My wife (Michelle) is having her first appointment on June 18th with Dr. Sanderfer.We are both looking forward to it.I made the appointment for her at her reequest.

While I know that this surgery (RNY) is going to be a good thing and, if nothing else for Michelle's quality of life, I am still wiggin' out over the fact that someone is going to be cutting on the one that I love.Everyone keeps telling me that "it will be fine" or "don't worry, she'll be ok", I still can't help worrying!

I met Michelle when I was in the Hospital from a motorcycle accident and she was on of my nurse's.That was In November of 1986 and we have been together since.

Hello again, we are in Michigan on vacation.Michelle had her first appointment with the doctor and I went with her.Unfortunately the doctor was not there as he was tied up in surgery.We spoke with one of the staff about the process.Michelle went back three days later for another appointment and got to see the doctor.Although I could not be at that appointment, Michelle was very pleased and felt very at ease with him.She is tentatively scheduled for mid to late August for surgery.She turned in the paperwork and got that part of the process started.So now we are waiting on insurance approval but do not anticipate any problems.We are very excited!

Ok, I just realized that, in the above paragraph, I said that we were in Michigan on vacation and that Michelle had her first appointment.We are in Michigan and she did have her first appointment but the appointment was not here.Oops!The appointment was in Corona, California before we left.

Hello to anyone reading this.We got back from vacation a few days ago and had a great time except for Michelle not fitting into most of the rides at Cedar Point.I felt horrible for her because we didn't relaize it untill we had already waited in line on those rides and then she had to get off.I emailed the park on those concerns and they actually responded.Anyone interested in reading that responce, please contact me at [email protected]

Hello, It's me again.We found out after weeks of dealing with the insurance that we were dealing with the wrong department.Did they tell any of us or the doctor's office that?Of course not.Oh well, at least now we or should I say Michelle has a tentative appointment date of August 20th,2001, barring any unforseen complications.WHEW, WHEW!!!!

GREAT NEWS!!We got the official approval for Michelle's surgery from the insurance. I even got an authorization number.I called the doctor right away and was told that as soon as they can schedule her she will get it.Probably in late August.

GUESS WHAT, SHE GOT AN ACTUAL DATE FOR HER SURGERY!!It is scheduled for 8-17.The person that schedules surgeries at the hospital has been out for surgery complications and the girl that took over for her wasn't doing the job.ARRRGGGG! Anyway, she got the date and we are both so excited.

Hello anyone who is reading this.Michelle's surgery date got changed a while ago to the 21st.That is only 3 days from now!We went to the appointment with the anesthesiologist a few days ago and all went well.She is even going to have the surgery in the same hospital where she is an RNand even got to pick the nurse's that will take care of her and the room too.Is that cool or what?I will be able to be there for the surgery and in the room for days after too.Everyone please say a prayer for her.Thanks.

Boy have things changed a LOT since I last updated this page. We went in for her surgery on the scheduled date. Shegot prep'd and just when the surgery team got in to take her to the operating room, it was cancelled. Yes, cancelled.It seems that the hospital did not have the right stapler for the surgeon to use. The hospital told us that they toldthe surgeon to bring his own from his office and the surgeon's office said that the surgeon told them at the time thesurgery was scheduled to order one.

Michelle even had the I.V. in as well as the epidural.They had to take it all out and send us home.We went straight up to the hospital administrator's office and voiced our feelings.Of course, he was out to lunch but the gal in the office was a former co-worker of Michelle's and took all the information and would pass it on.

We drove to the surgeons office and asked "what now"?Before we even got to the office the arrangements had been made by the surgeon to have it done at another hospital the next day.It turns out that Dr. Sanderfer is the Chairman of the Board at Corona Regeional Medical Center in Corona, CA and he told them that this needed to be done and the patient needed to be taken care of.The office manager told us that if we didn't mind going there, Michelle could have the surgery done the next morning.That is what we did and the hospital personell in Corona could't have been nicer about the whole thing.

Michelle is now 4 weeks post op and, at the two week appointment had already lost 21 pounds.Thank you everyone for all of your support.

Well, she had her 4 week post op check today.Down a total of 27 pounds. She and I both were hoping for more because of how much she lost in the first two weeks.The doctor said that the weight loss in the first two weeks was mostly fluid.Anyway, at least she is loosing.

Sorry I haven't been here to update in a while. My Hunny Bunny weighed herself at work today and is now down 65 pounds!! She is getting into clothes that she hasn't been able to get into in years. I am constantly seeing new results on her, the way she stands, the way she looks, her shape and all sorts of other stuff. Any of you that think it might not work for you should re-think it. It does work.

Well, we went to doctor's office again today and, guess what, SHE HAS FINALLY HIT THE 100 POUND LOSS MARK. We were both so jazzed, I stuck my head out the door, into the waiting room, and announced it. Everyone cheered for her. That was a great milestone. You can do it too!

I am so thrilled for my wife, she hit 114 pounds the other day!! We went to a support meeting a week or so ago and I thought it was very nice to see so many people there. The meeting was held at Kaiser Hospital in Fontana, CA on the last Monday evening of each month. That is not where she had the surgery but it is a good group anyway.

Hello all, my wonderful wife has now lost 128 pounds! Pretty good for only eight months, huh? I am so proud of her. She just bought some 1x uniforms and she used to be in a 5x before surgery. Anyway, she is thrilled with the loss but the buying of new clothes every month is a double edged sword, she says.

I see that it has been a while since I have been here. GUESS WHAT?! Michelle has now lost 135 pounds. I am so proud of her. She is doing so well now. In the last update I put here she had bought some 1X uniforms, well she, since then, bought some plain ole regular large size ones too. WHOOWHOO!!

Boy, have I waited too long again or what?!Well, Michelle is now down by 147 pounds! And will soon weigh less than me. On a side note, I have been accepted as a new member of the staff at and I am very excited about it. I am a greeter for new members on the site.

WOW, three months since I have been here! Well, what can I say, there have been some technical difficulties.

MICHELLE HAS NOW LOST 160 POUNDS!!!!!!!!! That is in just 14 months too. She is buying clothes in sizes that she didn't ever think that she would ever ware again. Even her shoe size has gone down. She can eat anything she wants and that is great for her. One problem she has a hard time dealing with is the fact that she never knows from one meal to the next just how much she will be able to eat at a sitting. Two days ago she sat down to dinner and ate two tacos but the next day if she sat down to the same meal she might only be able to eat one half of one. This drives her nuts.

She really wants to start interviewing plastic surgeons for that part of this endeavor, although she would not be eligible for it for another year or so.

Hello again. Michelle has now lost 164 or 163, depending on which day it is. We looked up plastic surgeons on our insurance company's web site and will be looking more into that in the near future. She wants it soon but knows that she needs to wait because if she has it too soon and then looses a substantial amount more, she might need the plastic surgery again.

My goodness it has been a long time since I updated this page.

Well, for starters, Michelle has now lost a total of 170 pounds and is feeling wonderful. She can eat just about anything and there areonly a few things that don't agree with her. One of which is orange juice. I guess the one thing that frustrates her the most is the fact that she NEVER knows, each time she sits down to eat a meal,just how much she will be able to eat at that meal. She might sit down to lunch and only be able to get a few bites down and then, at dinner, be able to eat like crazy or visa versa.

I have mentioned before that for the longest time I would literally see something daily that was different about her. Although that frequency has decreased, I still see things and I am sure I will for some time to come. Just the other day I noticed that her feet had gotten thinner. I was rubbing lotion on her legs a week or so ago and noticed that I could put my hands around her calf and touch, no wait, overlap my fingertips.

Any of you reading this, please understand that this procedure is a goodthing. Just make sure that is right for you.

Well, as usual, it has been way too long since I have updated anything here. I guess I can start with my work that I am still doing for this wonderful website. I still work with Member Services and chat moderation. I really love what I am doing for member services. I contact new members to our site and offer a variety of help. Most of what I do is to help members that are looking for surgeons or a facility to have the surgery done. We here at the site have many research links that I often send out to members so that they can do their own research but most are very appreciative when I can do the research and send them what I find. In member services we can do a lot for the member and I just depends on what the member needs.

About a month ago Michelle and I attended an conference in one of the Disneyland Hotels in Anaheim and had a great time. We finally got to meet many of the people that we have been chatting and working with on the site. There were many speakers and one of them was a plastic surgeon that specializes in the formerly obese. Michelle ended up getting a consult with him and we are currently waiting for approval. This will be her second plastic surgery and she is wanting to get her legs and hips done this time.

On the home front? Well, we bought Michelle a new Lexus SUV and she simply loves it. It has all the gadgets an creature comforts that you would expect from a Lexus. On my full time job ( is a part timer) I am getting plenty of overtime and driving many more miles.

I will make another update after we find out more on Michelle's pending plastic surgery.

I am SOOOOO looking forward to the L.A. Convention this weekend. I sure hope to see as many of you as possible. I even get to speak at one of the sessions. It will be called "Spousal Support"


About Me
Alta Loma, CA
Jun 08, 2001
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 4
I guess it's about time
