG 


Getting my walking in (drama & all)

Mar 11, 2012

Went for a LONG SLOW walk today in the fabulous sunshine & breeze. It was WONDERFUL. 

Started to feel a little winded towards the end. Slowed even slower, which honestly I don't know how it was even possible (not kidding). Almost home... picturing the blue recliner just waiting for me to fall into it... Almost passed out before I made it, but I did. Sat there for about 20 minutes with my heart beating wildly in my chest. Finally got my heart rate down.

Got up & went up to take a shower. Almost fainted in the shower. Whew. That was NOT FUN. Sat on the floor of the shower for a minute... got up, tried to wash more... sat down again, everything was going starry then tentacle-y... then I figured I was NOT going to waste all that energy not getting clean, so I washed the nasty bits (cuz I was sweaty & STINKY LOL) & BELIEVE ME it was a struggle. Then I got the eff outta that shower. Somehow got my robe on (NOT exaggerating any of this) & grabbed a towel, put it on my pillow, & collapsed on my bed. 

Thank you JESUS! 
Called the Hubs. No answer. FML. LEFT A MESSAGE (which I hardly ever do on his phone). "Please come up & see me I feel faint."  He never answered it. He was downstairs watching... Star Trek. 
Then called my son. Answered on 2nd ring & came in to hold my hand. I was shaking like a leaf.
Oh well. That's only really 2 setbacks in a week & a half. Not too bad. Don't really know why I felt faint. I guess I pushed myself on the walk (it was about 1 1/2 miles). The moral of my story: Listen to your body. Don't push yourself too hard. You just had major surgery less than one week ago.
Stayed in bed the rest of the day. My son left to go back to college. My darling son. I'll miss him. Hopefully I'll feel stronger in a couple of weeks & I'll go visit him.

Ate well & got my supplements in. AND my protein! I'm rockin' the protein. I love my hair too much to let it fall out. I'm a Leo, after all! 

Last Thursday at my surgeon's office, the nurse took out my stitches & put surgical glue & steri-strips on it. Doesn't look too bad. But all the steri-strips are now off. They came off in the shower or just fell off. Didn't get any instructions on them from the nurse at my surgeon's, so...

Put some Neosporin on my incision. Followed that with 3 big Band-Aids. It looked so cared-for! It feels better, too.

One more great thing that's happened to me since my open RNY: I haven't had one molecule of caffeine! I quit drinking coffee in 2009 because I was having trouble sleeping. But I had diet Coke when I went out to eat. No more! Wow! I am so cleaned out!

Going to watch one of my favorite shows, Midsomer Murders, & go to sleep. Have a great week!

xo GG 


Time keeps on moving...

Mar 10, 2012

Did you know that today marks 10% of the year gone? Isn't that incredible? Even though time is a manmade frame of reference, it still is amazing to me that on January 29, I was sitting on my tucus thinking I guess I'll always be "chubby." And the next night, I got the go-ahead from Aetna!

February was a complete blur of doctor's appointments & me straightening up my house. *snap* It was gone like that. Now it's March 10 & I've lost 13 pounds. Just awe-inspiring.

My son has been home from college & has been doing his rounds of the restaurants (Red Robin is one that was particularly painful for me to hear about!). He's also been cooking up a storm. He is a great cook. Don't know where he got THAT from.  Last night he made homemade fried chicken, his first time making it. He soaked the chicken in buttermilk & spices for hours, then fried it.

Remember, I just had open RNY less than 2 weeks ago. One thing I've really noticed is that my sense of smell has changed. I don't know if it's because my palate has been cleansed or what, but some smells are extra-heavenly but others are heinous. For example, my first day home from the hospital, I staggered into my bedroom only to be overwhelmed by the cloying smell of... my body wash! I could smell it from the shower I'd taken FIVE DAYS previously.

So last night I went out to dinner with the hubs for my bestie's birthday. This was my second restaurant since my surgery. I was rather bracing myself. My BFF chose Famous Dave's for her dinner. YIKES. I'm not a huge barbecue fan, but I love their nachos (I'm a nacho HOUND... or was!). I ordered the salad with the shredded chicken on it & a side of spiced apples. The chicken was yummy & I chewed the living heck out of it. I didn't eat any of the raw veggies because I didn't want to get gas. I had a bite or two of the apples, but they didn't sit quite right on my tummy, so I left them on the table. And there was that lonely corn muffin. I know it was shocked I didn't devour it in minutes (after getting butter from the server, of course). I gave it to my BFF's hubby to take home. So... success! 

When I got home, my son & his girl friend were in the kitchen getting ready to fry up the chicken. They're so cute together. I adore his GF. She was singing. She has the most fabulous voice... it's like an angel. She sings for her temple, & goes to a dramatic arts college in Boston. She also has tried out for American Idol.

I went up to my room to let the lovebirds have fun together. I was laying in bed & I heard this beautiful singing. GF was singing "Cockels & Mussels." *sniff* If you've never heard it, google or youtube it. I tell you, I am blessed. 

Then the smell of the frying chicken came up the stairs. Oh lahd. no No NO. I like fried chicken, mind you. Not at the top of my list of faves because I'm overweight & usually avoided it (I ate nachos instead LOL). But this usually fabulous aroma just made me nauseated. I had just had 7/8 of a protein shake (yes, for all you protein wusses out there, I've been steadfastly getting my protein in since I got home from the hospital). That shake just curdled in my tummy. 

But the feeling passed. Hopefully this hypersensitivity to scents will diminish as time goes by. Just like my waistline! 

xo GG 

1 comment

Got my staples out today!

Mar 08, 2012

Today went great. I couldn't even feel the staples coming out. You wanna know how much weight I've lost?

Super-weary but a good day for me! Blood sugar is 127. Okay, I'll say it again: LUCKIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD. Expect a miracle, The Secret says. Yep! I took off my binder night before last because it was itching me through my shirt. Felt fine without it. Hubs (otherwise known as my shadow) said, "Um, where is your binder? Aren't you supposed to wear that a long time?" I said, "It is so itchy I took it off. Don't worry." Went to the doctor without it. Nurse said, "Um, where is your binder?" Oops! I'm supposed to keep it on morning & night for 2 months! Oh well, itch schmitch.

She took out my staples & put surgical glue & steri-strips near & on my incision. She said it looked good. My blood pressure is a little high. I haven't been taking my meds since before my surgery. I had so many pills to take I just couldn't put one more in my mouth. She told me to stop taking the cholesterol meds! wooHOO!

Hubs drove me. Then we went to a diner. My first post-op restaurant! I ordered a scoop of tuna salad, a scoop of mashed potatoes, & a scrambled egg. I ate about half the egg, a tablespoon of the tuna, & 2 tiny bites of the potatoes. Tummy wasn't thrilled with the potatoes. I was stuffed. Seriously. Hubs got steak & eggs & hash browns & toast & coffee & jelly! LOL! A GG pre-op meal!

I get tired quickly. I learned that yesterday & today. When I got home from the doc & diner, I was exhausted. I sat down for 5 minutes. Then Hubs & I went for a walk (he took the rest of the day off) WITH my binder on, thank you. I did my 1/4 mile. I came home, got water, & trudged upstairs & lay in my wonderful bed!

I must tell you about another wonderful thing that's happened in my new life: I sponsored a child through ChildFund International. Research them; they have a glowing record. I did this 3 nights ago. I wasn't feeling bad. I just saw the opportunity, did the research, & signed up. What a FEELING when I saw my new foster daughter, Isha's face for the first time! I cried.

I also got all the literature on her today in the mailbox. I am so happy. I have NEVER felt a feeling like I do having sponsored her. I feel like my life has changed. I'm not going to be spending $$$ going out to eat. I'm going to cut back on pedis (took my polish off & cut my toenails tonight, don't ask me HOW with this incision but I had to). I applied for more jobs. I'm going to make a positive change in this little village called Freetown in Sierra Leone, Africa, a country where there is 1 doctor for every 90,000 people. Maybe I won't be so self-absorbed now.

I wrote a LONG letter to Isha. When I read it, I cried. It's funny how your truly feelings come out when you're writing to a child of 11. I'm going to send her a birthday present because her birthday is June 6. Sometimes it takes 8-12 weeks for a letter to get to your foster child. So good timing!

So it's been one week & 3 days since my surgery. Onward!

xo GG 



Getting better every day!

Mar 03, 2012

Thank you so much to all my OH friends for your words of encouragement! I was praying all night. I turned off my light at about 5:30 AM & I slept until 2 PM! Did you read that? I slept the sleep of the innocent for almost 8 straight hours! Didn't get up to pee, woke up a little to cough & hold my belly (LOL), dreamed a million dreams... Woke up feeling SO MUCH BETTER.

I took a shower! wooHOO! I don't like to admit this but I hadn't had a shower since the morning of my surgery. I did "clean up" (that's how one of my nurses referred to it, her name is Cyndi & she's from Kenya, I wanted her to come home with me) with those fabulous WARM huge wipes but that's not a shower. I needed to burn my hospital gown. I had permanent bedhead. SO NOT KIDDING. One of the nurses, Louise, said she loved my hairstyle! LOL! It wasn't a hairstyle, it was from my head being smashed down on the pillow for 4 days!

That hot water brought me back to life. Oh how wonderful it felt. I was thanking God out loud in the shower.

I took some Tylenol (regular strength crushed) & a Gas-X strip. Ate a tiny bit of applesauce (like 1 baby spoonful). Oh glory, I felt so much better.

One of my OH friends was talking about praying to the Lord to help me fart! OMG that was totally me last night. He knows our hearts & knows everything going on with us, so we don't need to be embarrassed with Him, right? Thank goodness, because I don't have the energy to be embarrassed in front of anyone right now! And my prayers were answered.

So my dear friend & her daughter (who is also my 19yo son's girl friend... notice I didn't say girlfrend; things are different now than they were when I was 19!) are coming over in about an hour. I am so happy they're coming!

Anyway I'm blathering on. Thank you so much for your kind words! One day at a time!

xo GG 
1 comment

Will this pain ever go away? I am suffering!

Mar 02, 2012

Oh my gahd. I feel awful. I'm in pain, my staples hurt, I'm gassy, I'm hungry, I feel sick to my stomach. I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to pass out, but I can't sleep because I feel terrible & I can't get comfortable.

I came home from the hospital today. They kept me an extra day. I wish I'd stayed there. All I can think of is, Did I make a mistake in having this? I would give just about anything to feel better.

I really am miserable. I curse this fat belly hanging down because it's putting pressure on the incision site & staples. I curse that I'm not "normal" & have to go through all this pain. I curse that I had this surgery. There, I said it. I was so happy, eating normal food, drinking normally, sleeping normally, laughing... Okay, I wasn't happy exactly. But this is horrible! I've had 2 children & I didn't go through anything like the pain I'm in right now.

Please tell me I'm going to feel better! How did your first week go? I haven't cried yet, but I feel like I'm close. I can't imagine I don't get my staples out until 3/8. That seems like so far in the future... I just want to be able to sleep.

Please keep me in your prayers & good thoughts? Thank you so much.

This really is a huge struggle for me.

xo GG


About Me
Feb 01, 2012
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Leaving for the hospital 2/28/2012, 257 lbs.
Christmas Eve 2012, 150 lbs! Lost 107 lbs in less than 10 months!

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