what an amazing feeling!

Oct 05, 2008

Its another month gone by and I can't believe the way that I feel and look! I love my band! I love it love it love it! This is the best thing that I have ever done for myself!
I am down to 210 pds from 263 I will be hitting onederland soon!

Just thought I would update this!

ok so the summer is over lol

Sep 05, 2008

WOW the summer went by fast! I am waiting for the leaves to turn and I can't wait to have the crisp fall nights.

I am doing great! I finally have restriction and I am dropping weight! I love the way that I feel.
I went to see my doctor this week and he said that I am looking skinny! I love him! :0)
I ordered a WII and WII fit, I love it! Anyone that doesnt like going to the gym should really buy one, they are fun!
Anyway, I'm off just wanted to update!


Apr 12, 2008

Wow, how times goes by! It's been such a long time. First things first! I am banded!!!! I can't believe that the next blog I am writing about, I'm letting everyone know that I am banded.
The surgery went well. I was laid up for a while, however I feel fine now and I am almost back to normal as far as doing things. I have lost a total of 13 pds on my liquid diet before surgery and another 11 pds since my surgery so I am feeling wonderful about that!
I am going to try to update every now and then and post some pictures when I see a difference.

Gods blessings

down 20 pounds!

Oct 22, 2007

OK, so I wrote about me starting to go to a personal trainer. Well, since going, I have lost a total of 20 pds! I didn't think that I would ever say that! It feels so nice to be able to say that I lost instead of gained.
I will have to adventually stop seeing her though. Even though I hate to, I can't afford to keep seeing her. It will be a sad day when that happens,  because I have grown to become good friends with her.
Anyway, I just want to get my happy moment out there.

Until next time.

One office visit down...

Sep 26, 2007

OK, so I went to the first office visit. I met with the doctor, nutritionlist, psycologist and I have to say...all of them were very nice. Well, the psycologist was kinda like..so what was your childhood like...I just told her the truth..It was very abusive and I think that there were much better one's out there! I then asked her if that would be a cause of me being over weight? She said YES..Which I kind of knew, but wanted to get a professional to let me know that I was right.
Anyway, I have to get one test done an upper GI ...from the sounds of it, its going to be awful. I guess I will have to drink this stuff. Then thats it, thats all the test that I have to do. I'm so excited!
Then I have my second visit with the doctor and nutritionlist. Then I guess I have to go to a support meeting. 
I'm pretty sure thats it. HOPEFULLY!
I'm so excited about my choice!
Until next time~
oh yeah, I lost 11 pds in a month, I love my personal trainer!

moving right along!

Sep 16, 2007

OK, so its been a while since I wrote. I have been busy, I found this new website that I can do at home and make money! It's  a little time confusing at first to learn all that you need to do, however I am rolling in it now! So far I have made about 1000/00 bucks! Thats not pocket change. 

OK, enough about that...So, lets see...I finally got my first doctors visit scheduled!!!! YEAH! Its going to be Sept 25th. I can't wait! I have recieved the emmi in the mail and watched that. Very interesting. Love it! I am so excited I can hardly wait! 

OK, I have to check on some things before I put the girls in the bath..

OH YEAH...I started going back to the gym and hired a personal trainer! I love her, she doesn't let me stop when I feel like quitting and she is so sweet. But, not to sweet.

Ok, until next time.

I am so excited!

Aug 09, 2007

Yesterday, I had my first informational meeting with the team that does the operations!!!! I am so excited I can hardly talk about it.

I guess my next step is getting the first appointment with the surgeon, nurse, Dietitian and psychologis! YEAH 

OK, I am done being so darn excited  ( for now)

Until later,
Me :)

OK maybe not EVERY day!

Jul 27, 2007

Today was a great day. I started my day by handing it over to the lord. I don't do this everyday, however it seems when I do , I have a wonderful day.

So, yesterday I was sick. I guess there is something in our city water that is making everyone sick. Which really scares me because last summer, my little Maddie had E-coli and adventually turned into HUS, which shut down her kidneys and she had to be on dialysis. That was tough, we spent most of the summer in the hopital here in vermont and Boston. So, when I hear things like that I freak out!

So, I ate pretty good today, this morning I had a bowl of cherrio's and for lunch I had chicken. I will be having corn on the cob tonight. Yummy!

OK, so I am getting so excited about doing this process, I can't wait. The other day I found out that a friend of mine is doing it also! That will be so nice to have someone here local doing this with me. Her meeting isn't until sept. So, I will be doing everything first, but at least I can tell her what to expect.

Until later...

start of posting until I get banded!

Jul 22, 2007

OK, this is going to be my first start of my posting until I get my surgery done!
I finally got my packet in the mail for my informational meeting. Which is August 8th, I am sooooo excited about this. I remember in May, I knew that I wouldn't be going until Aug and I was so sad, but now its right around the corner.

OK, so I promised myself that I need to start writing down my feelings and what I am doing about it so here I am.

I first have to thank the lord for everything that he has done for me and everything that he will do for me. I love him and without him in my life, I wouldn't be the person I am today, thank you Jesus! I am a true believer in Christ and I know that he will walk beside me during this.

Now...this is the first, so I am going to make it short and sweet. Just wanted to get this first one out!

Until tomorrow!

First information seminar

May 14, 2007

I called the Doctors office on Friday because I haven't heard from them yet. I was told that before I meet with the surgeon, I have to take a information class. That's fine, however the next class isn't until AUG! grrrr...God is really testing my patience.

About Me
st albans, VT
Surgery Date
Apr 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 11
what an amazing feeling!
ok so the summer is over lol
down 20 pounds!
One office visit down...
moving right along!
I am so excited!
OK maybe not EVERY day!
start of posting until I get banded!
First information seminar
