It is a beautiful day

Apr 10, 2008

I have 3 days left - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and then, it's my day.  Monday, April 14th - the day that will change my life.  I am so looking forward to it.

Today, of all days, I chose to wear make-up.  I don't wear it very often to work because I am always rushing in the morning and have a very full day.  I also always consider the end before I do something.  And, if I know that I am going to have a long day, I am not going to feel like taking it off at night.  That's just one extra thing to do.  Anyway, back to what I was saying.  It's warm in my classroom and my face feels shiny.  It's such a yucky feeling.

Another Good Day

Apr 08, 2008

We had another good day at school. One more day of intense testing before we return to business as usual.  Then, I will have just 2 more days.  

Does anyone have suggestions for a protein powder?  I am going to purchase it between tomorrow and Friday.  

I walked around the track a few times while my daughter was at track practice.  I am determined to make this thing work so I need to start now.  

I tried not to post anything today but I just couldn't help myself.  I am so excited.  I just keep thinking about the outcome.

Counting Down

Apr 07, 2008

By this time next week, I would have had the surgery and joined the losing side.  Ok, maybe not the losing side that fast but not far behind.  My students were wonderful today.  Of course not perfect but definitely tolerable.  We are up for two days of intense MSA math testing so we'll have some light afternoon activities.  We are working on some Earth Day posters.  Then, it'll be Thursday and then Friday.  I am really going to miss my angels while I am away.  Even when they give me a hard time, they are very rarely that bad.  Last Friday was the first day that they were really trying me.  

Funny story to share:  While I was cleaning my house over spring break, I finally decided to put some loose pictures in albums.  My youngest daughter just happened to see the sonogram picture of when I was carrying her.  Of course I told her that she was in my stomach.  I thought that conversation was over but this past Saturday, she brought it up.  She asked about the picture with the "black water".  I had no idea of what she was talking about.  So, after further discussion, she said the picture of the black water when I was in your stomach.  I said oh, the sonogram?  She said yes.  Followed by, "Did you eat me?"  It was hilarious.  She was dead serious.

This time next week

Apr 06, 2008

I will preparing to go to the hospital in the morning.  I have to be there at 5:30 am.  That is way early.  Yesterday, someone tried to convince me that I should try the low carb diet again instead of the surgery.  I listened but at the end of the conversation, my mind was still made up.  Except for OH visitors, only about a handful of people know about the wls.  I am tired of having to defend my right to become healthy.  Once the procedure is over, I don't care who knows but right now, I'd rather it stay with a select few.  I am trying hard not to catch a cold before I go in but with this weather changing, I don't know.  My daughter had track practice last Thursday in the rain.  She's only 7 so I had to stay with her.  I didn't get sick but I was really nervous.  I told her that if it rains while she has practice this week, I will sit in the car but I won't leave her there.  If anyone has any last minute advice on how to prepare before going into the hospital, please let me know.  Also, any advice on how to stay comfortable in the hospital is also welcomed.

Did anyone have the On-Q pain pack?  How was it?

Tomorrow is Friday

Apr 03, 2008

That means that there is only 1 week left until my surgery.  I am so excited.  Probably more so because that means that I will be off for a few weeks and right now, I need a break.  I'm really reconsidering this teaching thing.  I love teaching and I love the children but sometimes, it can be rough.  And right now, I think I would benefit better from a nice desk job pushing paper.  The good thing is that by the time I return to work, we will have about a month left.  I think I just need a break.  But, if anyone is hiring and the pay is over $50,000, let me know.

It's Wednesday already...

Apr 01, 2008

and I have 12 days to go.  I am still excited.  I guess the nerves will kick in as I get down to the last few days.  For now, I am just anxious and excited.

I have two weeks,

Mar 31, 2008

that is exactly 14 days, 336 hours, 20,160 minutes, 1,209,600 seconds and counting down.  I can't wait.  I am so excited.  I finally found the gym that I am going to join.  In fact, I am joining tomorrow.  I am still trying to picture myself thinner but I can't.  I guess I will have to see it when it happens.  For me, eating and drinking go hand and hand so I knew that once I had to wait 20-30 minutes before and after eating to drink, it would be difficult.   Therefore, this past Saturday, I started practicing.  And it is the hardest thing for me to do.  I have to make a conscious effort so seperate the two.  The other problem is that I don't eat soup and can't get mentally ready for the pureed foods.  If you have any advice, please help.  Time is of the essence.

I have a date!

Mar 13, 2008

April 14th, I am so so so so so so excited.  Thank you, Jesus!


Mar 07, 2008

I called the insurance company yesterday and they said that as of February 28th, I had been approved.  I am so exicted.  I received a letter over the weekend from someone from the case management dept. of the insurance company saying that she wanted to speak with me in reference to my medical needs and status.  I thought they had denied me for sure.  But, God is good and I am APPROVED:-)

In limbo

Feb 22, 2008

I called my insurance company yesterday for an update.  They said that my approval is pending.  They are reviewing my clinical records.  If it's approved, then I have an admission date of 3/31/08.  Why do they have an admission date and haven't approved me yet?  If anyone can answer that for me, I would be most appreciative.  Does it mean that they are leaning toward approval?  I need help...

About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Dec 30, 2007
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