Goodness its been a while!!!

Mar 07, 2010

Hey folks, I'm back!

My son has a tendency to say this when he wakes up from a nap, and it still makes me laugh. But that's exactly how I feel...I'm back! Its been a minute I know, and now I see how people can get so wrapped up in their 'new' lives that sometimes they forget or can't post on here....I like posting, but I've been a little busy lately, so lets bring everyone up to speed.

Hmmm....Well I went to my first support meeting on March 2nd. It was at GW hospital. Pretty awesome and diverse group of people. I was a little apprehensive, but if you can't tell I love to talk, so after a while I was right at home. We talked about dining out, and the nutritionist brought food from Friday's....Key Lime Shrimp and Chicken Fiesta or something...there was a lot of fruit and crap in the chicken, I didn't like it, but I love the Key Lime Shrimp. One thing I will share is seafood goes down the best. When I say this I mean that seafood, doesn't feel dense like Chicken and beef. I know you'll be told that you can't have this or you can't have that, and I say listen to your dr. However, just like touching fire, they say don't do it, and if you don't know what they are talking about, you do it anyway, just to find out that sh*t hurts! LOL. Anyway, I've tried different types of chicken, and seriously like my nurse said, if its not cooked in a slowcooker and super moist, its gonna cause problems, and it does. It'll fill my pouch so freaking fast, its unbelievable. That's what I hate about chicken. Two bites, and I can't touch anything else for damn near 30 minutes. I believe beef is the same way, so I don't touch that either. I was told around week 3 that seafood, especially white fish like whiting or tilapia would be really good....that and shrimp, and so far that woman has not lied. If there is nothing I really feel like eating, I just pop a Gorden's fish fillet in the over for about 30 mins. and  that's dinner. Nothing else...I'm usually full afterwards, and its like 19 grams of protein.
Anyway, back to the meeting. I took my husband with me. One of the ladies asked us, if either of us had the surgery or waiting to get approved. I laughed, my husband didn't think it was funny, and told me he was going to cry (I know he was playing about that), it was still funny. My husband would be considered overweight, however he's fine how he is, and I think good about losing weight, so as I change my diet, he's changing his.

My rant this week....Lane Bryant!!!!
I officially hate that store, this coming from someone who probably should own stock in the freaking company. I truly hate them. I went Friday morning to find something to wear to the club. I haven't been to the club in about a year, and we were going out to celebrate my SIL's birthday.  Everything in that store was sooooooo expensive it didn't make sense to me. I just feel like with the recession and stuff, they have no right to have their crap sooooooo expensive. Its like they are saying "if you want it FatGirl, you'll spend the money". Well, this fatgirl refused to spend the prices they wanted for the crap they had. One blouse that looked fun, and was in their mini mag, was $69.99...seriously? For a blouse I'd have to wear to the club, coz it wouldn't work at work? Thats crazy. I love lingerie....3 pair of panties for $29.99? Since when has a $10 pair of panties been cool? They won't get me dressed, get me to work faster, or prevent me from using the bathroom, so why would I pay that much for a pair of undies? I was just really disgusted....I think because I've just spent so much money here in the past, and I feel like they have gone out of control. I find solace in knowing that soon I won't have to shop there at all!

Wow moment?
I went from wearing a solid 26/28 for the last 3 or 4 years to now being in a 22/24....absolutely awesome!

What I've learned so far...
Leave the scale alone. I know this is easier said than done, but I found out early on, that I'm not one of those folks that loses 15-20lbs a week. At first that bothered me....was I doing something wrong? What wasn't I doing right? Why does God hate me (I know, I'm dramatic), but at the end of the day, I've been losing a lot, I mean A LOT of inches. Everywhere...shoulders, boobies, waist, legs, thighs....those things can't be measured by weight, and they feel a whole lot better than some numbers on a if I get on the scale and it says 290, but I'm in a 18/20? I'll take it!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 18, 2008
Member Since

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