They That Wait......

Sep 11, 2008

I called my insurance and found out that my doctors office was over charging me for my co-pays.  They charged me the specialist co-pay and they aren't what the insurance considers specialists.....So while on the phone, I ask if any requests have been sent for approval.  I get the news that it has not.  I called the doctors office, and get told that it will be submitted by today I called....and guess what  it hasn't been submitted.  I called back to the doctors office...and they never want you to talk to the insurance chick-a-dees, so I have to leave a message, but before transferring me, they say, we are busy these last couple of weeks...........and if she says she sent it, she sent it...........WHATEVER!!!! .
But really, I'm cool.  I will wait until sometime next week to call again. 
I just need to know when I start the "official" wait!!!

Well...till next time peeps,
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind, don't matter!
Dr. Seuss


Sep 06, 2008

Well we went to our last appointment with the dietitian on 9/2.  They said the next step is for the information to be submitted to the insurance and pray for approval. 
I also received some good news from the hospital.  They contacted my insurance and said the only thing we have to pay for up front is the cost of the room.  Well, 50% of what the insurance says the room is worth.  Which is great!!!  I was thinking they was going to want about $8-$10K up front per we are looking at a cumulative of less than $ thats good!!! 
I feel that this is and will be life saving/changing!!  I am staying prayerful!!! 
Any-who..... God hasnt failed me yet, so I dont know why I thought He was going to start now!!!
And BTW  I surely surely surely love my husband!!  lol....He was so positive about it!!  I gotta get him to get in the camera, so I can get a good picture of him on here, he is handsome!!!
Well my chiren say they are that means time to get some viddles....
Till Next Time....

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind dont matter and those that matter dont mind"Dr. Seuss


Aug 22, 2008

Here is the background on the frustration.  My insurance covers 50% of surgery, this is something I knew.  Before starting any process or appointments with the surgeons office, I was spoke to them about my part of the impending bill.  They suggested I use Care Credit.  I applied, got approved, and started my journey.

Last night, I was prompted, for some odd reason, to check Care Credits website....Thats when I discovered my Hospitals name is NOT on their list.  I called the surgeons office today, because I can't reach anyone at the hospital, and they confirmed that the Hospital doesnt take care credit.  I asked why was this suggested, I have now invested MONEY, and time off from work for appointments, and now I am back at the beginning trying to figure out how Im going to pay my part.  They said if you pay cash, we handle ALL of the billing, and we take care credit, but since you have insurance (and the surgery will cost significantly less , this is my interjection)  the hospital handles their own billing.
I am so frustrated.  My husband is not....or at least acts like he isnt.  He said IT WILL ALL WORK OUT.  I am frustrated, however I believe that it will work out myself.    I am trusting in God.  Romans 8:28 says And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him,and have been called according to His purpose.  So it will work out.
Knowing that keeps me from being depressed, yet Im still frustrated!! 
If you happen to read OH fam, send up some "timbers" (prayers) for a sister (and a brother).


Aug 14, 2008

So I am getting excited, yet apprehensive the closer we get to our last appointment.  We have been told that it takes about 10-14 days for the insurance to approve, and that after going through the program with the dietician, they very seldom get non-approvals. 
I have been reading the blogs on OH, and I see where people are getting approved, yet they have to wait for a few months before having the surgery.  I pray we are able to get this process done this year.  We dont know if the insurance/job is going to drop the coverage.  They added it this year, like for a test run, and it is only covered 50%.  It is very possible they will drop it again.

I probably wont update again until after the appointments we have on 9/2.

About Me
Moore, OK
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2008
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Terrell's Surgery
