Hey Everyone!!!!  Just a little about myself.....I am 33 years old and have been overweight my entire life.  I have been married to my wonderful husband, Tony, for almost 9 years.  We have 2 awesome dogs, exotic mixed breeds as Tony calls them, and 2 of the best cats with so much personality.  They are our babies.  We haven't been able to have any children yet because of my weight, but I am hoping that the RNY surgery will change all of that.  Like a lot of people, I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I had some healthier times through high school, while I was still overweight, it didn't affect me as much, I had a lot of friends and was fairly happy.  When I went away to college I put some weight on, who doesn't, but it wasn't out of control yet.  I left college without finishing and got a job and that is when disaster happened.  I worked a job right out of college that was sometimes 18 hour days, 6 days a week.  I was the office manager and dispatcher for a tree removal and care company.  It was impossible most days to leave the office for anything so we did a lot of delivery.  Plus all I did was eat, sleep and work, I was miserable and misery loves chocolate, so there I was 22 with no life, working all the time and packing on the pounds.  After 8 months I realized I couldn't do that anymore, so I quit and started working at George Mason University.  While I am still in an office sitting at a computer all day, it is a much healthier environment.  I got married shortly after that and just continued to put on weight.  At that point food had been the only constant.  Plus, my husband was THIN.  He weighed less then I had ever weighed in my adult life and he could eat.  My friend warned me that when I got married I would think I could eat as much as he could, but I didn't listen.  Last March I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure.  My dad is diabetic, so we knew this was a possibility for me.  I was doing really well, taking my meds and losing weight.  Then my sister got married in Jamaica.  Sigh, nothing can throw off your healthy living then an all inclusive 24/7 junk food vacation.  I got off my schedule and my health took a nose dive.  I am so happy that I decided to have the RNY surgery.  I didn't fully realize how unhealthy I was until I started having all these tests.  I can wait for my new life to begin!!!!

About Me
Sterling, VA
Surgery Date
May 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 21
I did it!!!!
Almost to a goal!!!
Time flies
Its hard to believe
1 month post-op
Another week
First Day Back at Work
